Welcome to the Gammaverse, where things are similar to your universe, but not exactly the same. Our saga tells the story of a few select people within the Gammaverse, that perhaps do not represent the Gammaverse, yet their existence shows the difference between your universe and the Gammaverse. These tales were first posted to the Indiana Sailor Moon Mailing List, and are now edited and archived on this page for your enjoyment and understanding...
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC. Various Sagaverse plot elements mentioned belong to their respective authors, including Mark Vallen and Leonard Houle. Agents Moldy and Scoldy are intentional spoofs of Fox's The X-Files, and the original characters belong to Fox. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is property of Joss Whedon and executives of both the television show and comic books. Pen Pen and Neon Genesis Evangelion are owned by Gainax Studios and ADV Films.)