Welcome to my new monthly poll! Please vote in
every category. I ask you to not vote more than once, because that would be unfair to the people who only voted once. If I see any multiple votes, all the multiple votes will be disqualified. The first category, "Favorite Scout From Sailor Moon" is just any senshi (scout) who is in the actual anime. The second, "Favorite Scout From My Fanfic", is of course, the new scouts I have created. The third, "All-Time Favorite Scout" is to see how my fanfic scouts run against the real senshi (scouts). Please make sure this choice is the same as either one of your first two choices. Then, there's "Favorite Villain From Sailor Moon", which is all the major villains up to the four sisters from the actual anime. (Which is all the major villains from the first season, and about half of Sailor Moon R.) Fifth, I have "Favorite Villain From My Fanfic", which is again just any major villain I've created so far. The monster-of-the-day's will not be listed. Next, we have "Favorite Other Character", which will be all the characters that are a main character somewhere in the series, but not necessarily in a lot of episodes, that I can remember.
All these will be listed in the DiC dub names, followed in ()'s the original, Japanese name if I know it. (By the way, Japanese names are listed last name first, first name last.)
Next, is "Favorite Gaurdian Cat". This is pretty much self-explanatory. There's also "Favorite Fanfic Story!" In this section, please choose which of my fanfic stories you like the best. If you don't read them, just skip that question. And last, the newest addition to the poll, the "Question of the Month!" Every month, there will be a new and different question here to helps me to evaluate my site and make changes that you'll enjoy.
Results to the January , February, March, April 1999 Poll are after the ballot area.
Favorite Scout (Senshi) From Sailor Moon:
Sailor Jupiter won with 7 votes.
Sailor Saturn got 3 votes.
Sailor Chibi-Moon got 2 votes.
Sailor Pluto got 2 votes.
Sailor Mars got 1 vote.
Sailor Moon got 1 vote. and Sailor Venua got 1 vote.
Favorite Scout (Senshi) From My Fanfic:
Sailor Sun won with 10 votes. and Sailor Nega got 2 votes.
All-Time Favorite Scout (Senshi):
Sailor Jupiter won with 6 votes.
Sailor Saturn got 3 votes.
Sailor Jupiter got 3 votes.
Sailor Mars got 1 vote.
Sailor Moon got 1 vote.
Sailor Pluto got 1 vote.
Sailor Sun got 1 vote. and Sailor Venus got 1 vote.
Favorite Villain From Sailor Moon:
Nephlite (Nephrite) won with 4 votes.
Bertie (Beruche) got 3 votes.
Katsy (Cooan) got 3 votes.
The Wiseman got 2 votes.
Alan (Ail) got 1 vote.
Jadeite got 1 vote.
Prince Darien (Prince Endymion) got 1 vote. and Prisma (Petz) got 1 vote.
Favorite Villain From My Fanfic:
Deathwish won with 4 votes.
Sailor Nega got 3 votes.
Insectica got 2 votes. and Lovestreak got 1 vote.
Favorite Other Character:
Andrew won with 5 votes.
Hercules got 3 votes.
Chad (Kumada Yuuchiro) got 1 vote.
Greg (Urawa Ryo) got 1 vote.
Molly (Osaku Naru) got 1 vote.
Andrew (Furuhata Motoki) got 1 vote.
Raye's Grampa got 1 vote.
Rini (Chibi-Usa) got 1 vote. and Sammy (Tsukino Shingo) got 1 vote.
Favorite Guardian Cat:
Luna won with 9 votes.
Artemis got 4 votes. and Diana got 3 votes.
Favorite Fanfic Story:
"The Trail of Fears" won with 5 votes.
"Sailor Slave" got 4 votes.
"Muffin Mania" got 2 vote. and "Sailor Nega Changes Moons" got 2 votes.
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