(people have visited this website since November 26th, 1996, including you!)


Simply put, Sailor Sun is not an actual character in Sailor Moon, but this is her fan fiction web site. Sailor Sun is a character created from my imagination and stars in the stories I write here. Now, to tell you how she came about...
Terrence Ladan, another fan fiction author had a site called "Sailor Earth" around the time it all began. Reading his first few stories, I thought, "I'll write another character to put on his page; A Sailor Sun!" Well, I suggested the idea to him, but he told me that he'd be glad for me to contribute my ideas, but Sailor Earth was kind of his pet project. To find a place for Sailor Sun, I created my own web site, The Sailor Sun Fan Fiction Web Site. Since the plotline for Sailor Sun revolved alot around the appearance of Sailor Earth, but Sailor Earth was the creation Terrence Ladan's, so I had to come up with a different plotline for Sailor Sun to revolve around. Thus, arose Sailor Nega, scout of the negaverse! The healing of Sailor Nega could make Sailor Sun appear. But when Sailor Nega was healing, her name couldn't possibly continue to be Sailor Nega, so then came Sailor Mega. There had also been a Sailor Phalynax, but she got cut out, when I decided that I didn't really like her character and storyline. ^^
If you get a chance, please send me an e-mail telling me what you think of my fan fiction. Mail here: Gemini6Ice.

Recent Information:

October 7th, 2001

Okay, I'll begin with the updates: BRAND NEW episode of Sailor Moon Says! Woohoo! What happens when Artemis and Luna get an episode of their own? Well, let's just say you'll see why it doesn't happen more often! I've added a new logic puzzle to the puzzle page, amounting to a grand total of two! (Hey, these things are tough to create, and their explanations five times as difficult!) I've posted the results to September's Sailor Mercury's Databse question, and put up a new question for October, which I'm begging you to answer! And the smallest of all the updates, I've removed a ring from my rings page which I've been in the queue of for 90 days without being added and Yahoo! removed me because of. That makes me rings total one, a number actually less than my number of puzzles! If you have a Sailormoon webring or even just a writers' webring, please let me know so i can join your ring! Now, on to the frivolous stuff: I've been sick all week! Yuck! I have to build a house tomorrow, so I'm glad that I'm beginning to feel a little better. SAT IIs are next Saturday, so I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed right now. I really hope to remodel this site by its fifth anniversary, although graphically I might not be able to. (I am subjected to use a Photoshop-wanna-be called "PhotoMaker." Don't you just love knock-off brands? I know I do!) If you would like to receive e-mail notification upon this site's updates, there is a form lower on this page, and, as always, you can reach me at ata1@airmail.net !

The Story:

For best viewing of "Sailor Slave"and "Muffin Mania," please stretch your browser's window to full length. For best viewing of "Sailor Nega Changes Moons", "The Trail of Fears", "Teacher's Pets", and "Dreaming of You", please make sure you have images turned on.

  • Sailor Nega Changes Moons
  • Sailor Slave
  • Muffin Mania
  • The Trail of Fears
  • Teacher's Pets
  • Dreaming of You

Last Updated: Wednesday, July 18th, 2001


Sailor Moon
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Mars
Sailor Nega
Sailor Mega
Sailor Sun

Last Updated: Sunday, January 28th, 2001

Episode 20: Taking Off
Episode 20: Taking Off
Episode 1: "A New Beginning" to Episode 5: "Toxicality"
Episode 6: "Planning for Matrimony" to Episode 10: "A Monologue"
Episode 11: "Knock-Knock" to Episode 15: "Are We There Yet?"
Episode 16: "Have Yourself a Merry Little Incarceration" to Episode 20: "Taking Off"
Episode 21: "Wasting Your Time" to Episode 25: "Terminally Ill"
Episode 26: "Switcheroo!" to Episode 30: "Up a Tree Without a Paddle"

Sailor Moon Says: Past Seasons
Season 1
Season 2
Last Updated: Sunday, February 27th, 2000

More Sailor Moon Stuff:

The Gammaverse Saga
Last Updated: Monday, November 27th, 2000
Sailor Mercury's Database
Last Updated: Sunday, October 7th, 2001
Sailormoon Puzzles
Last Updated: Sunday, October 7th, 2001

Miscellaneous Pages:

The Sailor Sun Fan Fiction Rings Page
Last Updated: Sunday, October 7th, 2001
The Sailor Sun Fan Fiction Links Page
Last Updated: Tuesday, June 19th, 2001
The Sailor Sun Fan Fiction Awards Page
Last Updated: Saturday, April 28th, 2001

E-mail me when you update this site!
Just fill out your e-mail address and submit it and I will e-mail you whenever I update my website! Please check twice after you fill it out before submitting to make sure you have entered it correctly. Also, if you have AOL, please make sure to include the "@aol.com" after your screen name.

Your e-mail address:

Major problems with my site?
E-mail Gemini6Ice!

Sailor Sun Says...
"Plagerism is bad. There are many people who exert much energy trying to create something worthwhile. Please don't plagiarize! It is incredibly immoral! If you use your mind and listen to your teachers when they try to teach you things, you will be able to come up with fantastic ideas to make your stories great! If you want to use something that someone else has created, ask them first. You're sure to get better results! Sailor Sun Says!!"
(This being said, my versions of Sailor Sun (Cynthia), Sailor Nega (Aroura), and Sailor Mega (Aroura) are mine. Please do not take them or put them on your site without my permission.)

©1996 to 2001Gemini6Ice.

All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.
The Sailor Sun Fan Fiction Web Site is hosted by GeoCities Get your own Free Home Page

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