( people have visited since November 26th, 1996)
Recent Information
June 15th, 2003

My progress on nthe new layout is coming along very slowly. But I finally got my new scanner working! Yay! So I've scanned in about 200 out of over 1000 cards from 1KBWC, so look forward to that site! Anyhow, a new episoe of "Sailor Moon Says" is airing: "Tanks for Everything"! If you read last week's episode, you probably have good idea what's going to happen. If you'd like to receive e-mail notification whenever I update my site, sign up for the Site Update List, a link to which is available in the left frame. Or, you can simply scroll down to sign up. As always, I love to hear any comments, questions, or opinions you might have regarding this website; you can reach me at ata1@airmail.net. So e-mail me! Please!

The Sailor Sun Saga, which was the initial reason for this entire website, picks up where the dub left off a its first hiatus, immediately after the healing of the Four Sisters. Originally intended to be the birthstory of Sailor Sun, it began with Sailor Nega, and will someday progress to include Sailor Mega and Sailor Sun as well. Its latest installment is "Dreaming of You: Chapter 7."

(Last updated: Sunday, November 10th, 2002)
Sailor Moon Says began shortly after this website itself did. It is currently in its 3rd season, which has actually spanned for longer than a year. Its entire premise is that of decapitated Sailor Moon characters running around inciting mayhem. Whether it will progress into a 4th season is still unknown, but the currently airing episode is "Tanks for Everything"

(Last updated: Sunday, June 15th, 2003)
The Gammaverse is an ongoing series that I originally began writing on the Indiana Sailormoon Mailing List, and I still do, whenever I find enough spare time to do so that is. I've written much more than what appears here, because this serves mainly as an archive for the edited version of the series. The latest segment archived is "Pets!"

(Last updated: Sunday, November 10th, 2002)
This section entails various other fanfiction I've written, not even necessarily of Sailor Moon. Since my tendency is to write in on-going sagas, my stand-alone stories are rare.

(Last updated: Sunday, December 16th, 2001)

Sailor Mercury's Database is essentially this website's form of a poll. Every (or every other) month I change the question, and use the results to improve this site and various items that are part of it. There is no current question.

(Last updated: Sunday, May 25th, 2003)
Ask Sailor Venus and you won't be dissappointed! Every month, she'll tackle your greatest problems with the skill that only the soldier of love and beauty could have! This month's column includes responses about friends who lie and math problems that stump you.

(Last updated: Sunday, January 5th, 2003)
Puzzles is for those of you craving a little interactivity in your fanfiction experience. Granted, it's not as interactive as, say, Choose Your Own Adventure, but it values problem-solving a little more than lucky guess. The latest addition is "Animal Instincts," a logic problem.

(Last updated: Sunday, December 16th, 2001)
Contests aren't very frequent, as my wallet isn't exactly overflowing with spare money. I run contests when I have the time, money, and energy to do so, but those times are rare. In the meantime, this section serves as a tribute to those who have won in the past.

(Last updated: Sunday, February 17th, 2002)
Profiles contains profiles of Sailor Scouts as well as villains from The Sailor Sun Saga. The last character to be profiled was Sailor Mars.

(Last updated: Saturday, December 29th, 2001)

Last updated:
Sunday, June 30th, 2002
Last updated:
Saturday, April 28th, 2001
Last updated:
Sunday, July 21st, 2002
Last updated:
Tuesday, January 1st, 2002

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Just fill out your e-mail address and submit it and I will e-mail you whenever I update my website! Please check twice after you fill it out before submitting to make sure you have entered it correctly. Also, if you have AOL, please make sure to include the "@aol.com" after your screen name.

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Aphrodesiacs gone horribly awry?
E-mail Gemini6Ice!

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Sailor Sun Says...

"I know this may sound corny, but plagerism is bad! There are many people all over the world working hard to deliver quality art (whether visually, musically, poetically, literarily, or other medium), and stealing someone else's work for your own is not only morally reprehensible but completely disrespectful to the artist! If you'd like to use something someone else has created themselves, perhaps as a component of a project of your own, try asking permission. The truth is, most would be honored to have their work treated so admirably!"

(This being said, my versions of Sailor Sun (Cynthia), Sailor Nega (Aroura), and Sailor Mega (Aroura), as well as all other characters and stories I've concocted, are mine. Please do not pilfer their existence; ask permission to borrow them!)

©1996 to 2003 by Gemini6Ice
(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)

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