
Real Name: Kelli Brewer
Birthdate: April 13th, Present timeline
Astrological Sign: Aries
Blood Type: AB
Age: 21 years old
Eye Color: Hazel
Civilian Hair Color: Black
Villain Hair Color: Neon green
Likes: Pain, danger, and suspense
Dislikes: Sailor Moon, injuries, and boredom
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Food: Dark Chocolate
Least-Favorite Food: Bread
Hobbies: Stealing energy, painting her nails, and taking risks
Gemstone: Onyx
First Appeared In: "Muffin Mania"


Kelli and her twin sister Jacklyn both worked as managers of a small bakery in Tokyo, with the only employee below them during their shift being Sarah Peterson. Both the twins are vile and viscious, the epitome of snobbery. However, their perspective changed slightly once Rubius took a job at their bakery. He kidnapped all three and turned them into henchgirls of the Negamoon. Kelli Brewer became Deathwish, the second to be transformed, with many powers not exactly defined and concrete. Most, however, seem to have a theme of pain and suffering. She also has the power to heal herself, quickly removing any injury. Like most girls of the Negaverse and Megamoon, she gets into petty arguments over who is the best-looking, especially with her twin sister Insectica. Even though she was unwillingly captured and transformed, she seems to enjoy this life of evil even more than her previous life.

Powers and Abilities
Deathwish can easily transform between her civilian and henchgirl forms.
(First used in "Muffin Mania")
As with almost all henchmen of the Negaverse and Negamoon, Deathwish can transport herself to any other location instantly.
(First used in "Muffin Mania")
Her most basic ability, Deathwish can cause agonizing pain upon a subject with only a thought.
(First used in "Muffin Mania")
What would the cruelest henchgirl of all be without super-strength to inflict even more pain upon her victims? Deathwish can overpower almost anyone in contests of strength, even the muscular Sailor Jupiter.
(First used in "Muffin Mania")
Deathwish also has the ability to conjure thousands of sharp blades from the walls around her, making an inescapable, deathly room.
(First used in "Teacher's Pets")

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)