Real Name: | Sarah Peterson |
Birthdate: | February 7th, Present timeline |
Astrological Sign: | Aquarius |
Blood Type: | A |
Age: | 19 years old |
Eye Color: | Pink |
Civilian Hair Color: | Sandy-blonde |
Villain Hair Color: | Pink |
Likes: | Bubble baths, Rubius, and romance novels |
Dislikes: | Insectica, Deathwish, and the Sailor Scouts |
Favorite Color: | Pink |
Favorite Food: | Cotton Candy |
Least-Favorite Food: | Meat |
Hobbies: | Stealing energy, toying with hearts, and looking pretty |
Gemstone: | Tourmaline |
First Appeared In: | "Muffin Mania" |
Sarah Peterson, having recently graduated from high school, worked as hired help at a local bakery and managed by two snotty twins, Kelli and Jacklyn. One day, Rubius took a job at the bakery, whom she developed a small crush on, and it seemed that he may have held some feelings for her. However, he soon revealed his true self by kidnapping the three girls. He transformed Sarah first, into Lovestreak, with the ability to manipulate people's hearts. She went from a wholesome girl to a self-centered villain, just like her two bosses had been to begin with, so their change was not as striking of one as Sarah's. |
Transformation | |
Lovestreak can easily transform between her civilian and henchgirl forms. |
Transportation | |
As with almost all henchmen of the Negaverse and Negamoon, Lovestreak can transport herself to any other location instantly. |
Heartbeat | |
Lovestreak conjures extremely loud, beating hearts around her enemies, making them swoon from the sheer volume of the power. |
Clothe | |
Lovestreak has the simple ability to conjure up any type of clothing she desires, usually pink in color. |
Charm | |
As mentioned previously, Lovestreak has the innate ability to make people swoon for her, obeying her every command out of "love." |