Sailor Mars

Real Name: Raye Hino
Birthdate: April 17th, Present timeline
Astrological Sign: Aries
Blood Type: AB
Age: 14 years old
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Black
Likes: Meditation, Shintoism, and Fire
Dislikes: Television, Serena (sometimes... okay, most of the time), and the Negaverse / Negamoon
Favorite Colors: Red and Black
Favorite Foods: Fugu
Least-Favorite Food: Canned Asparagus
Favorite Subject: Ancient Writings
Least-Favorite Subject: Modern Society
Hobbies: Fortunetelling, beating up Serena, and reading
Planetary Symbol: A heart with an arrow coming out of the bottom. It is rotated so that the arrow points diagonally up-right
Scout Colors: Red and purple
Gemstone: Ruby
First Appeared In: "An Uncharmed Life"


Long, long ago, during the Silver Millennium, Raye lived as the Princess of Mars. All was well until Queen Beryl and the Negaverse attacked, destroying the Moon Kingdom. Princess Serenity's mother, Queen Serenity (go figure) used the Silver Imperium Crystal to send them all to the future to be reincarnated.

In the present timeline, Serena, Luna, and Amy first met Raye at the Cherry Hill temple when investigating the disappearances of girls who had gone up to the temple to buy charms. Raye suspected Serena of being evil and whacked her with a spirit ward, which may have been the start of their constant bickering. Luna sensed something about Raye and left her a transformation pen, which she used after being sucked into an alternate realm by Jadeite. She is constantly doted upon by Chad, the rock musician who came to the temple to learn their ways, but she does not return his feelings. Before Serena dated Darien, Raye temporarily went out with him, who dated her more out of pity than out of admiration.

After defeating the Negaverse and Queen Beryl, she lost all of her memories of being Sailor Mars and didn't remember until Alan and Ann attacked her at an audition and Luna restored her memories, as well as the other three inner scouts.

"Mars, Power!!"
This is Sailor Mars's first transformation command.
(First used in "An uncharmed Life")
"Mars, Fire, Ignite!!"
Sailor Mars holds her hands in a play-gun fashion and concentrates, releasing a flare onto her enemies.
(First used in "An Uncharmed Life")
"Mars, Firebird, Strike!!"
Sailor Mars prepares just like her first attack, but she aims her fire at a spirit ward, releasing a phoenix-type bird made of fire upon her opponents.
(First used in "Raye's Day in the Spotlight")
"Mars, Star, Power!!"
Sailor Mars uses this transformation command after receiving her new transformation pen.
(First used in "Mercury Moving On?")
"Mars, Celestial Fire, Surround!!"
Sailor Mars gains this ability after receiving her new transformation pen. She focuses and is quietly surrounded by golden spheres with kanji written on them. She then unleashes her fire but it comes out in rings, is stronger than her other attacks, can cut through enemy attacks more easily, and can function to illuminate a darkened area.
(First used in "Gramps in a Pickle")

Special Items
Spirit Ward
Raye seems to have a limitless supply of spirit wards, which are little slips of paper with kanji phrases written on them that, when coupled with her meditative abilities, can stop an enemy in his or her tracks.
Transformation Pen
This pen was given to Raye by Luna and it allows her to transform into Sailor Mars.
With the appearance of a personal organizer, Raye's communicator allows her to contact the other scouts.
Transformation Pen
Sailor Mars received a new transformation pen along with the other scouts when Amy was about to go to Germany. Although the new pen strengthened her abilities, she didn't use a new attack until a little later.
Wrist Communicator
At the same time that Luna and Artemis gave all the girls new transformation pens, they also gave the Sailor Scouts new wrist communicators.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)