"The Senshi go Shopping"
Logic Puzzle

This past weekend, the five inner senshi all went shopping at the mall (Usagi, Ami, Rei, Minako, and Makoto). They collectively made purchases at five different stores and areas in the mall (including the food court, a toy store, the clockery, an apparel store, and a bookstore). However, each purchased exactly four items, one from each of four of five stores. No two senshi visited the same combination of four stores, meaning each senshi visited all but one store.
From the clues provided, determine what four items each girl bought (if she entered a store or area, she did buy something) and in what order they were purchased.

  1. As Minako and Makoto (one of whom bought the magazine) were leaving the toy store (the first store they both visited), they bumped into Usagi and Ami, who were entering the toy store. Minako joined them and Makoto went to browse the clockery by herself. On her way she stopped at another store and bought something by herself before arriving at the clockery, where Makoto ran into Rei (who had just come from the bookstore, her first shopping location) and they each bought a watch. The alarm clock was purchased prior to the wall clock. The shoes in the apparel shop were not purchased by a blonde.

  2. Usagi, Ami and Minako left the toy store with playing cards, a water gun, and a video game, not necessarily in that order. Ami and Minako then went to the bookstore, where neither bought the magazine, and Usagi went to the clockery where she joined Rei and Makoto. (Ami had gone to the clockery for her first expense before meeting up with Usagi and stopping at the food court for Usagi's first purchase of a meat dish.)

  3. Ami and Minako rushed back into the bookstore when they realized that they had left their water gun and playing cards in the children's section where one of them found a children's book for Chibi-Usa (the other did not buy the bookmark). On their way out again, they said hi to Rei (who had recently departed from Makoto and Usagi after leaving the clockery) who was on her way to the food court to buy a salad, and Minako opted to join her, crabing some teriyaki chicken. (Ami, seeing what time it was on Rei's new wrist watch, decided to go home.)

  4. Usagi and Makoto went to the apparel store to buy shoes and sunglasses. The senshi that purchased a water gun bought neither a t-shirt nor a skirt. The senshi that purchased the t-shirt bought neither the water-gun nor the playing cards.

  5. Rei and Minako joined their friends in the apparel shop soon after eating, where all but Rei took turns in reading the romance novel, which may or may not have belonged to Rei. After the apparel shop, the remaining four girls all went home.

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