Sailor Moon Says, Season 2

Welcome to Sailor Moon Says: Your Weekly Alternative! This page has the archived episodes of the second season of Sailor Moon Says. To go back the directory of second season archived epispodes, click the link at the bottom of the page...

Season Finale: Monday, January 31st, 2000
Girls! What are you doing here? Your shift doesn't start for another three hours! Al, I mean Hal, we need to talk to you. About what? About your past! Whoa, pretty lady, you're new! Wanna work at Hal's Heaven, only the best- Don't say it! This website must be kept TV-G! Shouldn't that be WS-G? Why WS instead of TV? Well the TV means television, and these episodes- You're all nuts!!! -aren't on television. We're on Gemini6Ice's website! What website?!?! Thus, the WS, for website! But how can you make the acronym WS out of website? It's one word! But so is television! Ah, good point... There goes Raye's whole "dumb blonde" theory! Hey! Okay, anyway... What do you need to tell me? Do you remember anything about your past? Do you remember doing anything before owning Hal's Heaven? Hmm... Now that you mention it, I don't remember. Of course, I've never really thought about it before. Is this the part where I'm supposed to break down sobbing over my loss of memories and wishing I had them back? 'Cuz honestly, I have my Heaven and my girls, and I couldn't be happier... Yes, that's all well and good, but see, we conferenced over what to do about this situation, and we decided to return your memories to you. The fact that you do not wish to have them back is out of the equation at this point. Don't I get any say in this?!?! If you wanted a say in this, then you should have attended the meeting. I didn't know about the meeting! Now whose fault is that? Yours!!!! No, not really. Can I zap him yet? Yeah, yeah, go ahead... Yay! Our leader is taking orders from oneof her soldiers... Why can't it be me she takes orders from? 'Cuz I don't like you, Raye, that's why! Nyah!! Wait! What do you mean 'zap' me? I don't wanna be zapped! Too bad! Moon, Crystal, Power!!! Wait or is that Moon, Crystal, Activation? The dub has used both in the second season, so it's only fair that you should get to as well. Luna!!! I missed you so much! I only popped in because Gemini6Ice needed someone to make the dub quip and no one else here was, according to the storyline, 'equipped' to do so. *Snicker* I made a funny... Bye now! Luna! Oh, well she'd better be back at the apartment tonight if she wants catnip... Oh, yeah, I forgot about zapping you! Darnit, why'd you hafta remember? None of that language now, young man! 'Young man'?!?! I'm older than all of you! That's what the government wants you to think! Which government? Japanese or American? How should I know? I came here through a bend in reality and the abilities of the information superhighway. I say either one of the two, or maybe even both! Oh. Can we get back to me zapping him now please? Sure thing. Thanks. Moon, Healing, Activation!!! Yiiiiiii!!! Hey! Don't dodge my healing, moon-shaped, crescent-thingies! Moon, Healing, Activation!!! Oops, sorry Mina! Lala... Great! You brought back her amnesia! But this thing is only supposed to heal I thought! Maybe you did heal her! Maybe she's really been a teletubby disguised as a sailor scout this whole time! Another government plot? Perhaps. But where's the real Sailor Venus? In Paris fighting crime under the name of Sailor V perhaps? Grab that Halan! My name is Hal- hey leggo of me! Yeah, well I got tired of trying to decide whether to call you Hal or Alan, so I decided to combine the two, so deal with it! Who's Alan? Let go of me you twerps! You're all fired! This is for your own good! Moon, Healing, Activation!!! What happened? I remember now! Then why did you ask what happened? You idiot... And I'm no longer evil! Thank you, Sailor Moon! This is too happy of an ending... *Groan* Yeah! But aren't happy endings fun?!? Sailor Moon Says: Don't turn your friends into teletubbies! Stop saying it!!!
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