Gemini6Ice's Sailor Moon Says*

(* means footnote)These are in reverse date order(i.e.the higher, the newer).


It's been a long time since the last Sailor Moon Says!
My mini-computer tells me the Saior Moon series in Japan is ending!
But we'll live forever because it takes such a long time for the dubbers to dub the episodes!
Sailor Melvin is here! Ta-da!!!
Serena, you finally put your own head on!
That's 'cause I lost yours!
I have to leave for my karate class! Bye!
I have to leave for computer class! Bye!!
I have to leave for fire class! Good-bye!
I'm the strongest scout!!!Ta-da!!
Sailor Moon Says:
Guys, don't dress up like you're a Sailor Scout!!


Oooh! I'm full of that Thanksgiving dinner!!
Of course! You ate like a pig!
A very beautiful pig!
Why do I bother talking to you?
To get your daily dose of Sailor Moon Says!
As If!
Maybe I should dye my hai black. It would be harder for the nega-verse to figure out my identity!
Then Sailor Moon will have black hair! They'll figure it out!
No way! Sailor Moon will still be a blonde. Because on one episode I had a bad hair day and when I transformed my hair was beautiful as ever!
You just insulted yourself.
Now I have black hair!
What happened to your pigtails? Hey! You stole my head!
Well! Melvin stole my skirt!
I'm Sailor Melvin! The fighter of sea-food!
Luckily, I have my super-pencil!
Remember, Lita! Pencils ARE EVIL! The episode called "An animated mess"!
Nonsense, Serena!
Hey! Stop erasin.......
Sailor Jupiter Says: I got it on sale!Heeheehee!
Change back!!!
No way!


Sailor Moon Says: Yesterday, we had five heads!
No one cares!
I do!
You'd better not!
You're just jealous!
This si all your fault, Serena! Apologize at once!
Why'd you stomp on her tail for?
Sailor Moon Says:Oh! I'll tell you! As if!
An Sailor Melvin Says: Eat your vegetables!
Get your shrimp and be Tuxedo Melvin. You can't be Sailor Melvin, unless you wear a skirt!
You're right!
Melvin! Give me it back!
I'm Sailor Melvin!
Sailor Moon Says: Heeheehee!
Finally, you remembered your line!
I did? I only made it up!
Sailor Mars Says: Don't step on your cats' tails!


Sailor Moon Says: In the second season, some of the Sailor Moon says are the same ones from the first season.
Probably because they can't come up with any more good advice for the people out there!
Who are you?
Don't you watch the show??!!??
Nope. She watches the "Today on Sailormoon.."'s
Hey! We've got three heads today!!!
Excuse me??
Well, in that episode where Maxfield died..
What about it?
Shouldn't the "Sailor Moon Says" be "Don't kill anyone!"
That doesn't make sense! What kind of person would kill someone??
Someone like Zoicite??
It's a long story!
But she was from the Nega-verse.
Sorry, but we're out of time today!
Why do the infomercials have to come on after us??
Sailor SMRMLeiaoirnylteaelanya says: Heeheehee!
Sailor What????


Hey! Is this the first one!!??!!
Meatball head! Duh! Of course it is!
Raye! Do you have to be so mean? That's Darien's line! He broke up with me!! Waaahh!
Be quiet! Stop your sniffling! I'm sure he'll come back to you in the third season!
There won't be one! DiC canceled Sailor Moon! And the only reason those hokey-pokey's in kareokey's got ratings is because they came on right before my show!
Um. Hokey-pokey's?? Do you mean pananas in bajamas?
Now, because of DiC, Darien hates me! They're a bad influence!
I heard it's the Darien in the future that gives Darien those dreams.
What dreams?????
Don't you ever watch the show!
I don't have to! I watch the "Today on Sailor Moon..."'s
Okay, Darien's been having dreams telling him to break up with you or you would get hurt. I think divorces aren't allowed in the future and he wants out of being married to you! I know I would!
Eeeeewww!!!Raye! Why would I be married to you?????
That's not what I meant!
Then, what did you mean?
You'll have to wait until the next posting to find out! Sailor Mars says:Bye!
Wait up! Why were we the only ones, this time?
Because Gemini6Ice is having a hard enough time with two heads, let alone the rest of us!
Good point! How do you know everything he's thinking??
I ask the fire!
Watch out, Sailor Mars, you set off the fire alarm! Sailor Moon says: Beeeeeeeep! Beeeeeeeep! Beeeeeeeeep! Beeeeeeeeep!

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*:No offense to the official Sailor Says ¡_¡