Sailor Moon Says, Season 3

Welcome to Sailor Moon Says: Season 3! These are the brand-new episodes of your favorite loud-mouthed, disembodied characters! This page airs the current episode, and older episodes will be archived on other pages. These new episodes will be coming at you once a week, so be prepared!

Episode 46: "Edison"
There. We're done. That's a relief. What now? We don't have a long period of time until the wedding, now! Although we've been planning this thing for over a year now... Yes! But now we've set a date and we've sent out the invitations! Did you invite Serena and Molly, too? Of course. isn't that a waste of postage? I mean, they are in the same apartment as we are. Melvin. What? Go pick out your tux and what you want the groomsmen and the best man to wear. The groomsmen? But we don't know that many guys! We only know Darien and Halan! Fine. Groomsman and best man. Traditions suck. Go! I need to get a dress! How will I ever decide... It's not as if they'd both show up at the same time and I could make them duke it out... Hey! Is Serena here? I have no excuse to be here! Oh joy. Come with me, you two. Where are we going? I wanted to see Serena! Well, she's not here! Get over it. Okay, what's your objection? Eh. I'm complacent. Here's the deal: Amy and I are going to have a wedding soon. When? Soon. Have you set a date yet? Yes. What is it? I'm not telling. If I do, then Gemini6Ice will be forced to write it for that date. If I corner him like that, he'll be likely to screw up the wedding out of spite. Ah. Oh. Ting-tang... Walla-walla... Why are you staring at me?!? Say, "Bing-bang"! And I need to pick a best man. Are either of you interested? Not particularly... I heard that you wanted to help Halan get Serena at that New Year's party. Yeah! But I accidentally held Lita's instead! Thanks to Raye! Raye is evil... Oh. Anyway. Yeah, I'm not too interested in being your best man either. But I need a best man! If you're not the best man, you'll have to be the groomsman! Would we... have to groom you?!? I'm not too sure... I'll have to ask Amy about that. Fine. Paper-rock-scissors? You're on! One... two... three... Ha! Hey! But I won! Why are you 'ha'ing?!? You won. So you get to be the best man! No! I won! That means I get to not be the best man! That's it! You're going down! I think those stairs lead up, actually... Ouch! I'm falling up the stairs! I hate this apartment building! Halan! What a pleasant surprise! You seem to have fallen in on our tea time. An elephant that drinks tea...? Could I have a cup, please? Why, certainly, you handsome man, you. Aw, shucks... Would you like sugar? No, thank you. This is quite fine. I'm going to go wait for the elevator now. And then I said-- Ha! Take this-- Huh? ...tea? Ouch! You've scalded my face!! I'm gonna get you! Why didn't you take the elevator? Um? I didn't think of it? Great. Wasn't I in the middle of kicking your butt? You mean trying to! Well, prepare your butt for a kickin'-- By me!! Mercury, Star, Power!! I must say, this Amy is a lot more violent than the one on the actual show! Yes, it's one of the many liberties Gemini6Ice has taken. Such as changing Alan's name from Alan to Hal, then, finally, to Halan. Or even turning me into-- Don't say it! I wasn't going to, Melvin. Good. So... what's going on? Don't kill him! Then I have to be the best man and the groomsman! I don't care! Look what he did to my face! My precious face! Since when were you so vain? Hide me!! Not behind me, buster! You got yourself into this mess! I was trying to scald Darien! Why would you want to scald me?!? There he is!! Um... What did you do, Melvin? I just wanted a best man for my wedding! You could have asked me! But you're female... Has the fact that I'm a magical elephant completely missed staying in your head, little man? Hey! I'm not that little! I also have telepathic powers: yes, you are. Yeah, you're right. But how can you be my best man? By becoming male! Of course, for you to differentiate between the two of me, I'll need to change my color to a stereotypically matching one... such as blue, perhaps? And you'll have to call me Edison. That'd be so great! You'd be the best best man, er, elephant ever! Of course I will. I should go ahead and change so I'll be used to the different anatomy (not any that you'll be seeing, of course) by then. Lightbulb! Is that her transformation command? I suppose so. It makes sense to me. But that may just be because I'm blonde. Get off the table, Halan! But-but-- You should be thankful that I'm not kicking you out for all this violence! I'm just more interested in the sex-change going on over here... What? What was that? Did you say "sex"? This is what happens when we leave the show for a few weeks... But it was worth it, right? Of course. But there's something I should tell you-- Whoa. I have a headache now. Edison the magical-- Blue! Ahem! Edison the magical elephant says: Never get your friends to fight over something silly when you can just ask a magical elephant to change her gender! Magically! Now we just need to find a tux to fit you. I'm pregnant. What?!? How did that happen? Oh. Wow. Artemis just passed out. I can see that, Darien! Halan's getting away. But I don't care. Edison's the best man, now! Hey! Get back here, you jerk! Somebody help me! I ended the episode! Stop talking!
Originally aired: Sunday, December 29th, 2002

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