X-Sender: ata1@mail.airmail.net Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Sun, 7 Sep 1997 14:58:27 -0500 To: sailor-moon@indiana.edu From: ata1@airmail.net (Gurpinar) Subject: [ff] "Maced" ("Raid on Mizuno's HQ", part 1) Cc: ata1@airmail.net Gemini6Ice stirred and slowly put his hand on his head. It ached as if he'd been hit by a smashed printer. He wondered what happened to himself. Slowly, he remembered his creation was back. She had knocked him out. He looked around. He was in an alley. Trash was scattered everywhere and cats were walking on the fences. It was void of people except for himself. Groggily, but nonetheless, he sat up. He walked to the street corner and stopped someone walking their dog. "Excuse me, ma'am, but where am I?" "Do you have amnesia or something? We've got to get you to a doctor!" the elderly woman cried. "No! I know who I am and all that, I just don't know where I am." "You're in New York City! Do you need twenty-five cents to call home?" "Um, no. It would be long distance then. Well, thanks for the information." "Do you have any money on you? I mean, in case you need to buy food or anything?" Gemini6Ice checked his pockets and pulled out his wallet. "I have empty credit cards... But thanks for asking! Bye!" Unnoticed, his Visa Mastercard was caught by a gust of wind, and fell under a dumpster. "Bye! Oh, one last thing..." "What?" She pulled out a bottle of mace from her purse and sprayed him in the eyes. "Your cards!!" She grabbed his wallet and ran off with her dog, laughing. "Eerrgghhh!!!!" he cried, and doubled over in pain, passing out. __________________________________________________________________ X-Sender: ata1@mail.airmail.net Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 20:26:43 -0500 To: sailor-moon@indiana.edu From: ata1@airmail.net (Gurpinar) Subject: [ff] "The Ride (Please Return Your Seats To An UPTIGHT Position!)" ("Raid on Mizuno's HQ", part 2) Cc: ata1@airmail.net Gemini6Ice sat up again, his eyes still burning. What a nightmare this had been. He never should have brought Ami-Chan to life. There was only one thing to do. He had to get back to his holodome(tm) and create more soldiers to help him reclaim his e- mail system. But how? He had no money. He had no credit cards. He couldn't become a bum on the streets. He was accustomed to technology. He fell back down, but on his way, he caught a flash of light. He turned over to where the light had reflected from. Under the dumpster! He scooted over and grabbed underneath. It was his Visa Mastercard! Yes! He could stay in a hotel, buy some new clothes, get cleaned up, and make it to the airport the next morning. He wondered if he would be able to get up the next morning. He glanced at his watch. Six o'clock a.m. He decided to take the flight the next night. He would sleep during the day. Gemini6Ice got up, and slowly walked toward the street. A telephone booth just up ahead! "Maybe I could become a superhero and get some energy," he joked to himself, unenthusiastically. He stepped in, and shut the door behind him. Somewhere in the distance, he heard a couple of sirens. "That lady musta ripped off someone else, too..." He flipped through the yellow pages, searching for hotels. He found the Holiday Inn Deluxe, and decided to go there. He ripped the page out of the phone book and tried to get to the hotel. __________ Once there, he got a single room, and headed up the elevator, with his key. He stepped in his room, collapsed on the bed, and fell asleep. __________ Red light filtered through the blinds of the hotel. Gemini6Ice got up and looked at his watch once more. It was seven in the afternoon. He had slept for twelve hours straight! He locked the door, once stepping out of the room, and went to the lobby in the elevator. Once it reached the lobby, he got out and headed for a clothing store across the street. Inside he purchased a simple pair of pants and a shirt. He hurried back to the hotel, and to his room. He got cleaned up, with help of the complimentary soaps and shampoos of course, and changed into the new clothes. He went down to the lobby again and turned in his key. He went to the local ATM machine and got $200 cash for any expenses he might need. __________ 9:30 p.m. EST: He got a ride on the subway to the airport, where he bought a one-way ticket to Los Angeles, CA, the metropolitan area nearest to his holodome. At least the plane people didn't give him a hard time about too much luggage, *_*. Before boarding, he bought a sub at an airport-restaurant, along with a can of Diet Pepsi. He sat on the plane, in his designated seat. It was an aisle seat, with two seats to his right which was next to the window. While eating his sandwich, one of the two seat-neighbors showed up. She was a young woman of about 25 he guessed. She asked why he was eating on the plane. "Because I'm hungry," Gemini6Ice answered and continued to eat. "You're not supposed to eat on the plane." "Why not?" "See that sign? It says 'No eating!'" "It says 'No smoking!'" "Same difference!" "It's not!" "Yes it is! If you can eat, then I can smoke!!" she lit a cigarette and puffed away. "Stop that!" Gemini6Ice cried. "Flight attendant!!!" he presses the call button several times and the entire plane beeped. "Telephone!!" a flight attendant yelled. "I'll get it!" a man yelled and popped open his cel phone. "Liar!" "Flight attendant!!" Gemini6Ice persisted. "Yes?" she asked politely. "Would you please tell this wom-" "Can I get you a pillow? A blanket perhaps?" She stuck a pillow over his head, interrupting him as she placed a blanket over him. He put the pillow behind his head and the blanket on the floor. Then, he pressed the call button again. "Yes?" asked the flight attendant again. "Listen to me! This woman is smoking on the pla-" "Can I get you a pillow? A blanket perhaps?" She stuck another pillow over his face. It fell to the floor, and he shouted, "This woman is smoking on the plane! Please tell her to stop!" Suddenly, the man who had tried to answer a cellular phone which hadn't rung earlier's phone rang. He ignored it assuming it was that annoying guy getting all riled up about a woman smoking on the plane again. "Ma'am, I'm afraid you can't smoke on this plane!" another attendant yelled. "Well he's eating!!" The phone continued to ring. The first attendant came back and asked. "Oh, is your pillow ringing? Can I get you another pillow? A blanket perhaps?" She tossed another blanket and pillow into the chaos. Suddenly, the blanket caught on fire from the woman's cigarette. "Eeeeekkkk!!!!!!!" the first attendant cried. "Here!!" Gemini6Ice doused the flame with his Diet Pepsi. By now, everyone was standing up. Suddenly a man walked in ragged and torn. "I'm so sorry I'm late! Has the plane left yet?" he asked. "Obviously not!" the smoking lady retorted. "Oh. I came down with diarrhea on my way to the plane!" "Do you think we want to know?" yelled the man with the cellular phone. "What's that ringing? Maybe it *is* my phone. Hello? Oh hi Mom! I'm so sorry I thought the ringing was this annoying guy complaining about smoke." He paused. "Yes, there was a fire... Yes, I'm okay!" "I'm afraid you'll have to leave..." the attendant ushered the lady out the plane. She came back to Gemini6Ice. "I'm so sorry about this! Our company will sue her for violation, I'm sure." "Attention, passengers, please return your seats to an upright position, be seated and buckle your safety belts," the overhead com-system echoed the pilot's voice. Suddenly, the plane took off at an angle, and the two attendants and Gemini6Ice went hurling to the back of the plane. "What ruckus? Oh some people are flying around in the plane. No, they don't have superpowers. We're taking off. Mom? Mom, we're getting static, we've got to hang up. No, I don't have hiccups. I said hang up. Yes, I love you too Mom. Rope is amazing? Oh! Hope to see me too! Well, I hope to see you too! Bye, Mom! Yes, I already said I love you too! Bye!" he clicked off the phone. The three in the back of the plane staggered up, and made their way to their seats. As soon as Gemini6Ice was able to be seated and buckle in, the pilot spoke again. "You may get up now, passengers. We are at a stable altitude." Gemini6Ice, pulled down his tray and and started writing his plans for reclaiming his e-mail system. Suddenly, the man beside him got up. "Excuse me, I need to get through it's an EMERGENCY!!!!" Gemini6Ice lifted his tray and tried to squeeze back in the chair as the man tried to get by. Right in front of Gemini6Ice, the person in front of them suddenly leaned their seat back, holding them both in position. "I'm stuck!!!" screamed the man, "I have to get to the lavatory!!!" "Put your chair back!!!" Gemini6Ice screamed. The person quickly obliged and the man went flying forward. He ran to the back, and closed the lavatory door behind him. 'This is going to be a looong ride...' Gemini6Ice thought. __________________________________________________________________ X-Sender: ata1@mail.airmail.net Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 12:33:22 -0500 To: sailor-moon@indiana.edu From: ata1@airmail.net (Gurpinar) Subject: "Los Angeles!" [ff] ("Raid on Mizuno's HQ", part 3) Cc: ata1@airmail.net Before I start writing this next fanfic... I decided that this should take place in a different universe than Xplo-san, Len-san, Mark-san, and company's infamous Sagaverse. Indeed, when I first brought Ami-chan to life, I mentioned that I was watching the Sagaverse. I have come up with a solution to this dilemma. The computers aboard the holodome can glimpse into other realities. [SNIP- The reality my fic takes place in is called the Gammaverse, so the snipped paragraph is irrelevant. For those who are curious, it stated my three ideas for this universe being Gammaverse, Zetaverse, or Sigmaverse. Since the name has long been decided, the paragraph asking readers for advice is no longer needed.] _________ "Please return your seats to an uptight position! I mean, upright position," the pilot announced. "We are landing now." About ten minutes later, everyone was boarding off the plane. Gemini6Ice called a cab to a car dealership where he bought a new, shimmering, electric-blue Intrigue. He drove it to the house he lived in among the hills outside of town. He ran quickly to the computer in the main room, and decided to bring his holodome back to life. Before he did so, there was a last, "Are you sure?" message. He pressed yes. There was a slow rumbling. Then shaking. The lamp hanging from the ceiling started swaying back and forth. Everything that stood on his shelves started to slide off. It was as bad as an earthquake! He stood up slowly, and got cover under a doorway. When the shaking ceased, he opened a door, and descended the stairs leading to the basement, where the tunnel to his holodome was. He reached his holodome and decided to bring an army of legions to life. The only problem was, the spell would only allow one. But he had a solution for that. He logged onto his computer and quickly constructed a holo-factory to produce holo-emitters, which would be latched onto his creatures and cast the bring-to- life magic spell on them. Once he did that, he cast the spell on the factory... The factory was only as big as a refrigerator but still efficient. After an hour, it had produced twenty. He decided it was time to start constructing his army. The first one would be difficult to decide. Who? He had an idea! Queen Beryl! But of course, he had to make her follow his orders, so he slowly changed her personality programming, then brought her to life. Before she became awake, her hooked the emitter to her shoulder. The next would be the infamous Jadeite. After Jadeite, came Nephrite. Then Zoicite. Then Kunzite. All the generals of the Dark Kingdom were at his disposal! Who else? To save programming time, he needed a youma-of-the-day. No problem, he would create his own. __________ Two hours later, he had his army. 49 copies of the youma were standing straight and tall. He called them Junk Yard Demons. (Insert disclaimer here.) They all were random in their physical creation. They looked as if they were constructed of trash. What could they do? Not much, they had no powers besides becoming invisible. But he had the generals on his side. And the queen. He led them back to his house, to the transportation pad in the basement, where they would be whisked away to his base in Boston, Massachusetts, where Mizuno Ami and his e-mail system were. __________________________________________________________________ X-Sender: ata1@mail.airmail.net Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 18:44:13 -0500 To: sailor-moon@indiana.edu From: ata1@airmail.net (Gurpinar) Subject: "The Arrival!" [ff] ("Raid on Mizuno's HQ", part 4) Cc: ata1@airmail.net [SNIP-A paragraph concerning errors in the previous segment. In this archived version, the errors have been corrected, so the snipped paragraph was once again irrelevant, and deserved to be snipped.] __________ Gemini6Ice and his minions stood in front of an 80-plus- story building in Boston, MA. The tower was surrounded by windows covering every side. The only visible entrance was a single revolving glass doorway on the first floor. "Why's your e-mail system in such a big building?" one of the Junk Yard Demons asked. "Plot device," Gemini6Ice answered flatly. "Oh," responded the creature. "Okay, everybody. She'll be expecting us to come in the lobby. I placed security cameras there, so she'll know we're there and she'll find some way to stop us. When I built this place, I implemented many security precautions, so be on your guard. I'm sure she's tinkered with them and added a few surprises for us. But if she could have made it through, so can we. Does everyone have their equipment?" "I think so," Nephrite answered. "Just to make sure. You should have your nucleo-plasmic guns, your communication headphones, your mist cans, and if you run into trouble, use your powers. Kunzite and I will take the building by helicopter smashing into the motor room on floor ten with seventeen Junk Yard Demons. Beryl and Nephrite, you'll take her by surprise from the roof with sixteen Junk Yard Demons. Jadeite and Zoicite, you'll come up from the basement, with sixteen Junk Yard Demons. Remember, Ami has control of everything from wherever she is. Look out for bombs, spikes, lasers, and trip lines. Always use your mist cans before entering a room or corridor so you can see the trip lines. Ready?" "Yes!" they all agreed. __________ The basement was silent. Not a sound. Not any light. A sliver of light cut through the brick wall. It started to curve, growing larger, then it hid the ground on the other side, and the bricks in between fell down. Jadeite stepped through, resting the gun back in his utility belt. Zoicite pulled out his mist can and sprayed the floor. Two beams of red light cut across the room. One from one corner to the opposite corner of the rectangular basement, and another beam connected the other two corners. "Very clever," Jadeite muttered. Zoicite shushed him. "Sorry," he whispered. The generals stepped over the beams to reach the stairwell. The Junk Yard Demons followed, keeping the same precautions. Once to the stairs, Jadeite started ascending them, but, although he was stopped by Zoicite, his foot fell to the first step. "You didn't spray it!!" he whispered. "Oops," Jadeite replied. Suddenly, the stairs retracted into the wall, and a steel door slid over their escape, leaving them unreachable to the doorway above, which was covered by a metal wall too. A larger sheet of metal covered the four walls surrounding them as well as the ceiling above them. "I don't think I like this!" one of the Junk Yard Demons shouted. Ten jets appeared on each wall and started spraying some gas. "What is it?" Zoicite asked. "You're the one with the scanner! Use it!!" Jadeite responded harshly. "Okay!" he answered. "It's nerve gas!! Blast the jets everybody!" A Junk Yard Demon ran to the wall, and started smashing jets, but it went into seizure, and collapsed. Jadeite sent a blast of energy from his hand destroying the jets all on the east wall. Two more Demons fell. "Gemini-sama! Help us! We're surrounded by nerve gas!" Zoicite shouted into his earphones, as Jadeite continued to blast the jets. __________ Beryl eased the helicopter onto the roof swiftly, and made the blades halt. She and Nephrite quickly removed their seat belts and hopped out. Nephrite opened the back door, and sixteen Junk Yard Demons came spewing out. "Everyone ready?" Beryl asked. A murmur of yes'es came from her allies. "Then let's go!" She and the herd quickly opened the door leading to the stairwell and ran down. __________ "You ready?" asked Kunzite. "Almost," replied Gemini6Ice. "I just gotta- uhfm- hook this remote to the helicopter to my utility belt. Okay, cut the window, now!" Gemini6Ice turned the chopper so the door opened next to the window. Kunzite precautiously stepped out, and sending an energy beam from his finger, caused a large gap in the window to disappear. "That shouldn't bother the alarms." he mentioned. "Good, ready? Wait, I got an emergency! You what? Blast the jets!! See if any of the Demons have any grenades on 'em... One does? Good." __________ "Yes, one does! Come over here, you stupid Junk Yard Demon!" he pulled a grenade off the mass of trash which made up the Demon. Zoicite threw it at where the door used to be before the stairwell disappeared. "I got the last jet!" Jadeite announced. "Luckily, we've only lost five Demons." "Five out of sixteen! That's a *real* good ratio," Zoicite replied sarcastically. "Okay, everybody toward the hole!! Hold your breath!" Jadeite yelled as the two generals along with the eleven Junk Yard Demons left through the hole. __________ "INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" came the computer's voice, awaking Mizuno Ami from her sleep. "What is it? I was having a real good dream that I was strangling Gemini6Ice!" "INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" Ami sighed. She had rewired the computer due to a main glitch in it's polarity, and now it could only answer straight- forward questions. "Where are the intruders?" "PLEASE CLARIFY THE QUESTION!" "What level are the intruders at?" "LAST KNOWN LOCATION AT LEVEL SUB-6. TRAP 894-B HAS BEEN ACTIVATED." "Trap 894-B? Hmmm," Ami walked to the computer opposite of the room from her bed and typed in: ~DESCRIPTION: TRAP 894-B, LEVEL SUB-6~ A description came up: Several infrared beams are placed on the level to catch intruders on midstep. The tripping of the beams, causes the surrounding walls, floor and ceiling to be covered with damage- proof steel sheets to capture the intruders, and spray jets eject nerve gas, killing the intruders. -Old- Several infrared beams are placed on the level to catch intruders on midstep. The tripping of the beams, causes the surrounding walls, floor and ceiling to be covered with damage proof steel sheets to capture the intruders, and holding them captive to take to the authorities for trespassing. Ami-chan smiled at how she had changed the trap for death. She then typed in: ~COMMAND: TRAP 894-B, LEVEL SUB-6, FUNCTION DELTA-Y-745~ to use the suction jets below the ground, to come above it, and suck the nerve gas out, so she could see the intruders. "INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" "Are they on SUB-LEVELS 5 THROUGH 1?" "NO!" "No fair! I can't believe this, more intruders?!?!" "PLEASE CLARIFY THE QUESTION!" Ami sighed. __________________________________________________________________ X-Sender: ata1@mail.airmail.net Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 21:44:08 -0500 To: sailor-moon@indiana.edu From: ata1@airmail.net (Gurpinar) Subject: "Iced, Sliced, and Diced" [ff] ("Raid on Mizuno's HQ", part 5) Cc: ata1@airmail.net Hey It's finally time for the next installment of "Raid on Mizuno's HQ"... __________ "Okay, ready?" Gemini6Ice asked. Kunzite nodded in agreement and they both hopped into the building. The darkness seemed to surround them as they crept into it. "There's not much room for trip lines, but we'd better spray just in case..." "Okay," Kunzite took out the bottle and sprayed the mist on the floor. Suddenly, hundreds of red light beams appeared, criss-crossing in every direction, from ceiling to floor, from wall to wall. "Whoa!" he fell down and landed in between two lines. "Are you okay?" "I can't move or get up without setting them off!" Kunzite whispered. __________ "Let's see... Where's my little Gemini-shish-kabob?" Ami whispered as she tip-toed down the stairs in the level SUB-6. She could make out on the floor, five crumpled bodies. "Computer, LEVEL SUB-6, BRIGHTNESS to level 10!" The lights on the ceiling brightened, revealing the entire room. On the floor, were five piles of trash. "What????? Garbage! My trap killed garbage!!!! How could GARBAGE set off the alarms??? Wait..." she picked up the dead Junk Yard Demon. "They're bodies... made of... trash??? How many of these things has Gemini-chan created? Computer, READY 55597, DIAL GEMINI-L.A.!" She would travel back to central control, and call Gemini6Ice on her computer. _________ "She's coming back!!!" Jadeite whispered to his partner. "We need to stall Ami so we can take the stairs to the next level!" Ami swiftly walked by the minions standing behind the wooden door. "It would help Gemini-san if we were to stall her! Junk Yard Demon, attack her, while we run!" Zoicite whispered. __________ "Who's there?" Ami turned around. Suddenly, she felt a blow to the head. She stumbled back. "What the.." an unknown force knocked the wind out of her, and she fell back! Computer, LEVEL SUB-5, BRIGHTNESS to level negative 5!" A dark light shone from the ceiling, showing the Junk Yard Demon as a blur of light. "What?" the Demon tried to punch her but she successfully blocked its attack. "Mercury, Star Power, Make Up! Sorry, I'm Sailor Mercury now, buddy!" She kicked toward its stomach. "Hai-ya!" "Oomph!" it fell to the floor. __________ RRRRRIIINNGGG RRRRRIIINNGGG RRRRRIIINNGGG RRRRRIIINNGGG __________ "I don't think so!" the Demon became visible again. "Now can you see me as well?" He shot a bullet from his a pistol embedded in his leg to the light above. It exploded, spark shedding everywhere. "Arrgghh!!" Sailor Mercury screamed. "Shabon Spray!!" From her bubbles, arose a misty fog. The Junk Yard Demon blew up another light and became invisible again. "No! You can't win this one! Computer, LEVEL SUB-5, BRIGHTNESS to level negative 10!!" "What?" "I can seeeee you!!! Shabon Spray Freezing!" she shot bubbles at the Demon which caused it to quickly become a statue of ice. "Hai-ya!" she kicked it once more, shattering it. "Teach you to mess with ice! You just might get freezer-burned! Or is that freezer-burnt...?" __________ RRRRRIIINNGGG RRRRRIIINNGGG RRRRRIIINNGGG RRRRRIIINNGGG __________ 20 minutes ago: WOOP!! WOOP!! WOOP!! WOOP!! "We set off the alarm!" Beryl cried. "I told you we should have misted first, but nooo!!!!" Nephrite yelled cynically, trying to combat his voice over the alarm. The queen, the general, and the Demons were in a hallway on the top floor. On either side of them were paintings on the mist-blue walls, with the speckled carpet beneath them. "Shut up!" she answered. Suddenly, the lights went off, holding them in eternal darkness. "What's that sliding sound?" she whispered. "I'll find out," Nephrite held his hands apart and created a sphere of light between them. "The paintings are sliding!" Without warning, barrels of guns popped out of the holes behind the painting, excreting rapid fire. "Omph!" one Demon fell to the floor. Another bullet hit Nephrite in the chest, and fell to the floor. "It shot a hole in my uniform! She'll pay for that! Duck everyone!" The Demons, and Beryl all sprang to the floor, and Nephrite's orb expanded, until it exceeded the space of the hallway, then disappeared, leaving all the turrets as ashes. "Everyone up! Beryl, next time we're using the mist!" __________________________________________________________________ X-Sender: ata1@mail.airmail.net Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 21:35:37 -0500 To: sailor-moon@indiana.edu From: ata1@airmail.net (Gurpinar) Subject: "Fire Hydrant!!!!" *_* [ff] ("Raid on Mizuno's HQ", part 6) Cc: ata1@airmail.net Time for the next part of trying to get back my e-mail system! ^_^ I hope to get this over with this time, but I might not, since I have not written the story yet as I am writing this. If you haven't been keeping track, here's a little overview of what happened in the last couple of installments: __________ Gemini6Ice and Kunzite are attacking from floor 10 with 17 Junk Yard Demons. Jadeite and Zoicite attacked from the basement with 16 Junk Yard Demons, but got trapped and 5 Junk Yard Demons died from nerve gas, and they set off the alarm. As Ami was about to check on them, another alarm went off. Queen Beryl and Nephrite were attacking from the roof with 16 Junk Yard Demons but tripped a trap and one of the JYDs got shot, but the rest evaded the guns and went on, with now only 15 Demons left. Ami decided to check out SUB level 6 first, but found the captees to be gone, except for trash, which she realized were 5 dead bodies. To buy themselves time, Jadeite and Zoicite sent a Demon to attack Ami, while they ran off with the remaining 10 Junk Yard Demons. Ami skillfully defeated the Demon after transforming into Sailor Mercury, and now our story continues... _________ Gemini6Ice turned on the com-link and explained to the Demons inside the helicopter what was going on. "Okay, we can't save Kunzite without alerting Ami! Wait!" he turned off the com- link. "Kunzite, I KNOW when I designed this place, there is not enough space in the walls for enough wires for all of these to be real alarms.. Some of them are just light beams!" "Which ones, though?" "I don't know! I need to go back to the chopper and get a scanner to check for programming in the light generators!" Gemini6Ice carefully sprayed the mist once more, and skillfully stepped back onto the helicopter. "Hand me a scanner!" he cried. One of the Junk Yard Demons tossed him one from the equipment trunk. "Here you go!" the Demon enthusiastically said as it tossed a laser-gun as well. "Thanks," Gemini6Ice muttered, sprayed again, seeing as the mist was already once again drifting to the ground.. Then, he stepped back over to Kunzite and aimed to one of the beams overhanging his neck... "It's fake," he said and blasted it. He aimed the scanner at another, and then seven more, blasting them all, except the last. "What now?" "All except that last one were fake... Okay, here's a fake one..." Gemini6Ice got out a pocket mirror. "When I say 'Now!' I want you to get up, not touching any laser but the one above your chest... Although, it is real, another fake one, I'll angle into the receiving end of this one, so the computer won't notice that you went through it!" "Okay, whatever, just hurry up and say it..." Gemini6Ice carefully angled the mirror until the red light ricocheted off it onto the one with the other light. "Now!" Kunzite jumped up, and went through the beam, just as Gemini6Ice lost his precision and the beam missed it... "That was close!" Kunzite wiped his forehead. "Yeah, to prevent this, wait right here while I blow out the rest of the fakes," Gemini6Ice muttered and started shooting more light generators.......... __________ RRRRRRRRRRRIIIIINNNGGGG!!! RRRRRRRRRRRIIIIINNNGGGG!!! RRRRRRRRRRRIIIIINNNGGGG!!! RRRRRRRRRRRIIIIINNNGGGG!!! __________ Ami had de-transformed and now was traveling back up in the elevator. "Here come the men in black...." the music overhead was playing. Ami grinned... Gemini6Ice despised that song. She was glad it was the elevator music. At floor 28 Ami got off and walked back to the main computer console... She typed in a code to find out what floor the other intruders were on. It turned out to be the top floor. "Fine" she insisted in her own head. "I'll see what's going on up there..." She realized that if Gemini6Ice had these many minions already she needed to construct the forcefield. __________ Outside the building, it was as dark as night already, and a window shattered on the top floor of a tall building, at the Northwest corner. It was a small probe that shattered it, made of tritanium, painted extravagantly in blue and green. Three more came out of the other three top corners of the building. A beam of yellow shot out of one, aiming toward the one to its left. That one, shot out another, until all four were connected by a quad of a goldish haze. A fire hydrant below on the street, on one corner of the building, tipped over, revealing a probe which rose a few feet, then shot a beam to the probe above it. The three fire hydrants on the three other corners of the building tipped over as well, as three more probes rose up, shooting beams toward the probes above them. Then, as the ones at the higher altitude had done, a beam circled the four and then four more rectangles of gold appeared. This was the forcefield. __________________________________________________________________ X-Sender: ata1@mail.airmail.net Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 22:13:26 -0500 To: sailor-moon@indiana.edu From: ata1@airmail.net (Gurpinar) Subject: "Working Out The Demons" [ff] ("Raid on Mizuno's HQ", part 7) Cc: ata1@airmail.net *Sigh* Saturday has been REALLY slow on the ML today.. Less than 20 messages all day.. Maybe this will help things maybe not... But the next part of my Gem&Ami saga... Leonard can e-mail privately if he wants me to send him a disclaimer.. ^_- Of course, a part I enjoy and I think helps, is a little "So far in our story" section: __________ Queen Beryl and Nephrite attacked from the roof with sixteen JYDs sprung the trap which triggered the alarm and killed one JYD leaving them with 15. This happened right after Jadeite and Zoicite set off an alarm in sub-level 6. Ami went to sub-level 6 and found that the captees were gone, but 5 dead bodies were left on the floor, which she presumed as trash before a closer look. Jadeite, Zoicite, and their team of now 11 JYDs wanted time to escape from their floor, so they sent a JYD to attack Ami, and she transformed into Sailor Mercury and defeated. Kunzite fell down on floor ten, while Gemini6Ice's and Kunzite's team of Junk Yard Demons were still in the helicopter. He was surrounded by red trip-lines, that Ami had added. Gemini realized that some of them must be fake, and he knocked out the fake ones, saving Kunzite. Ami went back to her central control after defeating the Junk Yard Demon. Before deciding to check out the ruckus on the top floor, she turned on the forcefield, a golden cube around the building, to prevent any more of Gemini's minions to be able to attack. Also, for your mathematical enjoyment, a tally of how many Junk Yard Demons left to each team. How many Junk Yard Demons each team has as of the beginning of this segment is marked with an asterix: Queen Beryl & Nephrite: 16-- Started with this many JYDs. 15*- Lost one to gunfire on the top floor. Gemini6Ice & Kunzite: 17*- Started with this many JYDs. Lost none so far. Jadeite & Zoicite: 16-- Started with this many JYDs. 11-- Lost five to nerve gas on the bottom floor. 10*- Used one as a decoy on Ami-Chan and she killed it. The famous last words... "And now our story continues...." __________ "Gemini6Ice," called Jadeite on the headphone communicator. "We're at SUB LEVEL-5 right now. Is there anything we need to pick up while we're here?" Gemini6Ice sighed and answered: "Just a second, I'm almost finish blowing up fakes..." Gemini6Ice shot the last fake infrared beam. "Okay, yeah, there are some emergency rations in corridor 35. There are also a few weapons in computer-coded vaults in corridor 14. Where are you now?" "We're in, um... Corridor 29. We just sent a Demon as decoy in corridor 40 something, and I'm pretty sure Ami killed it. We heard her shout her transformation command as we were running away from there." __________ "We're in, um..." Jadeite shone his flashlight on the wall to see the label. "Corridor 29. We just sent a Demon as a decoy in corridor 40 something, and I'm pretty sure Ami killed it. We heard her shout her transformation command as we were running away from there." "Okay, tell Zoicite to activate her com-link earphones." "Zoicite, activate your com-link earphones," Jadeite repeated. Zoicite pressed a button on the side of it. "Okay, Gem- san, what do you want us to do?" he asked. "I'm going to send you a map of Sub-level 5 on your scanner, to help you. First, in this corridor look for a door with the number 05 next to it." "Okay..." Jadeite shone the flashlight across the hallway until he saw it. How do you want us to open it?" "There's no possible way to open any doors without pass- cards, which are in that room. And of course, you can't open that door without a pass-card as well... Try cutting a hole through the middle of the door, and stepping through it..." "Okay," Jadeite answered again and shot a beam of light, piercing the door, cutting a hole the size of a fat my-size Barbie.. "Now what?" "In there get the pass-cards. These computers aren't hooked to the main computer, so they shouldn't set off any alarms, but Ami has showed us some of her tricks so far, so be cautious. And of course, spray for infrared alarms. There should also be some jacks in there..." "Why would we wanna play jacks for?" one of the Junk Yard Demons next to Zoicite spoke up. "Did someone say something?" Gemini6Ice's voice asked. "The Demon just asked why we wanted to play jacks," Zoicite answered. There was a groan on the other end of the line. "I meant computer jacks, not those little metal spikes!!" "Oh," responded the Demon. "We'll need it for me to send you the map," continued Gemini6Ice. "Do you have it yet?" "Got it!" said Zoicite. He started handing out the pass- cards to each Demon, keeping one each for himself and Jadeite. "I'm passing out pass-cards to everyone.. Kinda sounds redundant, eh? Well,what do you want me to do with all of these jacks?" "Put them in your pocket but one. Connect that to the socket in your earphones to your scanner." Zoicite did so. "Done." "Okay, I'm sending it now..." A blue-print appeared on the scanner of the floor. "If you're right in front of the door, the red dot is your current location. Face the hallway, so that the door is on your right." The dot slowly became a triangle pointing toward the hallway in the topward direction. "That's which direction you're facing. There are two yellow dots for the two doors you need to get to, and a few orange highlighted areas, which are stairs leading to Sub-level 4. When you get to the next floor, contact me again. Remember to use the mist. Gemini6Ice out." The connection ended. "Okay, troops, let's move out!" Zoicite commanded. "Hey, I'm in charge!" Jadeite objected. "I'm the one with the map. Since Gemini6Ice gave it to me, that means I'm in charge for now. You can mist," he answered relentlessly. Jadeite sighed and sprayed the mist in front of them. __________ Ami got back onto the elevator and headed for the top floor. "If there are more pieces of walking trash up there, they'll wish they'd never been programmed," she thought evilly. __________ "Remember to use the mist. Gemini6Ice out." Gemini finished his conversation with the two generals attacking from the bottom. "Okay, everybody ready to attack?" "Uh, Gemini-san?" one of the Junk Yard Demons murmured. "What?" he answered, annoyed. "Some kind of forcefield just materialized and cut off part of the gas tank. It's leaking." "How much does the gauge say we have left?" Gemini responded. "Ten more minutes worth of flying..." "Okay, everybody off! Take the supplies with you, in case we need them! Hurry up! We have ten minutes before the chopper crashes-and-burns!" As soon as he finished his statement, the Junk Yard Demons jumped up, and started hauling the trunks of supplies and weapons onto the building... __________ RRIINNGG!! RRIINNGG!! *Click*"Hello, you have reached Gemini6Ice's phone! I'm not at the phone right now, so Ami-chan must have kidnapped me. Or maybe not. But, hey, you know the drill!" *Beep* __________ Nephrite opened a door on the side of the hallway... "A gym!" he shouted, and motioned all the team into it. "Oh, yeah, let's exercise before we get blown up by rabid dumbbells!" Queen Beryl said sarcastically. "Shut up, Beryl! The stairs might be this way..." Nephrite answered but cut off when he heard a "ding". "It's an elevator," he whispered... "Ami must have heard the alarm! Quick, everyone into the sauna! Except for you!" he pointed at a Junk Yard Demon. "Get invisible, and if she comes in here, attack her... NOISILY, and we'll blast our way to the floor below us!" The Demon slowly became transparent, and perched itself on the treadmill. __________ Ami walked along the hallway. "Computer, LEVEL 84, BRIGHTNESS to level 10!" the lights brightened. "Hmm, one of the trash-minions dead, no more..." she inspected the holes in the walls. "The guns are destroyed... Someone got away!" "Noisily..." she thought she heard a whisper coming from the gym. She ran over to it, and opened the door. No one in there Maybe there was another Junk Yard Demon invisible. "Computer, LEVEL 84, BRIGHTNESS to level negative 10!" She saw the outline of a figure now. "I seeeeeee youuuuu," she mocked. "Mercury, Star Power, Make Up!!!" a beam of ice surrounded her, accompanied by bubbles, then melted, revealing Sailor Mercury. "I wonder how many of these things he made, this could get monotonous after awhile... "Shabon Spray Freezing!" Sailor Mercury sent a stream of bubbles at the Demon. "I don't think so, Sailor-twit!" It took off a flame torch from its back and popped the bubbles with the fire in mid-air. "Hey! I didn't say you could stop my bubbles!" Sailor Mercury cried. "Hai-ya!" she kicked the flame-torch off to the side, causing the Demon the fall on the treadmill. The Junk Yard Demon sprang back up, punching Sailor Mercury onto a bench-pressing unit, and knocked the weights on her neck. She cried out in pain, then knocked the weights on the floor. "I don't think so! I'm the best fighter and you should know it by now!" she cried and dumped a bucket of ice onto the Junk Yard Demon. "Hah! Queen Beryl has more talent than you!" "More talent?? How dare you??" She stepped back. It picked up the flame-torch and burnt the edge of Sailor Mercury's fuku. "My fuku! You singed my tutu, er... fuku!! Shabon Spray!!!!!" Bubbles blasted out of her hands, filling the entire room with mist. __________ "-more talent than you!" Queen Beryl smiled. "Oh, lose the modesty already!" Jadeite said sarcastically. __________ "Shabon Spray Freezing!" Sailor Mercury sent another wave of bubbles, freezing the Demon, since it didn't see the bubbles coming at it. "This is the end of your aerobic lesson, today!" she kicked it, shattering it to pieces. ___________ "Sorry, your time is up! If you didn't say all you had to say, call again!" *Beep* ___________ "Oh, you're just jealous!" Queen Beryl shot back. "I'm just wondering, talent in what, though?" Jadeite became serious. "You didn't see the dub, did you?" __________________________________________________________________ X-Sender: ata1@mail.airmail.net Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 17:42:18 -0500 To: sailor-moon@indiana.edu From: ata1@airmail.net (Gurpinar) Subject: "" [ff] ("Raid on Mizuno's HQ", part 8) Cc: ata1@airmail.net Welcome to the next part of the Gem&Ami Saga...I can't wait until I finally get my e-mail system back... __________ Junk Yard Demon: I really like your fanfic Gem-san. Gemini6Ice: Thanks! You actually read it? Nephrite: You actually read? JYD: Shut up! GEM: Don't tell him to shut up! NEPH: I'm leaving! GEM: Wait, I need you in the fanfic! NEPH: Oh fine! JYD: What about me? GEM: You were killed in the last segment! JYD: Oh. GEM: Now on with the forewords.... __________ On the tenth floor, Kunzite lost his balance and got trapped between infrared lines. Gemini6Ice realized some were fake, knocked out the fake ones, and saved Kunzite. Ami went back to her central computer before going to the top floor to check out the alarm that was set off there... She turned on the forcefield, a golden cube around the building. Jadeite and Zoicite, on SUB LEVEL 5, called Gemini6Ice to inform him that they sent a Junk Yard Demon as a decoy, and asked if there was anything on the level they were at that they could pick up to help themselves. Gemini6Ice directed them to a room to get headphone jacks and pass-cards. The jack was used to let Gemini6Ice transfer the map of SUB-LEVEL 5 to Zoicite's scanner through his headphones... The pass-cards were taken for the use of opening doors to other rooms with supplies in them... As it turns out, the forcefield Ami constructed not so long ago, since it takes a couple of weeks to write all the events in a few minutes, chopped off part of Gemini6Ice's helicopter's gas tank... So He ordered his Junk Yard Demons to start hauling all their supplies onto the building... Not to mention, as Ami-Chan had told her computer to dial Gemini6Ice's L.A. Phone, after many rings, it finally picked up on an answering machine. The machine hung up after so long, though. Nephrite and Queen Beryl's team found a gym on the top floor, but heard Ami-Chan opening the elevator. They hid in the sauna except for one lone invisible Junk Yard Demon. Ami saw the barrage of bullet holes down the hall and saw only one body, another dead Junk Yard Demon, and realized the turrets had been destroyed, and she concluded there must have been more. She heard a noise in the gym, and she went to check it out. There, the Junk Yard Demon attacked her and used a flame torch to dispel her ice attacks. After she created fog, she was able to destroy the Demon. Of course, Nephrite and Queen Beryl got into the "Who has more talent" debate... Tally, not explained, to save bandwidth... Nephrite and Queen Beryl: 14 Gemini6Ice and Kunzite: 17 Jadeite and Zoicite: 10 __________ "I've got to go! Gemini out!" "One minute left of gas left! Decreasing rapidly!" the Junk Yard Demon monitoring the tank gauge on the helicopter announced. "Okay we've got all the supplies! Everyone out!" Gemini6Ice yelled. The Junk Yard Demons aboard quickly discharged themselves from the chopper, except for one. "WHAT is it?" Gemini6Ice asked. "My super-glue is sticking to the seat belt!!!" the Demon defended. He looked over at the meter. "Two seconds left! Forget about me, Gemini-sama! The mission! Concentrate on the mission!" The blades above the helicopter quickly sputtered to a halt, and the plane descended, until it hit the sidewalk below, bursting into a million flames. "I STILL bet we're the team with the most Demons left," said Kunzite. "Well, let's make a plan how we're going to attack the motor room!" Gemini6Ice announced. __________ A FEW MINUTES BEFORE AMI BEAT THE JYD: "Well tell me later! We gotta get out of here! It sounds like Ami is winning!" Nephrite whispered. "Blast the floor will you?" "Why not? It IS getting stuffy in here..." Queen Beryl stood up and aimed her hands in a cup shape toward the floor, sending a blast of light through it. "Everyone through!" as she, Nephrite, and the Demons jumped through the hole, heading for the 83rd floor. __________ "Okay, we turn right here..." Zoicite said as he navigated with the map... "Here we are... corridor fourteen!" he announced to the crowd. "Why are there so many corridors?" on of the Junk Yard Demons asked. "I'm not sure, ask Jadeite," answered Zoicite. "I don't know, I'll ask Gemini6Ice," responded Jadeite. He clicked on his headphones. "Gemini-sama, one of the Demons is asking why there are so many corridors." "Doesn't it listen? It's another plot device! As you might not know, Ami-Chan just constructed the forcefield around the base, and our gas tank is leaking, so we're trying to evacuate all the supplies right now! So... I've got to go! Gemini out!" came Gemini6Ice's voice. "Another plot device," Jadeite repeated to the JYD. "Oh," responded the Demon. "Let's get these weapons!" Jadeite exclaimed and swiped his pass-card through the detector on the door. The door slid open "Wait a minute, we don't know the vault's code!" "How are we supposed to open it?" asked a Demon. "We can't ask Gemini6Ice since he's evacuating the helicopter right now... Hmmm..." "BE PREPARED! BE PREPARED!" "What's that?" Zoicite suddenly became alert. On the two sides of the corridor, the tiled floor rose, revealing a small ramp underneath, as small robotic bugs crawled out. "A trap! Gemini-sama warned us!" Jadeite shouted. "Get ready to fight!" A row of four appeared on each side of the hallway. They were the size of basketballs, with six metal legs, three on each side of them. The had small antennae coming out of their heads, if you could call them that. "Scanning... They're heat-sensing robots!" Zoicite realized. As each row came into full view, another started to appear behind them. "How many are there?" Jadeite asked. He aimed his hand like a pistol at one of the bugs. A burst of light broke from his finger and blew the robot up. "Well at least we know how to stop them!" "But how can we stop them FAST ENOUGH???" Zoicite debated. A third row appeared on each side. "look that's the last row!" He blew up two more. "Not quite!" On each side, the ramp continued to rise, until it blocked off both sides of the corridor. Then again, another ramp rose, and more crawled out. "At least they don't bite..." Suddenly, on one of the bugs, a small barrel pointed out of the bugs forehead, and a green laser shot out of it, scratching Jadeite's uniform. One by one, the bugs each grew a barrel, an started rapid fire. "Look like you spoke too soon!" Zoicite screamed. She heard a small buzzing sound. It grew louder. And louder. And louder! Suddenly, the first row of bugs (Note: eight cyber-sects) started rising off the ground. As one neared a Junk Yard Demon, it shot fire, cutting a hole through the middle of it, then slammed into the hole, knocking the Demon into pieces. "Strong lasers," Jadeite muttered. "We can't beat these by ourselves!" Zoicite screamed as he shot a blast at one, but it counterfired, negating his attack. "We need those weapons! Just contact Gemini6Ice!" __________ "Where are we now?" asked Nephrite. "It looks like some sort of conference room," Queen Beryl answered. The oak table stood under them, surrounded by red velvet swivel chairs. Next to the walls, were paintings and potted plants. "After this is all over, I'd hate to be the one to get Gemini-sama's repair bill," quipped a Junk Yard Demon. "If she figures out we went through the sauna, she'll be after us," Jadeite announced. "Let's go, but spray the mist first! We wouldn't be in this mess if we had done that in the first place." A Demon sprayed as they all ran out the conference room into the video game parlor. __________ TEN MINUTES LATER: "Where are the rest of my enemies?" sang Sailor Mercury sweetly. "I know you're SOMEWHERE!!!" she shouted as she swung open the equipment closet. Next, she swung open the sauna. "Aha! A hole in the floor!" She jumped into it, intent on following the others. __________ TEN MINUTES EARLIER: "Gemini-sama?" "What now, Jadeite?" Gemini6Ice asked annoyed. "We're being attacked by some robot bugs... Lasers and flying and there's too many!" "I don't know anything about bugs! Ami must have added them! Try the weapons on them! Have you gotten to them yet? Because I doubt food rations will dispel cyber-roaches!" "Yes! But you never gave us the vault combination!" "Oh, yeah, sorry about that! Delphi-Beta-Gemini-Zodiac- 98524! All the vaults should be that! I never kept the password on file, so Ami shouldn't have been able to tamper with the vaults!" __________ "Okay, I'm taking seven Demons with me through the restrooms down to the next floor! Beryl, you take seven wherever you want, she can't get us both!" "Agreed!" Jumping over pinball machines, Nephrite's team ran into the bathroom, and he blasted a hole in the floor. "Everyone going down!" he called. __________ Queen Beryl's team quickly ran through the parlor into the stairwell. "Spray!" she shouted. "If Ami follows us down to this floor, she wouldn't expect us to go back up. "We'll go back to the next floor and take the elevator to the central control! Nephrite will be so jealous when we win this for Gemini-sama!" ___________ "-tamper with the vaults!" "Ahh!!!" another Junk Yard Demons fell to the floor, after being shot in the head by one of the cyber-sects. "We'll never win this," Zoicite muttered. "Okay!" Jadeite shouted, running into the room, but cut off by a cyber-sect. He blasted it, as it blasted him, luckily they shot in opposite directions, so they both hit their targets, the robot destroyed, and Jadeite merely scratched. ___________ TEN MINUTES LATER: "Nobody here?" Ami ran out the door into the video game parlor, where a pinball machine was knocked over. There was smoke coming from the bathroom, slowly seeping out the crack below the door. "Smoke?" she swung open the door to find a hold right in front of the sink. "Maybe I should've put alarms BETWEEN the floors... Hey, I wonder where Gemini-chan got the money for this place anyway..." __________________________________________________________________ X-Sender: ata1@mail.airmail.net Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 14:10:59 -0500 To: sailor-moon@indiana.edu From: ata1@airmail.net (Gurpinar) Subject: "Scourge of Cyber-Sect!" [ff] ("Raid on Mizuno's HQ", part 9) Cc: ata1@airmail.net Okay Part 9 is here, and I'm crossing me fingers that Jadeite and Zoicite don't get destroyed by the cyber-sects, as well as me being able to shut down the motor room at my e-mail system, and I wonder who Ami-chan will follow, Nephrite or Beryl? (Sorry about the teaser, folks) The Previously In Our Story segment should be shorter than usual, due to the fact that one basic event took up a lot of lines (the cyber-sects appearing), but I'm giving away everything with this whole teaser! Sooo, anyway.... _____ The gas ran out on Gemini's helicopter, as it fell to the ground, and blew up, with still one Junk Yard Demon in it, killing it. Right before Ami defeated the second Junk Yard Demon she was fighting, Beryl blasted a whole through the floor, allowing Nephrite, she, and their JYD's to go through to the next floor. They fell into a conference room, then left, and went into an arcade parlor, then went to separate ways, splitting up, seven Demons with each team leader.. Beryl took seven with her up the stairs back to the floor they were just previously on, as Nephrite took seven into the bathroom, made a whole in the floor, and jumped down to the next floor below. Ami followed the "trail" they left behind, and once in the video game parlor, noticed smoke coming from the bathroom, only to discover, that whoever her enemies were, they had gone down that way. Jadeite and Zoicite opened a door to get the weapons, only to find that it was a trap set up, and hundreds of cyber-sects attacked them. Cyber-sects are robotic heat-sensing, attacking droids the size of basketballs, with six legs, motors for flying, and laser cannons on their foreheads... And last but not least, Ami questioned how Gemini got the money for his e-mail system in the first place... __________ Tally of Junk Yard Demons-- Beryl: 7 Nephrite: 7 Gemini6Ice & Kunzite: 16 Jadeite & Zoicite: 9 __________ And now, our story continues.... __________ "Let's see what was it? Oh, yeah! Delphi... Beta... Gemini... Zodiac... 9, um, 85 and 24!" Jadeite pressed the buttons on the vault. The door swung open. "Yes! Let's see.. we've got Flame guns... Frost guns... These'll both be great!" Jadeite grabbed the Frost guns, and started tossing them to the Demons. Then, he grabbed one more Flame gun and tossed it to Zoicite. "They're heat sensing, remember... Give them something to sense!" Jadeite screamed over the sound of blasting and destruction, and the steady whir of the blades keeping the bugs flying. "Right!" Zoicite screamed, as he caught the gun. "Take this!" he shot a beam of fire at the wall, leaving the plaster burning in one small spot. Suddenly, two cyber-sects turned and started shooting at the wall. "Here's some more target practice!" Jadeite yelled and shot the two aiming at the wall... They started burning and fell to the ground, which encouraged a few more to start attacking those. A Demon shot its Frost gun at a cyber-sect which was furiously aiming at it, only to be destroyed by another. As Zoicite aimed at another cyber-sect, he fell, then shot upwards, but hit the ceiling light, darkening the corridor. Zoicite shot a blast from the palm of his head, blowing up all the cyber-sects that were shooting at the burning ones. He looked at the ramps at the ends of the hallway, and saw that even more cyber-sects were coming out. "There must be an infinite number of these things!" he shouted. Next to the wall, two Demons were firing still at cyber- sects. Two came down in-between them, and they both shot, as the robots flew back upwards, and they froze each other. As the cyber- sects swooped in to smash them, Zoicite shot one with his flame gun, and managed to unfreeze it, while the other one crashed to pieces. The one who had melted shot the frost gun at the bug trying to smash it, then kicked it, sending it hurling across the hall. "There are ten times more of them than us!!" it screamed. "Don't worry!" Zoicite shouted as he crawled to the end of the wall and sent a wave of energy flowing down the ramp. "That should destroy any more from over there for a while..." "Get the other side!" screamed Jadeite. "Take that!" a Demon shot a cyber-sect, simultaneously as the cyber-sect shot its laser at the Demon. The laser cut through the middle of the frost beam, as the frost beam continued to enclose it, then it hit the cyber-sect, sending it spinning to the floor, bursting into flames, but doused by the ice, while at the same time, the laser hit the Demon's gun, blowing IT up as well (the gun, not the JYD). "No fair!" it screamed as another cyber- sect started shooting at it. With one hand, it pulled the other hand off, and hurled it at the cyber-sect which hit two more on its way down, all falling to pieces. "Can't take the heat?" Jadeite asked as he shot another beam of flame at a cyber-sect, exploding it. Two more swooped down, knocking him over. Zoicite sent another wave of energy into the other ramp. "That's taken care of!" he shouted. "Once we defeat these, we'll be finished!" "Then let's do it!" screamed Jadeite. Three more cyber- sects flew past him, and attacked three of the Demons, blasting holes through them, then shattering them... "We're running out of Demons!" He shot at the three cyber-sects blowing them up. "There's one left!" Zoicite screamed and sent a wave of energy, followed by a shot from his Flame gun at it, only to be stopped by some invisible forcefield around it. "What? That can't be? How could it not be destroyed?" shouted Jadeite, as the remaining four Junk Yard Demons stepped behind him. "Scanning... All of the bugs have some hidden program for when there's only one left!" Zoicite informed. Suddenly, the walls slid back in the area the size of windows, on both sides of the hall, allowing large chunks of machinery to come out both sides. The chunks flew like magnets toward the cyber-sect floating in mid-air, attaching to it. "What now?" Jadeite asked. The ceiling above them slid away, as the floor started to rise. "What's happening???" he asked. The floor stopped as it reached sub-level 4. The cyber-sect before them just was motionless. But then, two more chunks reached it from the distance. The team looked around. The room seemed to be almost the entire area of the building, and as tall as two stories. The room was dimly lit. Millions of lights, each only as bright as a candle in the distance, were stretched across the ceiling. A layer of fog encompassed the ground. They could tell they were approximately in the middle of the room, as the walls in the distance were blank and bare. "Get Gemini-sama!" screamed Zoicite. "I am!" yelled Jadeite as more chunks flew and stuck to the massive cyber-sect in mid-air. "Gemini-sama? Gemini-sama?" a buzzing sound was all he heard... Then the headset started to crackle. "Get it off!" a Junk Yard Demon warned. Jadeite tossed the headset to the ground, as it exploded, sending a shower of sparks in every direction... The mass of metal and machinery before them turned. A section on its side, twisted, as did another, and another, until the entire thing was a massive cyber-sect, the size of a house. "I think we're in for a big fight!! Scanning... It's more than heat-sensing! This one is an artificial intelligence!!!" Zoicite yelled. "It's getting ready to shoot! Watch out!" The titanic robot sat there, as a cannon grew from its forehead, as did on the smaller ones. It shot a green laser out, as it hit the wall, not even scratching it. the beam stopped, then was re-aimed at Jadeite, and shot. "Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" he screamed in agony. The beam had sliced through his uniform and skin, and had cut the bone in his arm. "The pain!!!!!!!" "How come it didn't cut the wall?" asked a Demon. Zoicite scanned the wall, then he answered, "It's made of steel ziltanium! We're in trouble! There's no way out of here!" "Then I'll guess we...... have.. oohh to... fight IT!" Jadeite moaned, as he started collapsing on the ground. The barrel aimed at the Demons with one hand, then the laser flowed out, blowing up the Junk Yard Demon. "Three left," mumbled Zoicite. "There's no way we can win!" screamed a Junk Yard Demon. "Not yet! Keep it busy!" screamed Zoicite. He flew up to the top of the cyber-sect, and landed on top of the barrel. The three Demons shot their Frost guns at the eyes of the cyber-sect, freezing them over, so it couldn't see them. Zoicite aimed the Flame gun at the end of the cannon, and shot it. He held the beam there, hoping to melt it. The cannon swerved and shot once more, barely missing the Demons... "It switched to heat-sensing!" screamed one of the Demons. "I got it!" Zoicite screamed as he managed to destroy the cannon. But, undauntedly, another came up. "Nooo!!!" Before the exit could close, Zoicite jumped in, ready to dismantle it from the inside. "I just need to find the motherboard..." The laser shot once more, destroying another Demon. "There's only two of us!" one screamed. "I don't see it anywhere! I'd better scan!" Zoicite took out his scanner, and searched for the motherboard... "It's right.... here!" he announced to himself, and shot the beam from his gun at it. After a few minutes, the beam penetrated the cover, and hit the motherboard inside. The circuits exploded. One spark flew out, followed by two more, until an entire barrage of sparks were flung out... The entire motherboard then caught fire, and it started to spread. "I've gotta get out of here!" Zoicite ran back to the exit where the cannon had come out earlier. "It's closed!!!! I guess I'll have to make my own exit!" He blasted it with an energy wave, only to be returned with an empty clang. He took out his scanner... "It's... it's made out of steel ziltanium as well!!!" __________ OUTSIDE THE CYBER-SECT: "Look! It stopped!" shouted a Demon.. "Yay!" muttered Jadeite unenthusiastically. __________ INSIDE THE CYBER-SECT: "Waitaminute!!!" Zoicite pressed his finger right on the crack of the door. "Now!" he screamed, and shot all the energy he had through his finger, which opened the door... He crawled out, and collapsed on the floor next to Jadeite. __________________________________________________________________ X-Sender: ata1@mail.airmail.net Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 18:48:25 -0500 To: sailor-moon@indiana.edu From: ata1@airmail.net (Gurpinar) Subject: "Hotel BHG (You Check In, But You Don't Check Out!)" [ff] ("Raid on Mizuno's HQ", part 10) Cc: ata1@airmail.net What is there really to say, but today I (Thursday) I had my Science, English, and P.E. finals... *Sigh* Science was easy but I think I guessed on too many of the English questions.... I hope I get atleast a C for my semester average (in English, atleast)... But as to the actual fanfic I'm going to write, that's what this for, so no more rambling about me.... ---Please leave your message after the beep.--- Jadeite managed to get the weapons, and they defeated the cyber-sects, except for one, which took them up one floor, where it became a giant cyber-sect. Jadeite's earphones broke, and got badly injured by the cyber-sect. Zoicite managed to get INSIDE the cyber-sect, and destroyed everything inside its shell, and managed to get out, then collapsed next to Jadeite... (oooh, the tensions when they awake, *makes note for plot device*) In the segment before that, to refresh your memory, Nephrite and Beryl split up each, taking a team of seven Demons. Ami is still busy chasing Nephrite's team, while beryl's team is making a getaway to central control. __________ Tally of teams and Junk Yard Demons: Beryl: 7 Nephrite: 7 Gemini6Ice & Kunzite: 16 Jadeite & Zoicite: 3 __________ JUNK YARD DEMON: Can I do it? Can I do it? GEMINI6ICE: Fine! You can do it! JYD: Yay!!! GEM: Get on with it already. AMI: Yeah, get on with it! *Snicker* JYD: And now... Our story continues!!!!! GEM: You have to draw it out, not make it sound like the end. JYD: Well I've already met my end! AMI: Glue-boy! JYD: Shut up, you blue-haired freak! GEM: Do it right!!! JYD: And now our story continues? GEM: Much better. AMI: I could've done it better... __________ "Now which way?" asked a Junk Yard Demon. "This way!" whispered Nephrite, as the Demons sprayed and they all tip-toed down the halls, stepping over trip lines. He grabbed ahold of a door handle, and slowly turned it. "It's open..." On the way in, one of the Demons looked up at the door. On it was plated in gold letters, "82G7". It ignored it and closed the door behind all of them. "What now?" a Demon asked Nephrite. "Be quiet... Turn on a flashlight," he turned to another Demon. The Junk Yard Demon turned a switch on his arm, and beam of light came out his fingers. He slowly shone it around the room... "A... Hotel room????" Nephrite looked at the bed, and the lamp, and the telephone. Across the room on a dresser was a mini- fridge... In front of the bed, on the wall, sat a wooden entertainment center, complete with a TV, and Sony Playstation. He aimed his eyes at the wall... He rose his hand and outstretched his palm toward it, and a glowing symbol reached the wall, as a portion of it dissappeared... "What did you do with the wall?" asked a Demon. "I sent it to the holodomeÕs Dark Kingdom I suppose," Nephrite answered and stepped through to another practically identical hotel room. "Hmmm," he pressed the button on his earphones and started talking to Gemini6Ice. "Hey, Gemini-sama, I was just wondering, what's with these hotel rooms? Did Ami-chan add them?" __________ "Hey Gemini-sama, I was just wondering, what's with these hotel rooms? Did Ami-chan add them?" "Nephrite, no, I added them. Just hope that Ami-chan hasn't tampered with them. A couple months back, I thought about opening a hotel here... I never got around to the publicity part. Why are you on that floor instead of taking the stairs?" Gemini6Ice asked over the earphones. "Ami-chan is chasing us... We split up with Beryl, so we should be safe for now..." came Nephrite's response. "For some reason i lost contact with Jadeite. See if you can contact him. well, there about five floors chock full of hotels so you should be safe from her wrath for now. But by the way, how do you know she's chasing you instead of Beryl's team?" asked Gemini. "We heard her jump down to this floor." "Well, okay. If she is about to get you, distract her with a Junk Yard Demon. Gemini out!" __________ "Hello? Jadeite? Are you there?? Hello??? Nephrite out!" Nephrite flipped off his headphones. "I wonder what happened?" "I happened!" the door burst open, and Mizuno Ami stepped in the hotel room. "What have we here? SOME of the conspirators? I don't see Gemini-chan here... I might as well give you this warning: There's no way you can win!" "I wouldn't be too sure about that!" Nephrite answered, and picked up the mini-fridge, hurling it at Mizuno Ami. Ami held up her henshin stick, and shouted, "Mercury Star Power, Make Up!" Bubbles surrounded her, then all popped, as Sailor Mercury kicked the fridge in mid air, knocking it open and sailing tiny bottles of Vodka across the room. "You three!!! Fight her!" screamed Nephrite. "You four, come with me!" as he made a mad dash to the door in the other hotel room, the other four Junk Yard Demons following him. "Shabon Spray!" Sailor Mercury screamed, and filled the entire room with an everlasting fog. In that brief moment, Nephrite, and the other four Demons made it out of the room. __________ "Hey, wake up, Zoicite-san!" Jadeite slapped his partner in the face, with his working arm. "No Kunzite, one more time, Kunzite! Hah! Scrabble! That's how many points? Yes it is too a word! You spell the best words, Kunzite... Yahtzee!!!!!" "You're dreaming, Zoicite!!! Wake up!!!!" he screamed. "Huh?" Zoicite opened an eye... "Where's Kunzite?" "You defeated the robot! Go you!!!!" Jadeite exclaimed. "I did??? I did!!!!! Yay!" Zoicite sprang up, now standing.. "I did!!!! Go!! Meeee......." and fell back to the floor, asleep again. "Um, Zoicite-san?" Jadeite asked, then winced from the pain at his shoulder. __________ "We're here!" Beryl exclaimed as her team reached the elevator. She pressed the "Down" button, and waited for the elevator to come up. As soon, as it did, everyone scrambled aboard the eleavtor. The doors slid closed behind them. "PLEASE ENTER THE PASSCODE," said a voice from the speakers. "Pass code?!?" Beryl screamed. "Gemini-sama, what's the passcode for the elevators?" __________ "Passcode? What passcode? there is no passcode! Amy must have added it! Quick! Get out of there!!!" Gemini6Ice shouted over the headset. __________ "YOU HAVE TEN SECONDS TO ENTER THE PASSCODE!" the computer continued. "Just try to get out of there!" came Gemini6Ice's frantic voice. "NINE." Queen Beryl launched a Dark Bomb at the wall, tearing away the carpet covering, but not denting the metal flesh behind it. "EIGHT." "It didn't work!" screamed Beryl. "SEVEN." "She must have accessed my files on steel ziltanium!" came Gemini6Ice's screaming voice from the headphone. "SIX." "What do we do???" asked Beryl. "FIVE." "Just try something," answered Gemini6Ice. "FOUR." Queen Beryl started to look for a keypad. "THREE." "There's no keypad, Gemini-Sama!" "TWO." "Say something aloud! Something I hate, probably." "ONE." "All I Need is your Kiss by Prince!" screamed Queen Beryl. "ZERO. YOU HAVE NOT ENTERED THE CORRECT PASSCODE," the computer answered. "The artist formerly known as Prince?" asked Queen Beryl, quietly. The lights suddenly went out, leaving them in the darkness. "This can't be good," muttered a Junk Yard Demon. "Nope," agreed Queen Beryl. "Gemini, we have a problem." __________ "Take that!" screamed a Demon, as it tried to kick Sailor Mercury, but she caught its leg, and tossed it across the room, into the television set. It crashed into it, shattering the glass, and sparks flew from it, then, the T.V. exploded, taking the junk Yard Demon with it. "One down. Two to go," muttered Sailor Mercury. "Shabon Spray Freezing!" Sailor Mercury hit the second Demon, before it could move, then she did a high-flying kick, smashing it into a zillion pieces. "Sailor Mercury, before you kill me, I have a poem," the Demon started. "Beans beans the magical fruit. The more you eat the more you toot! The more you toot, the better you feel. So this gasoline will kill!!!" It opened a valve on its arm, spraying gasoline all over Sailor Mercury and the room she was in. "I'll get you for that!" she screamed. "Not so!" It lit a match and threw it at her. "Nooooo!!!!!" She screamed as she and the entire room fell ablaze. "That takes care of that!" The Junk Yard Demon said proudly. "I wouldn't be too sure of that!" a female voice said behind him. __________ "Gemini, we have a problem!" Beryl finished as she started to feel a falling sensation. "We're falling!" "There's a chance you can get out! I just remembered something! Radio transmissions are impossible through steel ziltanium!" "Then how am I talking to you?" "Ami-chan must have not reinforced the ENTIRE elevator with it, there's still a spot, you can get out!" "Wait, I can't hear you! You're fading!" "She must have been monitoring our conversati- bzzztttttt........" "Gemini-sama? Gemini-sama?!?!?!?!?!?" __________ The figure stopped lowering himself on the rope as soon as he finished adhering the plate of steel ziltanium to the rapidly increasing, falling elevator. Luckily he heard every word they said, and realized that they could have gotten out when they mentioned the fact about radio transmissions... He pulled on a gas mask, and dropped a nerve gas bomb down the elevator shaft, just in case they managed to get out. he slowly pulled himself back up to the top of the elevator shaft, got out and closed the grate behind him. __________________________________________________________________