X-Sender: ata1@mail.airmail.net Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 19:19:07 -0500 To: sailor-moon@indiana.edu From: ata1@airmail.net (Gurpinar) Subject: [ff] "The Final Chapter" ("Raid on Mizuno's HQ", part 11) Cc: ata1@airmail.net Finally I've decided to write the next chapter in this mini-saga hopefully finishing it. *Rolls eyes* Yeah right... A lot happened last segment so I'll do my best to condense it in the "Last time" section.. we still have the tallies of course... Although the characters in "Sailor Moon Says" fanfic i wrote are all from this saga... [NOTE- Because sequentially, if the "Sailor Moon Says" fanfic were to happen, it would happen after the completeion of this mini-saga. And since I am editing archiving the Gammaverse Saga chronologically, it will be after this segment.] That will never happen. Or maybe it will... But I'm not going to re-write it. There are also some things(plotholes really) that I will explain in the footnotes. __________ Last time on "I Love Ami"... Nephrite's team, after splitting up with Queen Beryl's a while back, chanced upon the hotel portion of this giant building that serves no purpose but the ultimate setting... Oh wait, it was my e-mail system... Anyway, Gemini had lost contact with Jadeite, and Nephrite tries to contact him as well, with no luck. Nephrite left behind three demons behind in the hotel rooms to fight Ami when she found them, and ran off with the remaining four. Zoicite woke up from his dream, then passed out again. Ami defeated two of three demons, and the third set fire to the rooms, burning Ami- chan... Yet, there was a female voice behind it, maybe Sailor Mercury? Queen Beryl's team went into the elevator, which had been revamped with Steel Ziltanium, and they needed a passcode, which they couldn't figure out, so they started to fall... Radio transmissions were impossible through steel ziltanium, yet Beryl was talking to Gemini, but not for long, as a figure outside the elevator, covered the missing spot with steel ziltanium, and dropped a nerve gas bomb down the elevator shaft. __________ The Infamous Tally *Death music*: Beryl (The one with talent): 7 Nephrite (Houdini): 4 Lone Junk Yard Demon (Demon no Baka): Alone, duh.... (0) Gemini6Ice & Kunzite (Dun Nuthin): 16 Jadeite & Zoicite (Yes, cyber-sects, get your mind out of the gutter): 3 __________ JYD: Anday ownay ouray orystay ontinuescay!!! GEMINI: Programming glitch... AMI: And now our story continues... __________ The room on fire, the flames leaping, the demon turned around, and in shock started, "Wha-" but was interrupted. "Shabon Spray Freezing!" Sailor Mercury screamed, freezing the demon in mid-word, then shattering it with a kick. "That's that," she muttered. The sprinklers overhead came on just then, putting out the fire. Sailor Mercury walked over to where the Sailor Mercury that had been pelted with gasoline ahd been standing, and picked up the charred peice of metal, in the distorted shape of a cube. __________ "What do we do Beryl-sama?!?!?" screamed a JYD. 60. "As soon as I hear Gemini-sama then we know we can get out because the radio thing," Queen Beryl answered, with her earphones on, as the elevator continued to plummet. 54. Suddenly, the earphones started to spark; The flashes of light, like straw, flew to the floor. Queen Beryl ripped off the headset, flinging it across the death cage they were in, as it hit a Junk Yard Demon, exploding, and taking the Demon with it. 50. Beryl looked up at the panel showing the floor they were on, as it quickly continued to descend. 45. "We have to do something! Ummm..." Beryl tried to think under the pressure. 40. "I know!" she screamed. "Want one?" asked a Junk Yard Demon as it opened a bag of Cheetos. "What kind are they?" she asked, as she couldn't see in the dark. "Cheesy Checkers," the JYD responded. "Oh, thanx... Iww cowwet woo doo Weminih!" Beryl said stuffing the Cheeto into her mouth. 20. "The elevator, remember?" said another JYD. "Oh, yeah!" responded Beryl, as the second demon punched the one with the Cheetos. 13. The queen of the Dark Kingdom slowly moved her hands around, muttered something in Latin, as a bubble encased her. She screamed with all her might as the bubble shot upward, ramming into the ceiling and the boards and lights, but slamming into the top of the elevator, stopping it. 14. As she struggled against what appeared to be the inevitable, her bubble dissappeared slowly, she fell to the floor and passed out, and the elevator started to pick up speed once more. 13. __________ WHEN THE ELEVATOR WAS AT FLOOR 52: "Hello??? Beryl!" Gemini cursed aloud in vain at this misfortune. He heard a pop. "Great! The headset!" He yelled sarcastically, and threw it out the window, onto the street, where it exploded. __________ ELEVATOR WAS AT FLOOR 40: Jadeite and the three Demons slowly dragged Zoicite, still asleep, towards the crack in the floor, where the panel they had been elevated in was located. Jadeite aimed a beam from his hand at the edge, as the small area began to fall down to the lower level. __________ MEANWHILE ON FLOOR 82: "We'll have to go down the stairs!" yelled Nephrite to his lesser militia. "We're out of spray, aren't we?" One of the JYDs nodded. "Fine," Nephrite sighed, and aimed the dissappearing beam at the floor beneath him, then the floor beneath that. "Get ready for a big jump!" Nephrite and his four demons jumped two stories down. __________ THE ELEVATOR IS AT FLOOR 10: Jadeite, at the elevator began to grow impatient. "Why do elevators always take so long to arrive?" "I don't know, why DO elevators take so long to arrive?" asked a demon. "Isn't everybody slow when they're full?" responded a second JYD. "Baka," mumbled Jadeite. "That wasn't a riddle! That was a stupid rhetorical question!" "Forget it! I'm not waiting THIS LONG!" Jadeite continued and pulled open the doors, as something gaseous started to seep out, and he gagged. "Nerve gas," he quickly exhaled before he got a big enough whiff. He ran halfway down the corridor, blasting open a door. Luckliy enough, there were gas masks inside. "Take them!" He screamed, and tossed one for each JYD, putting one of Zoicite himself. He ran back to the elevator and jumped in, reaching the bottom soon enough. "A gas bomb," he muttered, and quickly blasted it into oblivion. Above him, the steel carriage was edging its way to crushing him. He jetted up to the door where he came in and waited for the elevator overhead, then shot a beam of energy directly on the door crack as soon as it came into aim, and he flew inside it, pulling the same trick Beryl had earlier. The elevator came to a halt and moved upward a little, back to the level he had come from. "Get her out of here!" he yelled at the demons as they pushed her out, and he flew out. The elevator started to fall again; as it hit the end of the shaft, it crunched as flat as a pancake, killing the demons inside. __________ Ami walked into the next hotel room and picked up the telephone, dialing a number. After three rings, the phone picked up. "Hi," she whispered. "Ami..." came a male voice from the other end. "I taped a little conversation for you..." "Really? Can I hear it? Now." "Of course... Hold on though... The tape's right... here." *Click* "Gemini, we have a problem! We're falling!" came Queen Beryl's voice. "There's a chance you can get out! I just remembered something! Radio transmissions are impossible through steel ziltanium!" came Gemini6Ice's voice. "Then how am I talking to you?" Queen Beryl. "Ami-chan must have not reinforced the ENTIRE elevator with it, there's still a spot, you can get out!" Gemini6Ice. *Click* "I quickly added a plate of steel ziltanium, and dropped a gas bomb full of nerve gas down the shaft. They won't live..." "That's too bad... I really wanted to hurt Gemmy before he died..." "He's still alive. He wasn't in the elevator. Queen Beryl was..." "Stick around though, okay? The show's not over yet. Kisses..." And she hung up. ___________ "Finally.. Now that I have no more distractions... We can get to our mission, ne, Kunzite?" "Yes, Gemini-sama.." Gemini walked up to the door, and placed a bomb on the knob. They backed away, and in a few seconds it exploded, shards of metal going everywhere. Gemini noticed how the only part gone from the door was the hole where the knob had been. "Reinforced with steel ziltanium..." he muttered. He stuck his hand through the hole, then outstretched it, and pulled back his hand, taking the door with him. "The motor room... is gone..." __________ STILL ON LEVEL 82... "INTRUDER ALERT LEVEL 10" "Shut up! I don't care! I've got my sights set on Nephrite!" Ami snapped. "INTRUDER ALERT LEVEL 10" "Computer, shut up!" "PLEASE RE-STATE THE QUESTION" "Argh!" __________ DOWN ON LEVEL 80 Nephrite stepped into the room as he swung open the door, throwing a draft of air across the room. "Aha! The computers!" he exclaimed, setting himself on a stool in front of a terminal and monitor. "Let's override this computer system..." As the monitor flickered on he saw the text-only system program... "Gemini-sama programmed this I think... This is a holodome program!" "What?" asked a Junk Yard Demon, surprised. "Yes... This is Ami's!! How she got it I don't know..." he pressed enter, and a whirring sound was heard. "What's that?" At the wall, on the other side of the room, a small cube fell into the rectangular hole in the wall. He opened the tiny glass door. Before he pulled it out, a small button fell out as well. "Hmmm... Wait, it's a microphone?" He picked up the small microphone. Suddenly, Ami was before him. "Yaahhhh!!" he screamed and fell back. Ami stared straight ahead. "What?" asked Nephrite, not noticing he was still holding the button near his mouth. Ami opened her mouth and repeated, "What?" "I'm a blue-haired witch!" Nephrite said. "I'm a blue-haired witch!" Ami repeated. "Mercury Star Power, Make Up!" "Mercury Star Power, Make Up!" Ami transformed into Sailor Mercury. "Interesting..." Nephrite put down the microphone. As soon as he did so, Sailor Mercury dissappeared. Nephrite walked to the next terminal. "The lights," he whispered, and pulled the biggest knob. The lights started to dim. He moved them back up. "Look out Gemini-sama... You're getting a message in Morse code..." __________ BERYL, JADEITE, AND ZOICITE: "The lights!" a demon exclaimed as they dimmed then brightened. Zoicite, only half-asleep now groggily got up. "I'll scan I'll scan..." he mumbled. Suddenly the lights started to flicker. "Morse code... It says..." Looking at the scanner screen, Zoicite started to read, "Gemini-sama... We've found the control room on level 80... Looks like you'll be getting your e-mail system back.... Hey, didn't Gemini-sama say the control room was on level 60 something?" "Yes," answered Jadeite. "We have to contact them!" __________ "INTRUDER ALERT LEVEL 80" "Implement Trap 987-G, Computer, Now!!!!!!" Ami screamed, trooping down the hallway on a manhunt for a Dark Kingdom warrior, though not the evil in this battle. __________ "I hope Gemini got the message!" Nephrite exclaimed. "VIRUS DETECTED ERASING FILES" came the computer's voice. "No!!!!" screamed Nephrite as the screens all went blank. "Do I hear a ticking?" One terminal exploded, wires and plastic spouting in every which way, sparks soaring through the air. The sprinklers above immediately came on, then fell off, revealing full pipes behind them. "This isn't good..." one of the Junk Yard Demons whispered, bolting for the door, which, alas, was bolted itself. Nephrite gathered his energy and shot a ball of dark fire at the door, burning away the wood, but revealing the steel ziltanium behind it. "This was a trap..." __________ A FEW MINUTES EARLIER: "The lights are flickering..." Gemini whispered. "Well according to the Morse code program on your laptop Nephrite has found the control room... on level 80..." Kunzite answered. "But the control room is on level 66..." Gemini whispered... "So what do you make of this room?" "It seems to be empty..." "The door I broke ought to alarm Ami... We'll wait for her. She's on her way right now I bet..." ___________ A FEW MINUTES LATER: "The nucleo-plasmic gun!" Nephrite realized, grabbing it from in the pocket of his uniform. He shot it at the pipe above, not even bending it, but wiping away the ceiling tiles, showing more steel ziltanium. "The pipes must be as well.... And the water's being electrified!" ___________ The door across the room, slid open as a solitaire figure stepped through. "Hello, Gemini-chan..." the girl sneered. Gemini turned around, staring straight at Ami. "I though you'd show up..." "Really? That's so kind of you to wait for me..." "What do you want now? I knew you'd show up, but why?" "Well at first I wanted just to make your life a living hell... But now I have a much larger goal... Try and figure it out... Every now and then I might just throw you a bone..." "So what now? We fight?" "I'd win, and we both know that, Gemmy... You won't be able to match my awesome power... Of course it will be difficult to accomplish what I have my sights set on, with you in the way... Sadly, I will have to get rid of you unless you surrender..." "Never." "Then it is elimination, I suppose," Ami sighed, then dissappeared. "Where'd she go?" asked Kunzite. "I think I know!" Gemini exclaimed, motioning to the door which was still open, he ran through it, and picked up a small cube. "Some sort of holographic picture emitter." There was a low rumbling noise. "What's that?" squeaked a Junk Yard Demon. A steel bar fell from the ceiling, knocking it unconscious. "Everybody to the elevator shaft! We'll go down to where Jadeite and Zoicite came in and get out!" __________ "There, the entire building will self-destruct..." "Good work Ami..." the shadowy figure answered, shooting one of the forcefield probes, knocking it out for a few seconds, and the helicopter the two were inside of went through immediately before the forcefield reinstated itself. __________ Nephrite was floating in the middle of the room. The demons had already been electrocuted, and he was against the ceiling, almost touching the water, which was quickly rising. He heard a loud booming sound... And another.. The water was lowering... He looked below and saw several holes in the floor. Of course! Why hadn't he realized THAT would be where there wouldn't be steel ziltanium re-enforcement. He shot the floor in every possible place with his nucleo- plasmic gun, and glided himself down a floor, and to the elevator shaft, where he could find the others, hopefully... __________ FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER Gemini6Ice stood atop the building, looking back at his e- mail system going down. The structure was demolishing itself. Luckily, it was contained inside the forcefield, and was under control. Behind him, stood nineteen Junk Yard Demons, Queen Beryl, Zoicite, Jadeite, Nephrite, and Kunzite. As the building in their view fell completely, the probes holding the forcefield exploded, and the forcefield disappeared. "I'll get you for this, Ami, I swear I will..." Gemini vowed silently. __________ Finally, it's finished! Footnotes: In the 4th part, I mentioned the e-mail system was 10 stories high. Now it's over 80... The real number is the over eighty one... [NOTE: This was fixed for the edited, archive version.] I realized that I totally neglected the nucleo-plasmic guns, so I stuck them in this segment. And that's all I guess... There was one more that I can't remember. If you want any past segments, feel free to e-mail me. This fanfic was written in 3-4 days, so some parts are better writing than others, I know... If you want to know who Ami's partner is, keep reading. the saga... Even though this mini-saga is over, that doesn't mean there won't be more. *Iskandar groans, accopanied by Jackie Chiang* __________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 98 20:29:30 -0500 (CDT) X-Sender: ata1@mail.airmail.net Mime-Version: 1.0 To: sailor-moon@indiana.edu From: ata1@airmail.net (Gurpinar) Subject: [ff] "The Ten O'Clock News!" Cc: ata1@airmail.net Well it's that time again. No, not time to go cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, but for my next fic. Last I left off, the witness to the Boston incident had escaped from the crutches of chain-smoker Scoldy, and her FBI partner Moldy. Also, Ami's next diabolical plot was involving Gizmo, the gremlin, and I finished programming PenPen from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Well, this fic doesn't pick up there... This fic are/is the news reports that followed the incident in Boston... [NOTE: This fic was originally posted after "Pets" and was followed by the beginning of "Gremlins on Parade", but I have moved it in this archive to immediately after "Raid of MizunoÕs HQ" is finished, so that this archive will be chronologically correct, for the story that is.] __________ **CHARACTERS IN THE GAMMAVERSE** Gemini6Ice, the star of our show. Queen Beryl, Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoicite, and Kunzite: his minions. Junk Yard Demons: all of their disposable forces. Ami: Gemini's once ally, now nemesis. ???: Ami's mystery lover. Jane, Mike, and Ron: Reporters for Channel 2, ABC News. Joan, Mickey, and Rhonda: Reporters for Channel 5, CBS News. John, Mark, and Reggie: Reporters for Channel 9, FOX News. Janice, Minnie, and Ronnie: Reporters for Channel 15, NBC News. __________ 10:00 PM, EST, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 1997, FOX: *The scene opens with John and Mark sitting at the desk.* John: "Tonight, we have a very interesting story..." Mark: "In downtown Boston today a building exploded, but we'll have more on that story later. But first let's have our weather, Reggie!" *Camera jumps to Reggie* Reggie: Some cold winds should be moving in by next Friday, but-" __________ 10:05 PM, NBC *Scene opens with Minnie at the desk.* Minnie: "Around dawn this morning, many apartment owners in downtown Boston were awakened by a loud crashing noise, which happened to be a building falling! Care to tell us more, Janice?" __________ 10:06 PM, ON THE SPOT (NBC): Janice: "Sure thing, Minnie. There are no reported injuries or fatalities so far. However, authorites ARE excavating the building to see if anyone was caught in the rubble. The amazing part is, the rubble seems to have fallen in an exact square pattern, only one or two rocks falling into the street." *Camera jumps to a civilian dressed in a pink robe and wearing curlers. She has dark circles under her eyes.* Civilian: "I was trying to get some sleep last night. I didn't get home until four, when this smashing noise woke me up. I looked out my window, and that real perty building next to my apartment complex was falling down. I was worried it might fall down on my apartment, until I noticed an eerie glow around the building. And them rocks ain't goinÕ through it! It was like some invisible wall, 'cept it wasn't dat invisible!" *A man dressed in overalls wearing a pitchfork runs up to the camera.* Man: "It was them aliens I tell you!! They accidentally ran inta that building with them flyinÕ saucers, and used their super- science farcefield to hold the mess they made. They prolly felt guilty!" __________ 10:10 PM, ON THE SPOT (CBS): *Scene opens to another civilian. A teenage girl with red spiked hair, who is wearing all black.* Girl: "And I was just in my room, holding a seance with my friends, when we heard this loud crashing. I, like, thought it was my old boyfriend coming back to tell me who killed him, but when I realized it wasn't, my friend looked out the window and she saw that building falling down. You know, that one that doesn't seem to have anyone in it ever. Just once a week, those window washers come by and clean up all the windows. That one in the blue jumpsuit is so-" __________ 10:12 PM, FOX: Reggie: "And if you look here, you can see there will probably be a large tornado in the Sahara sometime in the year 2500..." *Mark runs on stage and punches Reggie out.* Mark: "Now for the story about the building collapsing in downtown Boston. *He smiles.* All the other stations are so ahead of us now! When Reggie comes to I'll kick his )@!^! stupid little £!%^&%4 @&&! What?? We're still rolling?? Quick, go to on spot! There arenÕt any reporters there?!?" *Scene flashes to a blue background.* Voices: *Singing* The Itchy and Scratchy show!! __________ 10:12 PM, ABC: Jane: "That's very interesting!" Mike: "Yes! Very interesting!" Ron: "Quite interesting.." Jane: "What do we do now?" *Man holding cue card throws it at Jane and runs away.* Jane: "Ouch! Hey come back here you little... Hey? This says, 'And now for the report on the building.' What does that mean?" Mike: "You mean you haven't heard about it yet? This morning, a building collapsed downtown!" Ron: "They probably have some reports on it on NBC. Let's go watch!" *The three of them leave.* __________ 10:15, ON THE SPOT (CBS): Girl: "So Shelia was like 'What's that glowing thing all over it?' And I went 'Johnnie came back to save me!' and she's like 'No way! You think that glowing thing is Johnnie's spirit?' And I was like 'Yeah! The seance brought him back to Earth and he knew the building falling was going to kill me, so he held the building in place to save me!' and she's like 'Yeah right.' and I'm like 'Uh huh!' and shes like 'uh-uh' Then we started fighting. then my parents came into my room. They are SUCH a drag. They broke up our fighting then saw the glowing from the open blinds, and like called the cops and told 'em the building next to us was falling.." __________ 10:18, ON THE SPOT (NBC): Janice: "So let me get this straight: You think it was aliens that held up the building?" *Girl dressed in black runs up.* Girl: "No! It was my boyfriend Johnnie!" Civilian: "None of my boyfriends could ever hold up a building that big..." *Sighs* "You're a lucky girl..." Man: "No! It was them aliens!" Girl: "My boyfriend Johnnie is dead! He left the afterlife to save my life!" Civilian: "Oh, I'm so sorry..." Rhonda: "Hey! Stop stealing my witness!" Janice: "I'm NOT stealing your witness..." *Rolls eyes* "She came of her on free will!" Girl "I just want the world to know how much Johnnie loves me!" *Sighs* *A man dressed in a suit comes out, running and screaming.* Crazy Guy: "They're everywhere! Monsters! Trash monsters!" Rhonda: "What are you talking about?" __________ 10:24 PM, ABC: Joan: "What does she think she's doing? She's putting her interviews on NBC!!!" __________ 10:24 PM, ON THE SPOT (NBC): Crazy: "I saw them on the roof! They came out of a helicopter and destroyed the building!" Rhonda: "You story sounds quite ridiculous... What did you say your name was?" *A man and woman dressed in black suits and sunglasses enter the scene.* Man: "Please turn off the cameras." Rhonda: "No! You can't make me!" Woman: "Either do it yourself or we WILL use force!" Janice: "Under what authority?!?" Man: "Under the United States Government." *Takes out wallet.* "I am Vox Moldy, FBI agent." *Shows ID card* Woman: "And I am..." *Shows ID Card* "Diane Scoldy, FBI agent as well." *The camera crews turn off the cameras.* __________ 10:30, BUILDING RUINS: Scoldy: "Thank you, please come with us sir, we need to take you in for questioning..." *Grabs ahold of the crazy man's arm* Crazy: "No! I'm not going anywhere!" Moldy: *Grabbing the other arm.* "Let's go." *The two drag the man to a limo. They get inside and drive off.* __________________________________________________________________ X-Sender: ata1@mail.airmail.net Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 14:26:32 -0500 To: sailor-moon@indiana.edu From: ata1@airmail.net (Gurpinar) Subject: [ff] "A dark, dark, dark PINK day..." Cc: ata1@airmail.net *A konocking is heard at the door. Ami is playing chess by herself in a dimly lit room. It is Valentine's Day, February 14th, 1998...* Ami: Come in... *Moving a piece on the chess board.* *The door opens and a figure steps in.* [GEMINI NOTE: RoMHQ parts 10 and 11] Figure: Happy Valentine's Day, Ami... *Ami takes the heart-shaped box of candy and the bouquet of roses.* Ami: I love them... Figure: Are you winning? *Motions toward the chess board.* Ami: What? *Looks at the chess board.* I didn't notice I had it out... I was thinking... And planning... Figure: Planning what my dear? Ami: Don't be impatient... You'll find out soon enough... And so will an old friend... *She picks up a doll shaped like Gemini from the floor, and fists her hand, breaking the doll.* Ami: Soon enough... __________________________________________________________________ X-Sender: ata1@mail.airmail.net Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 19:40:57 -0500 To: sailor-moon@indiana.edu From: ata1@airmail.net (Gurpinar) Subject: [ff] "Sailor Moon Says!" Cc: ata1@airmail.net Hello, minna-san, this isn't part of my "Raid on Mizuno's HQ" mini-saga, yet it's more of a run-off story... Just a little something I decided to do... This one's in dialogue, not narration, so you won't have to read tons of useless detailish dribble, and now.. [NOTE: This was originally posted between segments ten and eleven of the RoMHQ mini-saga.] JYD: Our story continues!!!! Baka! It's not continuing, this is a stand-alone, well sort of... NEPHRITE: And now our story starts... Thank you Nephrite-kun. __________ GEMINI6ICE: What to do? What to do??? Xplo still has his graser aimed at my e-mail system in Boston, Massachusetts! ZOICITE: I think they know where Boston is... GEMINI6ICE: The demons? ZOICITE: Oh. I meant the Indiana SMML. But good point... GEMINI: Are they spying on us again? ZOICITE: But I beleive the Amazon trio is logging this scenerio and forwarding it to the ML. GEMINI: And on what grounds do you base that assumption? RANMA: The Cursed Training Grounds!!!!!!!! GEMINI: Go away!!!! *throws Ranma(male version) down the garbage chute* ZOICITE: They made me say it!!! See! They're writing this whole thing!! GEMINI: Baka Zoicite-kun.... And how would they manage to send it to the Indiana SMML without anyone knowing and getting suspicious? ZOICITE: They will fraud YOUR e-mail address!! GEMINI: *under his breath* Who's program will malfunction next... *aloud* Well as I was saying, how can I keep the graser from hitting my e-mail system... When Ami-chan left she disabled the reflector shields... JYD: But, Gemini-sama, when you got your e-mail system back-- GEMINI: *quickly blasting the JYD with a photon torpedo* oops.. Sorry, I'm very clumsy... *thinking* Whew! He almost gave away the ending to my mini-saga!!!! *communicator beeps on* NEPHRITE-SPEAKING-FROM-COMMUNICATOR: Gemini-sama help!!!! They're all over me!!! GEMINI-SPEAKING-INTO-COMMUNICATOR: What are??? NEPHRITE: Thousands of Chibi-Usa's!! Heeeelllpppppp!!!!!!!! THOUSANDA-OF-RINI'S: We're Rini!! We're not Chibi-Usa!!! GEMINI: Dub characters!!!! Oh no! That explains Ranma!! *A male version and a female version of Ranma run past the doorway, making out* GEMINI: Somebody's been using the holodome!!! *Serena pops into the room* SERENA: Gemini!!!! *starts throwing tissue paper at him* GEMINI: Who did this???? ZOICITE: Let's investigate! GEMINI: Right!! Moon Crisis Power!! Make up!!!!! ZOICITE: What are you doing??? GEMINI: Don't look!! *turns into Sailormoon* SAILORMOON: Oops! Wrong command!!! I've just pulled a Taiki!!! SERENA: TAIKI! TAIKI! TAIKI!!! Sailor moon says. TAIKI! TAIKI! TAIKI! Teeheehee!! MOON: *looking down at his fuku* Bug out! *turns into a bug* *Rini run sinto the room and Serena screams* RINI: POPTART! POPTART! POPTART!!!! SERENA: TAIKI! TAIKI! TAIKI! Brat Munchkin!! *flings Rini across the room into Gemini's computer hard drive* *Hundred of wires come out, and Rini explodes into fried little demon-child peices* SERENA: TAIKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHIBI: TAIKI? SERENA: Chibi? CHIBI: Taiki! Taiki! Taiki! SERENA: Chibi? Chibi. Chibi!!!!!! BUG: Bug back! *turns into Gemini6Ice* GEMINI: My hard drive!! Someone is going to pay for this!!! *Storms out of the room, followed by Zoicite* ZOICITE: Calm down, Gemini-sama! GEMINI: Why should I! Heads will roll! *Several Luna P's roll down the hallway* GEMINI: And I'm sick of all these puns!! *Several Ann's with puncils trying to poke each other's eyes out go down the hallway* ZOICITE: It must be the work of one of the stupid Junk Yard Demons! *700 Junk Yard Demons start coming down the hallway toward the pair* DEMON GENERAL: Get them!! Commander Anderson says to!!! GEMINI: Run!!!! *Zoicite fires several balls of fire, killing off 200 JYDs* ZOICITE: I'm not too familiar with dub names.. Anderson... *running* Fill me in? GEMINI *running* I think... yes... it was... discussed on the ML once... Amy Anderson, dub.. *pant* version of... *pant* ... Mizuno Ami... ZOICITE: How did she get control of an army of JYDs... GEMINI: Someone must have created her using the schematics from the faulty Ami, then she created an army for herself... The diabolical mind of a Genuis in a Blue Fuku... *Guy dressed in a Tuxedo is standing on the side of the hall* GUY: Genius in a blue fuku.. blue fuku... *Gemini and Zoicite dart past him, and the JYDs trample him* ZOICITE: How can we win when we don't know how many people are being created in the holodome right now? GEMINI: Well.... *pant* if they created an extra holodome with the holodome who knows how many there could be? And why aren't you panting? ZOICITE: How many of what? Creatures of holodomes? Also, I don't have to breath, duh! GEMINI: Don't get insolent with me! Both! *the ceiling above them buckles and falls, as the two are trapped between death and a hard place.* DEMON GENERAL: We've got you cornered! *as the dust clears, Buffy the Vampire Slayer stands* BUFFY: Sorry.. But you demons just ruined my day! ZOICITE: SheÕs only wearing a bikini!!! Did you program this, Gemini-sama?? GEMINI: Ummm... ahem *clears throat* Of course not... *sweatdrops forming* BUFFY: Time to die! DEMON GENERAL: Get her! *Buffy quickly slays the remaining 500 jyds* BUFFY: Heya... Gemini... GEMINI: Ummm... er ahh... ZOICITE: Gemini-sama! I knew it! You DID program her! GEMINI: Yes but she wasn't meant to be brought to life! She was a holodome ONLY program... For *sweatdrops more* tactical... fighting practice... ZOICITE: Then why is she wearing this skimpy bikini?!? *Zoycite appears from the mop closet* ZOYCITE: Impersonator!!!!!! ZOICITE: Ahhh!!!! A dub version of me!! I'm a she!! Ewwwww!!!!!!!! *kills Zoycite* GEMINI: Why don't you ask her? ZOICITE: Why are wearing that? BUFFY: Well... I was swimming.... *lying* ZOICITE: Swimming with who? BUFFY: That cute guy Darien!! Ooohh.. he has the most beautiful eyes!!! GEMINI: A dub Mamorou!! This is worse than I thought!!!! Where is the pool? BUFFY: In Sunnydale! COMMANDER AMY: *appears in the middle of the hall* You dare destroy my army!!! SERENA: What will happen? You stay right there! *voice from nowhere* BUFFY: Care to dance with me, Gemini?? GEMINI: Of course... ZOICITE: We have an emergency on hand, Gemini, can't it wait? LITA: I'm a cook!!! *coming from down the hall, followed by Raye, Mina, Serena, and another Amy, as well as Luna, Artemis, Ann, Alan, Molly, and Melvin* RAYE: Evil demon!!!! *slaps a peice of paper with "weird GANG writing" on it on Gemini's forehead* I shall punish you! Mars Crystal Power! *turns into Sailor Mars, as another Raye comes down the hall* MARS: Mars Fireballs charge!!!! *shoots fireballs at the other Raye* GEMINI: Ahhhhh!!!!!!!! *passes out from spirit ward* BUFFY: You killed my boy-- *Everyone stares at Buffy* BUFFY: My boyish immature creator!!!! ZOICITE: Sure.... *looks uncertain* *Gemini's spirit is floating overhead* GEMINI: Can't you hear me!!! This is really an out-of body experience!! MECHANIC: Did somebody say auto body?? GEMINI: You can hear me? MECHaNIC: Yep, I'm dead too! GEMINI: I'm dead?!? SERENA: TAIKI! Moon Star Power! Moon Crystal Power! *turns into Sailor Moon* MOON: Remember, hire a mechanic to fix your mom's car, kiddies! NEVER try to fix one yourself... You MIGHT even get a time-out for it!!! RAYE: *screams* MARS: Hey, nice *scream* Raye... RAYE: *Thanks, Sailor Mars! You're my hero!* MARS: Really? RAYE: *Yep!* MOON: Sailor Moon Says!! Teeheehee!!!!!! __________ GEMINI: *wakes up in bed, breathing heavily* what a nightmare!!! *forehead is covered with sweat* SERENA: Taiki!!!!!!!! *jumps on to Gemini's bed, and starts hugging him* GEMINI: No! I'm not Taiki!! Stop that!!!!! Get off me!!! BUFFY: Stay away from my boyfriend!!!!!!!!!! GEMINI: I never programmed you!!! You were in my dream!!! ZOICITE: While you were sleeping, the Amazon trio stole your soul mirror, and pulled your dream characters out of it. I'm sorry, Gemini-sama... __________ BO-CHAN: *snickers* Hahahaha! *evil grin* As soon as I finish this fanfic I can forever ruin Gemini's name by adding a little lemon at the end!!! XPLO: Oh really? *Points graser at Bo-chan's house, and fires, destroying bo-chan and the copmputer* BO-CHAN: Ahhhhhhhyeeeeiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!! __________ GEMINI: *waking up again* Whoa, that was a weird dream..... Bo- chan was writing a fanfic about me!!! SERENA: Taiki!!!! *hugging Gemini* GEMINI: When will it end?!?!? Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! *never-ending scream* __________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 5 Apr 98 20:09:53 -0500 (CDT) X-Sender: ata1@mail.airmail.net Mime-Version: 1.0 To: sailor-moon@indiana.edu From: ata1@airmail.net (Gurpinar) Subject: [ff] "Pets!" (A prelude) Cc: ata1@airmail.net Well kiddies it's that time again!.... Kiddies? Stop messing up the cue cards! You're fired!!! *Ahem* Well, minna-san its that time again! (I hate doing this intro on improvisation.) *Sigh* Well, this serves as merely a prelude to my next mini-saga. In case you forgot what happened, we'll give you a brief overview: __________ Gemini-chan has a holodome, kinda like the holodeck from Star Trek and such, right? 'Cept that the entire thing is one big one with computers and alien technology and such. Keep in mind this takes place in another dimension, you know? The gammaverse. We're one of the many universes.. or is that univereese? Hmmm.. Well we're one of the many that know that infinite realities co- exist. Well not everybody. Gemmy-chan does, and so do I. He created me in the holodome. Programmed me himself. He also had this magic book and he cast a spell that brought me to life. This spell can only be cast every so often. Well Gemmy-chan sends me off to Brazil. After that I became my true self, and I came back to his e-mail system (in Boston, MA) and took it over and dropped him off unconscious in New York City, right? So then he does something like a holo-creator factory or something, brings that to life, then he creates this massive army of all the generals from the Dark Kingdom as well as varying youma called Junk Yard Demons. He attacks the building that is now MY e-mail system. I almost kill him and his minions on several occasions, and I even self- explode the building hoping to kill them. Unfortunately, they all got away, but fortunately, I've got someone on my side now! Now prepare to die! Mercury Power Make-u--- ___________ GEMINI: Tha-at's nice Ami-chan... (Don't kill the readers!!!!!) AMI: But why not? GEMINI: If nobody is left that reads the fic, we'll be out of business! AMI: We don't make any money fromn this fanfic.. GEMINI: *Sweatdrop* good point.... Let's start the show! JYD: I'm singing in the rain... just singing in the rain.. GEMINI: Security! *Presses red buton* Security! Now, as I was saying- AMI: On with MY show! GEMINI: Oh be quiet! __________ IN A PEACEFUL (OR SO IT SEEMS!) VALLEY JUST OUTSIDE OF LOS ANGELES, 4:37 p: "Gemini-san?" "Yes, Beryl-kun?" he asked. Gemini was seated before a computer terminal inside of the holodome. "I was wondering, what happens if one of us dies on another mission?" "Some religions say you go to heaven, some say you are reincarnated, while asome people believe that your mind would just cease to exist." "That's not what I meant. With all respect, will you create another holo-duplicate of us, or what?" "There'd be a funeral. That is, of course, considering that at least one of us makes it out alive." "Why not create another?" "Because I can't. Every program can only be brought to life once." "What about all those moronic Junk Yard Demons?" "The program re-writes itself every time I start it up. Consider it like a Tamagotchi. You get a different alien each time you start it. Eventually, you'll get one you've had before, but considering the program I wrote, it has so many variables that a repeat won't occur until at least the fifty-billionth Junk Yard Demon." "Oh. So what are you doing?" "I'm going over Ami's program. I still can't figure out what made her go evil. I might as well create my pet now." "Your.." Queen Beryl rose an eyebrow, then sat down in a swivel chair next to Gemini6Ice, "pet?" "Yes, it's in the holodome now. Let's go to the holo- emitter factory." With that, the two stood up and walked out of the room. __________ NEXT TO THE HOLO-EMITTER FACTORY, 4:58 p: Queen Beryl walked into the room, and saw a flash speed in front of her. "What was that?" "Pen Pen." "Who?" "The hot springs penguin." "Isn't he from... Neo-Queen-Serenity or something?" "No, he's from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Can you catch him for me?" "Sure." Queen Beryl quickly raced after the beaked bird wearing a small tag reading "PEN^2." "Make it stop squealing!" she complained. "Just a second..." Gemini6Ice grabbed a holo-emitter, and attached it to the side of the penguin, then took it off, two seconds later. "There, he's real now." Queen Beryl let go of the creature, and it quickly ran out of the room. __________ THE INSIDE TENNIS COURTS, 5:32 p: "You'll never win!" screamed the Junk Yard Demon. "Don't count on that" responded the other one, hitting the tennis ball back over the net. Their session was interrupted by a loud squeal. "What was that?" screamed the Demon, ducking-and-covering on the floor. Pen Pen ran across the court and into the hallway outside. "It's a monster!!!" screamed the other one, hiding under the bleachers now. __________ THE INSIDE TENNIS COURTS, THE NEXT DAY: Jadeite walked into the tennis courts, and saw the Demon on the floor, and another JYD under the bleachers. "What are you doing?" he asked, amused. "Monster!!" they both screamed. "It had a silver tag and big beady eyes!" "It had a giagantic beak and two great wings!" "Oh, him? That's just Pen Pen. Boy, don't you feel stupid?" Jadeite laughed and left the room. __________ "Good Gizmo! Eat your carrots," Ami cooed. "What is that?" asked a voice in the room. "Oh this is Gizmo, my new pet gremlin, and new plan. But I want him to grow up good an healthy before I demolish Gemini with it." __________ Ummmmmm? What to say? Obligitory SailorMoon: "What a glorius feeling! I'm *tap tap* happy again!" Date: Sat, 25 Apr 98 20:05:35 -0500 (CDT) X-Sender: ata1@mail.airmail.net Mime-Version: 1.0 To: sailor-moon@indiana.edu From: ata1@airmail.net (Gurpinar) Subject: [ff] "Rumors and Glass" (Was: "Re: More Black Moon drek!!") Cc: ata1@airmail.net Nephrite stood next to the chair, not sitting in it. Sitting was for the weak. He scrolled down the mail. Luckily, Gemini-sama was at Planet Hollywood, and he could read the e-mail. After the Boston e-mail system had been blown to smithereenes, ("Raid on Mizuno's HQ" - The Author) Gemini had managed to cross- wire the US' computer networks so he could receive his mail in the holodome. Outside the room he was in, he heard the penguin squealing and several JYDs screaming. He shook he head, amused. He noticed a message from the Hussar base. Curious, Nephrite double- clicked. Interestingly enough, the Jason Alexander look-alike was not even home. Two of his lackies were answering his mail. Scrolling down, he noticed something. "Computer, hail Zoicite!" __________ Zoicite started mixing the gravy into his mashed potatoes. Kunzite was too busy with his new website that Gemini had given him memory for, and he grumbled cyncically at the thought. Trying to get the HTML correct, and learning Java, Kunzite hadn't spent any time with him for a few weeks now. He jammed the fork into the crushed veggie, tilted the plate accidentally, and sent the food across the room. "ZOICITE, YOU ARE BEING HAILED BY NEPHRITE? DO YOU WISH TO ACCEPT?" "Computer, is he hailing me with 1-800-COLLECT?" "HOW IS THAT RELEVANT?" the computer asked. "Dialing 1-800-COLLECT can save your peers up to 44 percent!" he responded. __________ "ZOICITE WILL ACCEPT YOUR HAIL IF YOU HANG UP AND HAIL WITH 1-800-COLLECT INSTEAD OF 1-800-CALL-ATT." "Computer, change Nephrite hail number to one, eight- hundred, collect, passcode alpha 68." "PASSCODE ACCEPTED. HAIL NUMBER CHANGED." "Computer, hail Zoicite!" "Yes, Nephrite what is it?" "Can come down here for a second; there's something I'd like you to see!" A few moments later, the door opened and Zoicite stepped in. "What's so important that you had to drag me away from my spud?" "Is that a dirty connotation?" Nephrite rose an eyebrow. "I'm talking about mashed potatoes and gravy, you moron!" Zoicite said, his voice stern. "Oh. Well, perhaps you're wondering why I called you down here?" "Yes, I am!" "Care to explain this?" >> * Ami-chan falls in love with Zoicite???!!!! >> They even sing a love song together... oh no.... "What? No way! These are lies! All lies!" "I'm sure gemini-sama would be interested to hear about your fooling around with the enemy..." Nephrite taunted. > Mimete: This has got to be a joke! Ami-chan?!? Falling in love > with a bishonnen twit like Zoicite?!?!? OH PLEASE!!! > Karitza: But Mimete, I thought that Zoicite swung the other way > as well? > Both: EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! "How dare they call me a TWIT?" > "Mimete, about this thing about Ami and Zoicite: you don't >REALLY think that it could actually happen now, no?" > "I really can't see how it could happen, Karitza. Of all of >the major evil factions that the Sailor Senshi have fought over >the years, and which the Black Moon Family have been able to ally >themselves with, the Dark Kingdom is odd man out. And until they >do so, I would hazard to guess that the Black Moon Family would >not let the two of them to see each other." > "But what would possibly happen if the Black Moon does allow >Ami and 'Zoey' to see each other? The Commander is in no position >OR condition right now to block any other suitors whom may want >Ami's hand in marriage..." > "Or her head on a pike somewhere." > "This is true also." "Well, these *lies* as you call them are spreading fast, 'Zoey'," Nephrite mocked. "You had better do something about them before they get too far!" "The 'Ami's head on a pike' part is true but the rest isn't! Who started this reediculous rumor, anyway?" "Just a second, let me scroll up." > "But look," says Mimete as she points to the "From:" line. > "It's been forwarded to the list by Mark Vallen." > "So?" > "Soooo, maybe S.O.S. has been taken over by the Black Moon >Family for use as another fibbing machine?" Mimete looks back at >the screen. "Maybe the Hussars need to do something about this?" "Mark Vallen has? Now this makes me angry!" "Why?" "Now we'll have to cancel the playdates between our JYDs and his GSDs..." Nephrite smacked Zoicite upside the head. "You idiot! We're in alternate universes! Mark and the Black Moon family are in the Sagaverse while we're in the Gammaverse!" "Well maybe he was talking about the REAL Zoey from his dimension, but this comment still is offensive to me, and I WILL punish him, in the name of the Dark Kingdom!" "Holo-Dark Kingdom, that is?" *Sweatdrop above Zoey's head* "Yeah, that's what I meant!" "Whatever." "As I was saying... How about we capture the Mark Vallen of the Gammaverse and torture him! Then send a matrix span through the inter-universal connection, and subject Mr. Vallen to the exact same torture!" "What?" "You don't like it?" "It's a fine plan except.... 1: The Indiana ML is basically the only inter-universal connection we have right now besides the dimensional-monitor. Well... and the e-mail system. 2: WHAT the hell is a fraggin' Matrix Span? 3: Like he has virtual reality technology? *scoff* and 4: How would we find the Mark Vallen of the Gammaverse? Even if wqe found him, capturing him would put an even worse name for Gemini-sama after the chaos Ami- chan will be causing!" "You know her next plan?" asked Zoicite, intrigued. "Of course I do! I've been reading the list mail! It was in Gemini-sama's last fic, when he created Pen Pen. Ami now has a gremlin." "Gremlin?" "You've never seen those movies? When she unleashes it (and she will), then millions of lives will be at risk!" "Anyway, the Matrix Span is kind of like a computer virus that Gemini-sama has been working on!" "What kind of virus?" "Well it's not really a virus. You know those lunchboxes that Xplo uses?" "Yeah?" "Well its kinda like that except its a virtual lunchbox I suppose. It can break through any barrier, then open when it reaches its destination. We can include sensory feed from the torture which will detonate in Mark Vallen's virtual reality drive when he uses it!" "Does he have a virtual reality drive?" "Which one?" "Mark from the Sagaverse and the Black Moon Family!" "I'm not sure. Also, if we can find out how Mark became affiliated with the Black Moon Family in the first place, we might be able to track his counterpart in this universe!" "How do you plan on torturing him?" "Ever heard 'Serena' sing at karaoke night?" Nephrite burst out laughing. __________ "Monsters. Trash monsters... On the roooftops, they're coming to get me..." the man screamed, and rolled around on the floor. He was in a white room. The floor was white. The walls were white. The cieling was white. His teeth were white. His clothes were white. They had buckles. His clothes, not his teeth, that is. Some people call it a straight-jacket. On one wall there was a mirror. Whenever the man looked in the mirror, he didn't see himself, he saw monsters. Trash monsters. On the other side of the mirror was a dark room, and a man and a women. Their clothes were dark. The walls were dark. The man's hair was dark. The woman's teeth were dark. She smoked. They didn't wear buckles. Well, the woman was wearing a belt. So she had ONE buckle. Big deal. On one side of the wall was a glass window. There was a man dressed in white with white teeth wearing buckles rolling around on the floor screaming about monsters made of trash. "You think he's crazy, Moldy?" asked the woman. "He's not crazy. He sane in a crazy world, Scoldy," the man replied. Scoldy lit a ciggarette. "That's bad for you, you know," Vox Moldy said. "Did I ever tell you about the time I got on that plane last fall?" she asked him. "What happened?" "This idiot threw a sissy fit because I was smoking!" "You told about that once. He was the guy who owned that building in Boston, right?" "Yes," she answered. "Don't we have to handle that case too?" "This man was there the night of the explosion. We have to find out why an explosion that big had no effect on surrounding buildings, and why this man went crazy that night the building became not-a-building anymore. Perhaps he saw something concerning to the deestruction of the building that drove him nuts." "You like to say building, don't you, Vox?" she asked. "Yes, I do, Diane. Just like you like to smoke." "Then we're even." "Since when have you gotten second-hand word-repitition?" he asked Diane Scoldy. "Hold out your hand," she replied. "Why?" he asked her, but did it anyway. She pulled out the ciggarette from her mouth and jammed it into his hand. "I'm not a woman to be reasoned with, Vox!" she replied, then left the room, as Agent Moldy screamed in agony. "Do I look like a monster to you too?" asked the man looking in the mirror and at the demon made out of trash, screaming. "Serves you right!" he punched the glass with his fist, and the glass shattered, raining over Vox. __________ In his office, Ian Greene was looking at the monitor. The screen displayed Diane attacking Vox, then the mentally-ill patient escaping. "This is going to be a long day..." he sighed. __________________________________________________________________ Date: Thu, 9 Jul 98 17:06:31 -0500 (CDT) X-Sender: ata1@mail.airmail.net Mime-Version: 1.0 To: sailor-moon@indiana.edu From: ata1@airmail.net (Gurpinar) Subject: [ff] "Planting the Trap" ("Gremlins on Parade", part 1) Cc: ata1@airmail.net Well, this is the intro. What do I have to say. This is the next segment in my fic series, and for any past segments you can e-mail me. We'll give a short synopsis of our story so far so you can keep up: __________ Imagine a bio-dome. Got it? Good. Now add a bunch of spaceship looking thingies all over the edge, and rockets on the bottom. Got that? Now you've got a holodome. Wait, no you don't, Gemini does. In a secluded valley, not far away from Los Angeles. (Now for those who haven't been reading along, the Los Angeles that Mark-san and the Black Moon family have seized control of is in an alternate dimension, the Sagaverse. This story takes place in the Gammaverse.) And there, with a magical book he brought the hologram of Mizuno Ami to life. A couple of months after dropping her off in Brazil to abandon his fics, she came back with avengance, seizing control of his e-mail system in downtown Boston, Massachusetts and dumping him off in New York City. After regaining consciousness he took a flight (with a chain-smoking FBI agent next to him but we'll get to that part later) to Los Angeles, then once he came back to his holodome, he brought to life a a factory of holo-emitters. Each holo-emitter can cast the spell to bring a holograph to life once. Now why would he do that? Because the spell can only be cast every so often. Then with the holoemitters, he brought to life the Dark Kingdom to his side. Queen Beryl, Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoicite, and Kunzite, plus an army of Junk Yard demons, each randomly created out of trash. But were these villains? No. Since he programmed them when creating them, he programmed them to obey his orders, so they are neither evil nor good. In a short time, the party made it to Boston where they proceeded to take back Gemini's e-mail system. Once they finally got it back, Ami managed to escape with her boyfriend and self- destruct the building. (This paragraph was a synopsis of about 12 segments... Sheesh.) After that, the entire community of Boston was shaken by the destruction of the building, which thanks to a forcefield, was contained to its own area, not hurting anyone or anything else. Only one man actually saw the truth; he saw "trash monsters" on the roof of the building. Committing him as crazy, the US government managed to get custody of him. Well, more specifically, the FBI that is. FBI partners Diane Scoldy and Vox Moldy are now committed to discovering the truth about what happened in Boston, but are keeping the man in custody to "protect" the public from the truth. (Diane is also the chain-smoker from the plane from New York to LA!) Unkown to Gemini, who just brought to life PenPen from Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ami has ownership of Gizmo. (Hint: The cute gremlin from all those movies.) And now, with so many forces only knowing part of the story, can it actually come together in a readable fanfic? Stay tuned!! __________ May 1st, 1998: Ami stood beside the cage containing the gremlin. "Hi there... Gizmo!" she sneered, holding a bucket of water. Gizmo, knowing what it would do, crawled backward, attempting to hide at the end of its cage. ~~RULE 1: NEVER LET A GREMLIN TOUCH WATER!~~ Ami knew as well. From the time, long ago, when she had been a totally different person, and Gemini-chanÕs partner, she watched another dimension from the holodome. And on their TV stations, she saw the movie "Gremlins 2." Lucky for her, but unlucky for the world, they DID exist in the Gammaverse, and after a lot of searching, she had found one. She just had to get water onto this fuzzball to make it reproduce. She needed only a few gremlins to unleash disaster upon the world, and to make Gemini get the blame for it. She slowly took the bucket, and poured it over the cage. The water completely missed the fuzzball! Well, not entirely, a small droplet had splashed onto its nose. "No! I need some more water!" However, Gizmo started shivering. Gesturing to the silhouette, Ami said, "Nevermind. It worked!" The gremlin let out a short squeak as a small piece of lint came out of its mouth. Then another. And another. In a few seconds, they all grew to the size of Gizmo, chuckling and laughing. "Three of them! Just enough!" Ami cackled, opening the cage. She grabbed the three new gremlins by the necks, and dropped them into three separate cages. "Let's see, where should we drop the first one off?" Ami asked the man who had just stepped out of the shadows. "It your decision, Ami-chan," he answered. Picking up a dart, Ami quickly sliced it through the room at the world map on the other side. It landed on the southern side of the United States. "Where did it land?" Ami asked. "Dallas Metroplex, Texas. A wise choice!" he laughed. "How long will it take us to fly there?" "Five hours, my sweet." "Let's go!" __________ In Paris, France, at that exact moment, several tourists pointed to the cloud in the sky which quickly spit out a few flames and left at an incredible speed. __________ E-mail System Ruins: Boston, MA: "Did you find any signs of intelligent life?" Scoldy asked the police commissioner before her. "You mean have we found anybody?" "Yeah," Diane answered, lighting a cigarette. The man coughed, then answered, "Not yet. We've only found a few dead rats. But one thing still puzzles me." "What's that?" the agent asked, putting a second cigarette in her mouth. "We seem to have uncovered what appears to be robotics." "Robots? What's so puzzling about that?" "We have uncovered almost four-hundred identical robots. And one more, even larger than the rest. Almost like a giant compared to the smaller ones." The two rolls of tobacco fell out of her mouth. "Can I see them?" "Yes. We've covered it up in the tents for now," the commissioner led her into the tent, pulling up the flap. __________ Gemini6Ice's Holodome: Outside Los Angeles, CA: "Have you found anything yet?" Gemini6Ice asked the character before him. Nephrite, Kunzite, and Gemini were in one of the main control rooms of the holodome. "You mean larger than the one we already know exists?" Nephrite counter-asked. "Yes. The only inter-dimensional portal we know of has a diameter of only five millimeters. It's enough for electronic transmissions but none for mass. Well, any significant mass. If we want to figure out how Ami became evil we *have* to reach another dimension! I mean, itÕs not as if we can travel through time or anything!" "This latest scan has found three that are larger. There is one that is fifteen meters wide," answered Nephrite. "Where?!?" asked Gemini, elated. "The center of the Earth." "What about the others?" "There's one that's twelve decimeters, next to mars, and the third, is one millimeter larger than the only discovered one and it's one meter away from the one we had previously known about." "Great. This holodome is far from capable of space travel! It can barely lift two feet off the ground without the engines going kaput!" Gemini screamed, pounding his fist on the keyboard in front of him. The screen flashed "System error. You have erased the hard drive." "Great! Just what I need! All my backup files are on this system!" "Speaking of the holodome, how DID you acquire posession of it?" asked Kunzite. "It's a long story that happened a long time ago. I'll tell you someday, but we're kind of busy right-" He was interrupted by a loud squeal, then PenPen ran into the room with something silver in his mouth. "Come back here you rotten penguin!" screamed a Junk Yard Demon, who then ran into the control room chasing the frightened creature. "Stop!" yelled Gemini. "What the $%%^%$ is going on here?" "What's $%%^%$??" interrupted Nephrite. "It's curse word," whispered Kunzite. "This show is rated TV-G so only mundane curse words such as crap can actually be written, unless they is used in the actual context of the word, which therefore would have to be censored by a bunch of symbols." "So what did he say?" "He said $%%^%$!" "I give up!" Nephrite sighed. "Back to the plotline..." muttered Gemini. "This is really a sub-plotline actually. The real plot has to do with the gremlins, right?" asked Nephrite. "Shut up!" yelled Kunzite. "You are making Gemini-sama angry! We don't know about the gremlins yet, remember? Therefore a Junk Yard Demon chasing PenPen is the only plotline that Gemini's point of view is aware of." "Thank you," said Gemini. "As I was saying, demon, why are you chasing my pet?" "It stole my bracelet!" "And where did you get the bracelet?" "I found it." "And where did you find it?" "Outside." Gemini pulled the bracelet out of the penguin's mouth and read the inscription, "Pen squared. This was PenPen's necklace to begin with." "Oh." "Can we get on with the fanfic now?" he asked, annoyed. "Nothing can happen in our point of view until Ami makes her move. So why don't we switch to her point of view now?" "Good point." __________ Mizuno Ami's Airship: Above Arlington, TX: "We're here!" announced the voice. "Now where should I drop this first gremlin off?? My top three choices are The Parks Mall, Six Flags over Texas, and... Wait, I don't have a third choice yet." "I'd advise against Six Flags. It's out in the open. And you remember the third rule, right?" ~~RULE 3: NEVER LET A GREMLIN OUT IN SUNLIGHT!~~ "Right. The sunlight kills them. yeah, yeah. I'm not an idiot, okay?" she snapped. "Yeah. The mall. Plenty of food there. It's just too bad that nobody will be there past midnight." ~~RULE 2: NEVER LET A GREMLIN EAT AFTER MIDNIGHT!~~ "But they'll get a good surprise in the morning, right?" "Yes," Ami sneered. She quickly set the timer on the cage to unlock at midnight. "I'll plant the cage near the food court." __________ THE PARKS MALL (ARLINGTON, TX, USA): Ami quickly walked through the crowd, holding a cage covered with a sheet. Upon reaching the food court, she approached the attendant at Potato Pizazz, a '50s-style-looking restaurant which served everything potato. "Hi there," she whispered. "Um, hi..." the acne-clad teen responded. "Can you do me a favor?" "What?" "Put this cage behind the counter, and leave it there?" "I know what you're doing! You're trying to use sex appeal to get me to do you dirty work!" he responded, folding his arms and looking away. "I'll pay you $400 dollars," she returned. He turned back around, obviously interested. "Deal." Shee picked up the cage and grabbed four-hundred dollars from in the neck hole of her uniform. "Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh" he muttered. "Oh get a grip. You won't get anything more hentai from me! Now put this behind the counter!" "What's hentai?" he asked, complying with her request. "Oh, I forgot you're a culturally-deprived American. It's porn. Bye now," she trotted off and went down the escalators on her way back to the airship. "Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh..." __________ Well that's all for now, folks! [GEMINI NOTE: For those unaware of postal codes: CA - California MA - Massachusetts TX - Texas If I use any others I'll include their explanations also.] Obligitory Moon: "Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh...."