Background: |
It started in Kyoto. Kamiko Miyazaki had recently rose in rank from maiko to senior geisha. Her family was proud and her life was good, -until she met Ichiro Tanaka. Ichiro was older than Kamiko by ten years, the son of a prominent silk merchant. Being the first son, he was set to inherit the business upon his father's death. It was no secret that the elder Tanaka had made his money through dealings with the local Yakuza, as the tip of his smallest finger was cut off. So, when Ichiro started inquiring about Kamiko, people were too scared to turn him down. Kamiko at the tender age of seventeen, wanting to honor her parents, whom Ichiro had promised comfortable lives for should their daughter marry him, soon found herself both married and pregnant. Akuma's birth fell on a day that just happened to be unlucky in the Taoist calender that year: February 13th, 1982. His father insisted on naming him something lucky, to counter the bad luck of his birthdate. His mother, however, named him Kuroji.
It came to past that the elder Tanaka died, leaving Ichiro to manage the family business. He was always away, leaving Akuma and his mother at home. Kamiko had turned into a very cold, detached woman. Her life as a geisha was ruined by her marriage to Ichiro, and any last hopes she had of returning to her 'good' life were shattered at the birth of her son. Akuma's earliest memories were of his mother's rough hands and chilling reminders of how much he had ruined her. It got worse as he grew. His mother would beat him viciously and then use her expert knowledge of make up to cover up the bruises on his body when his father was home. She would then proceed to use her own talents as an actress to play the part of good mother and devoted wife.
And then there was his sister Ayame. She was born when he was three. His mother adored the girl and put her in ribbons and bows. Akuma was jealous of his mother's love of his sister, and surprised when she didn't get the same treatment he did. -But she was a beautiful child and even he didn't want to see her get hurt. The one time his mother beat Ayame, Akuma decided to act especially bad in order to take her attention away from the girl and on to him. Otherwise, the siblings paid each other little mind.
By the time Akuma was in school, he was wearing make-up almost everyday. His mother was so paranoid about people suspecting shameful things to be going on in their house that she instructed her son to not talk extensively to the teachers and to avoid the other children. Well, that just wasn't going to work for Akuma. While he obeyed his mother by not making friends, he most certainly got everyone's attention. He was a trouble-maker, a hellion of the seventh circle. He would pull the girls by their hair and kick the other boys in the shins. He would fight off the teachers when they came to fetch him, and took their slaps as if they were nothing. After all, he received them from his mother so often that he was growing pretty accustomed to it. -Even at home, his mother's physical beatings were starting to effect him less and less.
After several expulsions from local schools, he was finally sent to Tokyo at the behest of his father, who insisted he be groomed to take over the business when the time came. Akuma, of course, had other plans. He played lip-service to his father's wishes, and even calmed down a bit to focus on his studies. He studied everything! Except business. He didn't mind foreign languages, and picked up Mandarin like it was nothing and managed English pretty well. He liked writing, though reading books didn't keep his slightly deficient attention. He loved music and stayed with piano throughout most of high school, and even taught himself how to play the guitar (a talent he continuously practices). Most of all, he loved art. The waves of his anger crashed on the canvas shore. His hands mutiliated and twisted metal and other materials into impressive pieces. He even starting adding things to his uniforms, or altering them in strange ways. Outside of school his style went from strange to outrageous. He was a nonconformist in a homogeneous world, rebelling against anything thrown at him.
When he was seventeen, he fell in with the bosozoku; specifically, a local biker gang known as The Dragon. They appreciated his crazed ways, and he in turn reveled in their wanton violence. This is where he reinvented himself into Akuma Kuro. He rode his bike fast, dyed his hair bright pink, swore loudly, and developed a love for the common switchblade.
Akuma passed his last high school exams, though some say it was due to the financial persuasion of his teachers by his father. He did not, however, pass the exams to get into a university. He was ronin for almost a year; partying, riding his bike, commiting random acts of violence and generally wrecking havoc on Tokyo. He didn't, however, give up his art. It was better than ever. He spray painted alleys or crowbar'd cars and parking meters when he was out with friends, wrecked canvas and melted and bent metal when he was at home.
Towards the end of that year, his father told him to come home to Kyoto. He was going to be cut off if he didn't take the university exams. Now, he could have lived with that. He was happy on the streets with his friends and trusty American switchblade. However, while he was home, something happened. His mother was more open in her threats and overall hate for her son. If Akuma had any weak spot, it was his mother. The woman had never loved him, never coddled him, never expressed pride of any kind. On his second night in Kyoto, when she raised her fists to him once more, that was the end of it. Akuma snapped. In a blind rage he went at his mother with his knife, even as his father tried to pull him away and his sister Ayame watched. The entire time, Akuma could only scream, "I love you, I love you, I love you!" When it was over, his mother was dead and bleeding all over the floor and he was left standing over her, knife dripping, blood spattered on his clothes and cheeks, covering his hands. Ichiro took a long look at his son and made a decision. He could not have his empire collapse and his family name soiled. He pulled some strings and got a few 'friends' to take care of the body, the blame being pinned on another local thug who owed these friends too much money to pay. Akuma was then threatened into submission, either he'd study and pass those university exams and go to school for some respectable profession, or Ichiro would tell the police that it was he who killed his mother.
Akuma took a chance. He figured his father probably wouldn't do anything so as not to ruin the family name, should he not go to school.. And he hit the road back to Tokyo, and into the waiting arms of the Dragon. However, he was cut off from his father's money and had to make it somehow. So, he started selling drugs, hitting up the foreigners in their Western clubs. He developed a bit of a habit himself, and had to pay for that as well as rent. He resorted to armed robbery, which he hated, as it was almost always not worth it. He was barely making ends meet.
And then came Ayame. Two of his boys showed up at his door with this girl, a little gothic lolita who looked a few years younger than she really was. They'd had their fun with her, and thought he'd like a go. Well, there was something odd about her, and he was especially confused when she cried out "Nii-chan!" After she explained what had happened with Ichiro kicking her out, he understood a little bit more. Unfortunately, Ayame being in town only caused trouble for him, and insanity for her.
Shortly after his sister's arrival he met a woman named Yayo, who intrigued him but in the non-sexual way (though hey, she was pretty damn hot). He soon found himself engrossed in the world of the Tung Sing. Money was coming in, so long as he got the drugs out and distributed. Everything was great, for once! ...until the initiation tests. The final test involved the kidnapping of his sister. In his attempts to get a supposed assassin's attention off of Ayame, Akuma said anything he could. This, unfortunately, was taken the wrong way by his sister, who lost her mind completely not long after that, despite that it was all a test, and she wouldn't have gotten seriously hurt.
A year into the Tung Sing, and Akuma'd picked up Cantonese pretty well. He was tired of being an everyday drug dealer, despite the money. Meanwhile, The Dragon had grown into the largest bosozoku in Japan, and certianly the most powerful. However, the man that made all of this happen died in a freak accident on his motorcycle, leaving an incompetent successor. Seeing his chance, Akuma engaged the man in a race, which was how The Dragon settled most disputes. After the man decided to cheat and Akuma -still- won, he was made the leader. No contest. He quickly won back the territory they'd lost to rival gangs and opened up channels with the Tung Sing to get them involved in more criminal activities, making them a valued asset to any underworld organization.
Strengths/Weaknesses: |
 Akuma is likely the most skilled motorcycle-rider in all of Tokyo. He races, he chases, he dodges and does dares. He can pull off many stunts and tricks, and almost always wins contests. Because he loves motorcycles so much, he's also learned a thing or two about putting them together, fixing them, and the like. He can chop 'em up and then re-design pieces into a new, working model. Blame the artist in him.
Oh yeah, art. He's surprisingly good at a variety of forms: metal sculpture, sculpture in general, graffiti, sketches, etc. He tends to only have time for graffiti and sculpture, now. He hasn't had any shows, and really doesn't plan on it. It makes him smile, however, whenever he passes by some graffiti he's done that hasn't been painted over.
Marijuana. Must have. Cigarettes? Eh. Maybe socially. Drinking? PASS THE MOTHERFUCKING BOTTLE! -But he's no alcoholic. It's also generally a social thing.
The devil can fire a gun pretty well, though he prefers a switchblade or crowbar, -both of which he's skilled at.
Did we mention pain-tolerance? Oh yeah. Completely. Look at the scars on his body as proof. Watch how many punches he takes. He just won't go down. Maybe he's crazy, or maybe he's just that hardcore.
Oh, and he can play the piano, but he wouldn't do it unless you made him. And the guitar. -Though he's more likely to pick that up and give you a tune. But these aren't really big parts of his life.

Ideals/Motives: |
Stick it to the man. Terrorize the masses, silly sheep that they are. Roll out his manifesto of chaos. Be everything his father is not. |