Background: |
I’m here representing the Kamui Family. Kane. Yep, that’s my name, don’t wear it out. 'Course, they all call me Kasper, too. Yeah, like the ghost, but with a "K", 'cause god fucking forbid the Japanese use a "C". Don't let that name fool you though. I'm not too friendly. When they started calling me that it was more of a joke than anything... Sure, I'm stealthy like a ghost, but I've got a temper shorter than the hair on the back of your neck.
All right, all right listen. I’ll tell you about myself, but only because it‘s the only way we‘re going to get along. You better pay attention! There’ll be a quiz at the end.
1981. That’s the magic year. My dear mother lay beneath the shade of a big cherry tree outside of Sapporo as she squeezed my twin and I from her womb. That’s right, twins. No, not a sister, jackass. A brother. Are you going to listen or not? That’s better. Twins. Kane and Toshiro. -And yeah, we're identical. I came out first, so I kinda got the big brother thing going on, even though we’re like what? 10 minutes apart?
Naturally, as soon as I could walk and talk a little, I was drawn to mischief. Man, I got in trouble everywhere, let me tell ya. Oh and I knew what I was doing. I’d run like the devil to avoid being caught or punished. Or I'd hide, and never did anyone find me (earning me the nickname of "Kasper"). Even then I was stronger and faster than the other kids. My cousins be damned if they picked on my brother! Even now, if anyone so much as makes him frown I’ll carve them a new asshole. I know he’s quite capable of taking care of himself, but what else is a big brother suppose to do?
As I got older I stopped fighting with my family, and started fighting with the everyone else. I was now old enough to understand the things they said about us; sometimes to our faces, other times when they thought we wouldn’t hear. Ignorant fucks, the lot of them. -But their words did little to shake the unfaltering pride and faith I had in the family. Not that the rest of my family backed down to such threats and jests, but I was especially vocal (or physical) in standing up to them. The Kamui family has a long history, damnit. We're nobody's dogs. No one talks down to us and gets away with it.
Yeah, I’ve killed a man. Hell, I've killed a LOT of men. From an early age I was taught blade combat as an artform, much like the samurai's sons were taught (except, of course, we have no use for swords now. Knives are the way to go!). My father was especially adamant about me learning how to fight like this. For protection, he said. But who could blame him? He grew up in a world where everyone hated him. I still live in a world where some of that hate still exists. Maybe it was a little paranoid on our part, but... better safe than sorry.
I was taught how to handle guns later, after I took an interest and had been in jail a couple of times. I mean, I knew how to use them for hunting, but pistols were so much different from hunting rifles. I bought a pistol from a pawn shop in town and would always go around shooting pigeons for practice.
As for poisons, which I was taught to make by the women of my family... You see, we were all very much into herbal medicines and things of that nature. The women, especially, knew a lot about what egg-heads are calling 'botany', and could put together so many things that could cure or kill you in a matter of minutes if they had the right combinations. Well... Once I joined the Ichiwa-kai, I figured another skill would be good to have on my ladder-climbing resumé. Especially if I wanted to work my way up to an upper-level assassin. So... I went back and studied a bit more about various plant-parts that can be deadly. You'd be surprised how common and easy some of them are to find.
I'm getting a little ahead of myself. I mentioned that I was always getting into trouble, right? Usually, I deserved it.. My brother and I were always in the cities swindling people for this or that; stealing from the markets so that our family could have modern things like cameras, cell phones, television sets and the like. Dealing minor drugs to the kids at school, whatever got us money... So, naturally, we were caught quite a few times, though I almost always got my brother out of it by saying I forced him at gun-point, or whatever, to do as I said. In certain small towns, or certain big-city precints, the cops would know my name like I was the town drunk that they had to take in every night until he sobered up. I spent many nights in jail. Who cares, though? A few nights is nothing.
I guess that's where I got the attention of the Ichiwa-kai. I was only seventeen, but I was sitting in jail, using the guards' first names to speak to them. There was a guy in there with me that apparently thought I was hilarious, because he laughed and laughed at my smart-ass quips and made sure to give me his contact info so that we could talk more later. And hey, I was never one to pass up a business opportunity!
Needless to say, over the next few years I got in with the Ichiwa-kai. I was a common thief at first, until they picked up on my more uncommon abilities; specifically when I poisoned some jackass that owed me money. My skills in hand-to-hand and blade combat were then put to the test. I was taken to firing ranges. I'd never seen eyes as wide as my aniki's when I went at him with a knife. He was sure I'd kill him; but.. yanno... bad press to kill your aniki. Besides, he's a good enough guy. He made me an assassin, didn't he?
Not long after all of this, my family decided to move to away from Tokyo and back up towards Nagano. This was really no surprise, as we were always moving. However... This was the first time I'd stayed behind. I hate to say it, but my father was a little disappointed. They all were, I guess... But I still send them money. I still take care of them, --still love them, even if it's from afar.
You know, after the departure of two of the Ichiwa-kai's best assassins, I was left as the undisputably number one assassin for my organization within Tokyo. I still take jobs, too... It's just that now, I've moved up in rank. I guess it's 'cause I know a bit about every little aspect of the underworld. I was a thief, a swindler, an assassin, and a drug-dealer all at various points in my life. People like me enough, for whatever reason. They say I have this rogue charm, or some shit... Either way, it got me up here; inner circle baby... and that ain't bad.
Strengths/Weaknesses: |
Quick. Stealthy. Efficient. Observant. -Traits essential to a good assassin. Kasper's melee skill is so perfected and so quick that it's almost like a dance. He's less good at actual hand-to-hand combat, being built for speed instead of fortitude and strength. -Which isn't to say that he can't take hits and can't dish them out. -He can! He's just not as good at it. His stealth abilities border on the ninja-like level, as he's great at sneaking around and great at disguise. His knowledge of poisons also aids in the ghost-like quality he has to sneak in and get the hit done quietly.
It should also be noted that Kasper knows English fairly well, and can speak the Sankan language in the presence of his family. He knows all the bad words in Cantonese, and can speak it brokenly; badly.
Superstition is a trait that is prominent in Kane's family. He is not exempt from this. He checks his astrological chart regularly, and fears if it says that it will be a bad day. Sometimes he interprets random 'signs' to mean a decision is either bad or good. This can be a weakness, and especially annoying to those he's around.
Addiction: Nicotine. Definitely. He gets fidgety and finds it difficult to concentrate if he's not had his cigarette when he needs it. God forbid you see him when he's pissed and he has no cigarettes. You're as good as dead.
Oh, that's another thing... His short temper. Kasper's quick to blow up if he doesn't like what was said/done/the situation he's in.
His brother, Toshiro, is definitely a weakness. He'll drop everything for him (though he may bitch about having to do it). He's a little over-protective, despite that they're both adults and both perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. He loves his brother more than anyone or anything.
His ancestory, even, is a weakness. That is, if people can figure it out. Most Japanese people know little about The Sanka, and even fewer, especially in urban areas, have heard their language. All they know is that they are a nomadic people that stick to the mountains, usually, and are for some reason or another seen as being of low status.
Ideals/Motives: |
Protect his family. Make money to send back to them. Live in the luxury he didn't have growing up. |
More Information: |
Kane is part of a formerly nomadic group of people called The Sanka. They are commonly referred to as gypsies, though they are not descended from the same people as the Roma. They have no written language and speak a tongue quite different from Japanese. They are highly superstitious and believe in things like the elements, spirits, curses, and the like. They also practice ancestor worship. Also, the Sanka used to be (and still are in some parts of Japan) very much discriminated against. They were considered as low as the Chinese or Koreans that lived in Japan and were also often used as a scapegoat (just like European gypsies).
Sanka Information #1
Sanka Information #2