



Kei Eien

Casey [[teenagexwildlife]]



Kei is always found in stylish clothes, favoring jackets and the color red; when he isn't wearing suits, that is. His hair, which he keeps roughly chin-length, is a vibrant ruby color that accents his sensual brown eyes.

Kei is of average height for a Japanese man, standing at five feet six inches. He's lean and delicately built; his body more dexterous than strong.

Rarely seen is the three-inch scar on his lower back: the kanji for child. He's graceful and soft-spoken, but slightly socially awkward outside of business situations.


Kei Eien. Only a select few know the man's full name, but everyone calls him Kei. See, Kei doesn't know where he was born. He doesn't know who his parents are or were. All he knows is that they named him Kei. When he was five and given to foster parents they named him Eien, but he insisted on being called Kei, even then. Eventually (and he doesn't remember when), it was made legal. Kei surname. Eien given name. After all, a surname is what you get from your family, and Kei was all he had of his.

When he was eight, his foster parents died. He remembers gunshots. Blood. Everything else is repressed so deep inside of his head that he can't get it out again. There is a good chunk of that entire year that Kei still doesn't remember at all. His small, coltish body was circulated within the black market slave trade. The highest bidder just happened to be a pimp local to Tokyo: Akagawa Saemon. He had a client that would pay an impossible price for a 'virgin', and had to have the boy.

Kei doesn't remember that night, either.

For a few years Kei was kept at Akagawa's house; his youth preventing him from taking a place amongst the hosts at the clubs owned by Akagawa's bosses, the leaders of the Sumiyoshi-kai. His delicate body was much sought after by perverts with a love for young boys. When he wasn't hired out, Akagawa kept a place for him in his bed. It was there that he scared Kei forever by cutting the kanji for 'child' into his lower back with a sharp knife. The other whores and hosts all had tattoos of this same symbol somewhere on their body, symbolizing to whom they belonged. Akagawa's "Children". But for Kei... it was carved into him. He was special; daringly called the master's 'favorite'. Even as he got older and became a host, working regularly at the clubs, the master still called for him.

For the most part, Kei took his treatment. His will was broken enough by constant loss, abuse, and humiliation, that he didn't know how to react except by submitting. This didn't mean, however, that he didn't hate. Every night, his hate grew; a ticking time bomb. He held it in, watching his master come and go, watching him steal money from his bosses, watching him talking with other men in suits that Kei knew weren't members of his master's syndicate.

The night he dared to question his master's business was the night the bomb went off. As Akagawa's fists rained down on Kei for the millionth time in his life, something clicked inside his head. Years of repressed memories came flooding back: torture, pain, blood, betrayal, death... In a blind rage, Kei, --delicate Kei, quiet Kei, the favorite, ran at his master, possessed of an unnatural strength. In front of his fellow hosts, Kei killed Akagawa Saemon with his bare hands, bashing his head against a wall and plunging fingers into his eyes.

Kei doesn't remember it.

All he remembers is waking up in club bathroom, the hands of one of his 'co-workers' trying to clean him up, worried words spilling from trembling lips. "They'll come for you, Kei.." He whispered, over and over, trying to wash the signs of Kei's sin away. Not even five minutes later, two men with suits and guns stormed in, dragging Kei out by his arms.

To the local kyodai, he was taken; thrown on his knees and pistol-whipped. Oh, but he had some interesting information for the kyodai... He told him all about Akagawa stealing from them and pointed them towards the safe in the man's room. He told them about his meetings with members of other syndicates; the money they slipped him under the table for information that should only be for his 'brothers'. Instead of killing him, the kyodai had the information checked out. They had suspected Akagawa of treason. When Kei's information proved true, the kyodai put him to the test; more torture, tests of loyalty. In the end, he was elevated to his master's former status: a pimp, the thing he despised most. But... Who knew the business better than a man who'd watched it and been involved with it for over half of his life?

Within a few months time, his area was prospering. He kept his whores and hosts clean. He treated them well, only punishing them when they stole (which was rare) or tried something stupid like running away (also rare, given their good treatment). Two more years passed, and the kyodai was impressed enough to elevate Kei once more, -and again, after rounds of tests. This time, he was put in charge of all of the pimps under the kyodai. They would learn from his example, or else.

Now, everyone knew that Kei killed Akagawa, and ever since then, they gave him his distance, his respect. But putting an ex-whore in charge of them, well, that was something else. There was a lot of controversy within the ranks of the prostitution side of the business. Kei was quick to shut them up, coming down swiftly upon those that spoke the loudest against him. He doesn't remember what he did to them, but whatever it was... It worked. His critics backed off.

Eventually, he caught even the oyabun's attention. He has since been put in charge of overseeing all of the Sumiyoshi-kai's entertainment-related assets (outside of gambling) in Tokyo. This includes his former job as overseer of everything related to the sex industry, as well as the dance clubs and bars owned by the organization. He works closely with the men in charge of gambling, but leaves gambling dens and bars, pachinko clubs and the like to them. He still serves as an advisor to the local kyodai that gave him his freedom after the death of Akagawa. His official position, however, is outside of the kyodai's gang. Kei now has his own sub-gang, which is almost entirely made up of pimps, club management, bouncers, bartenders, a few bodyguards and loyal free-hosts (small-time yakuza looking for an extra buck). Nevermind the scores of whores, hosts, hostesses, dancers, DJs, waiters, waitresses, etc., etc., that are employeed or owned by him.


Kei's often found in the various clubs owned by the Sumiyoshi-kai, in his offices, or attending to business with his subordinates or colleagues. Often times he's escorted by one of his bodyguards, Kisho or Shun.

He's fascinated with technology of varying sorts. Who wouldn't be after having their childhood robbed from them? He insists on seeing the latest films, buying the newest gadgets, or hearing the newest bands. He even likes video games. He never had a real childhood, so he is often struck with child-like wonder over things other people take for granted.

Lately, at the behest of the kyodai after one of Kei's more violent episodes, the red-head has sought treatment with a psychologist. He refuses to talk, unless placed under hypno-therapy. Needless to say, he's been put on a cocktail of pills to make him not lash out, though they make him lose consciousness, instead. He still has partial-amnesia and a plethora of repressed memories.


His past is the source of all of his weaknesses; amnesia, blacking out, the need for therapy at all, occassional reversion, hallucinations, and violence. A lot of these things are helped by medication. He's also not very good at making friends, real friends, and being social outside of the business context. It isn't that he's not likeable, he just can't compute the need for friends. His past has scarred him for life in many social contexts. He doesn't understand many emotions, either, and is concerned that his range of motions is limited, though the doctor assures him that he can learn all of them. He's very skittish, when it comes to touching. Handshakes are okay. A pat on the back. Hugs make him severely uncomfortable and sexual situations would freak him out so badly that they're likely to trigger one of his disorders.

Oh, and he used to be a whore. And he can't fight, but has bodyguards and a gun to make up for it.

He is capable of learning. He's come so far from what he was when he first became free. He's also very kind, usually, which earns him a lot of trust among some of his subordinates. He's very intelligent. If he had received a formal education, he probably would have had a doctorate in math or science by now. But he hasn't, so he's had to teach himself everything; though he focused on math, business, language and computers, rather than history, art, and the like. It isn't that he lacks interest, he just never had enough time, and his work didn't require it.

He's learned how to use a gun quite efficiently, should anyone bother him. He's lucky, though, that he has an air of sanctity about him, as if the entire world can tell that he's suffered so much already and can't bear to cause further pain. He's been left alone by other syndicates and is rarely bothered within is own anymore.

Ideals/Motives:  To be just like everyone else. To be normal. To feel.