2» Abbie the Cat has a Posse |
Yes, I know you think it, but you're unsure. It's a cat's blog. Written by SHE, ABBbeie the CaT. (Or maybe her schizophrenic owner?) Either way, she's cute and hilarious. |
![[Abbie's Stats]](http://www.gemini6ice.com/links/images/abcat.jpg) |
4» Bent |
Bent has a feature he calls the "Slap of the Day"--the origin for the term is something that you should probably read on his site info, but you should know the slap usually involves multiple pictures of a hot male in various stages of undress. |
![[Gemini6Ice's Friends in a pretty font!]](http://www.gemini6ice.com/links/images/bent.jpg) |
2» Blogarbage! |
Some random girl in Arizona? I found her via Blog Explosion! I check out her blog fairly regularly. |
![[Gemini6Ice's Friends in a pretty font!]](http://www.gemini6ice.com/links/images/blogarbage.jpg) |
2» BWG: Adventures of a Big White Guy in Hong Kong |
He doesn't really consider this a blog. But it has segments added on a fairly-regular basis that are stored in chronological order and only really have the author as a common thread. No commenting, though. |
![[BWG Money]](http://www.gemini6ice.com/links/images/bwg.jpg) |
4» Gemini6Ice's Friends |
I used to have several of my LiveJournal friends on this link page, but then it occurred to me just to link to my LJ "Friends Page." This is where I go to catch up on their LJ entries (not their individual LiveJournals), so it makes more sense to link to this location. |
![[Gemini6Ice's Friends in a pretty font!]](http://www.gemini6ice.com/links/images/gemfriends.gif) |
5» Mimi Smartypants |
This woman is hilarious. I've busted several guts reading her entries. This is, by far, my favorite blog of all time. My favorite is the one where she accidentally throws a bottle of water in the trash immediately after buying it. I'm sure she's Googlable by now--yes, my goal is to use some form of the word "Google" on every link page--so search for it. |
![[Mimi Smartypants logo]](http://www.gemini6ice.com/links/images/ms.jpg) |
4» The Man in Blue: Perspective |
This guy is an awesome web-designer. He's the mind behind the Pixelfest project, and his blog is always filled with useful web design tips or web-usability jumping-off-of thoughts. |
![[Man in blue BLUE logo]](http://www.gemini6ice.com/links/images/maninblue.gif) |
2» Marginal | Space |
E doesn't update often (as if I did!), yet I still check this blog rather frequently. It gets linkage simply because of how many times I go to it. |
![[Marginal Space highway painting]](http://www.gemini6ice.com/links/images/marginal.jpg) |
3» Object-Oriented Analysis and Design |
This a mildly amusing blog where most of the entries are about concepts or the author's past, not so much about her current life. |
![[Gemini6Ice's Friends in a pretty font!]](http://www.gemini6ice.com/links/images/ooad.jpg) |
2» Respectful of Otters |
The author's own words: Politics, HIV, health care, psychology, baseball, feminism, et cetera. "Psychologists have a duty to be fair and respectful of otters." -- noble charge from a student paper. |
![[Otter montage]](http://www.gemini6ice.com/links/images/respectful.gif) |
3» Two Loose Teeth |
I'm not exactly sure how Sarah and Lisa know each other, or even what communication they have now. But they share a blog. How about that? |
![[Petunia the Turtle]](http://www.gemini6ice.com/links/images/2lt.jpg) |
4» Voodoo Toaste: Raise the Unbread |
The nice thing about this blog is that it isn't wordy at all. Sometimes there are short writer's-life entries, but this is primarily a link blog. |
![[VOODOO toaster]](http://www.gemini6ice.com/links/images/voodoo.gif) |
3» What's Up With Mup? |
I really have absolutely no idea how I found the blog, but Mup introduced me to a blog directory website by which I found quite a few other weblogs on this links page. |
![[What's Up, Mup?]](http://www.gemini6ice.com/links/images/mupsweb.jpg) |
2» Will's DeadJournal |
This journal's dead. It's a dead journal. But he still writes in it. WarriorSaturn has been very helpful for bouncing site ideas off of and has also been fun to chat with every since I finally got his AIM screen name. His blog really needs a logo or banner or something. I made this one myself. |
![[Will's Dead Journal logo]](http://www.gemini6ice.com/links/images/wdj.gif) |