Abbie the Cat has a Posse
Yes, I know you think it, but you're unsure. It's a cat's blog. Written by SHE, ABBbeie the CaT. (Or maybe her schizophrenic owner?) Either way, she's cute and hilarious. [Abbie's Stats]
Bent has a feature he calls the "Slap of the Day"--the origin for the term is something that you should probably read on his site info, but you should know the slap usually involves multiple pictures of a hot male in various stages of undress. [Gemini6Ice's Friends in a pretty font!]
Some random girl in Arizona? I found her via Blog Explosion! I check out her blog fairly regularly. [Gemini6Ice's Friends in a pretty font!]
BWG: Adventures of a Big White Guy in Hong Kong
He doesn't really consider this a blog. But it has segments added on a fairly-regular basis that are stored in chronological order and only really have the author as a common thread. No commenting, though. [BWG Money]
Gemini6Ice's Friends
I used to have several of my LiveJournal friends on this link page, but then it occurred to me just to link to my LJ "Friends Page." This is where I go to catch up on their LJ entries (not their individual LiveJournals), so it makes more sense to link to this location. [Gemini6Ice's Friends in a pretty font!]
Mimi Smartypants
This woman is hilarious. I've busted several guts reading her entries. This is, by far, my favorite blog of all time. My favorite is the one where she accidentally throws a bottle of water in the trash immediately after buying it. I'm sure she's Googlable by now--yes, my goal is to use some form of the word "Google" on every link page--so search for it. [Mimi Smartypants logo]
The Man in Blue: Perspective
This guy is an awesome web-designer. He's the mind behind the Pixelfest project, and his blog is always filled with useful web design tips or web-usability jumping-off-of thoughts. [Man in blue BLUE logo]
Marginal | Space
E doesn't update often (as if I did!), yet I still check this blog rather frequently. It gets linkage simply because of how many times I go to it. [Marginal Space highway painting]
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
This a mildly amusing blog where most of the entries are about concepts or the author's past, not so much about her current life. [Gemini6Ice's Friends in a pretty font!]
Respectful of Otters
The author's own words: Politics, HIV, health care, psychology, baseball, feminism, et cetera. "Psychologists have a duty to be fair and respectful of otters." -- noble charge from a student paper. [Otter montage]
Two Loose Teeth
I'm not exactly sure how Sarah and Lisa know each other, or even what communication they have now. But they share a blog. How about that? [Petunia the Turtle]
Voodoo Toaste: Raise the Unbread
The nice thing about this blog is that it isn't wordy at all. Sometimes there are short writer's-life entries, but this is primarily a link blog. [VOODOO toaster]
What's Up With Mup?
I really have absolutely no idea how I found the blog, but Mup introduced me to a blog directory website by which I found quite a few other weblogs on this links page. [What's Up, Mup?]
Will's DeadJournal
This journal's dead. It's a dead journal. But he still writes in it. WarriorSaturn has been very helpful for bouncing site ideas off of and has also been fun to chat with every since I finally got his AIM screen name. His blog really needs a logo or banner or something. I made this one myself. [Will's Dead Journal logo]