CamuiGackt's LiveJournal Brian is an excellent costume-designer. His blog doesn't get updated all that often, since he's really busy, but you should still check it to out to see some of his costumes. [Camuigackt in costume]Erin is Cool Erin is cool. Erin is also greater than you. Erin can be expressed as Reimann sum, but only if you knock her out with painkillers first. [Erin attacked by Green]Jess Can Change Her Blog's Name Every Day... ...but the above line stays. One of my good friends at BU, Jess is in Florida for the summer. I know it sucks, Jess. But at least you're not in Texas, right? (The giraffe on her head is Galileo.) [Jess and Gallieo]Lost in the Ether My brief-Casey lives in Mayberry. I think I'll go talk to her right now. [Quiz response: Hope]This is Cooling... But is it really? Gab-bag's LJ. She lives in a gabitat. Should I stop now? My friend Gabby has the Biscuits. Want one? [Some ghost from Th13teen Ghosts]VAST Days Okay, so the lead singer / songwriter of my favorite band in the entire world has a public LiveJournal account. He's so cool! Check out his new album, "Crimson," which he's selling online in .mp3 format for only three dollars. THREE DOLLARS!!! Yeah, what other band does that? Yeah, didn't think so. [VAST logo]Boring3D "Boring3D" isn't so much a webcomic as it is a guy maiking a neato 3D picture every day using various CGI artwork programs. But some are pretty amusing. And since this consists more of images than words, I consider this more of a webcomic than a blog. [Round thing eating clouds]Boy Meets Boy Mikhail and Harley and gay lovers. Their landlady, Tabatha, is Satan's daughter. Harley's hetero bandmate Cyanide has a crush on the male bandmate Skids. And we get to see flesh! Great comic! [Boy Meets Boy logo]Megatokyo Beautiful artwork! This is, by far, the best-looking webcomic I've seen. Oh, yeah, it's funny too. And cute. But it's pretty!!! [Megatokyo logo]Sexy Losers "Sexy Losers" is the most twisted webcomic I've seen. My favorite characters include Shiunji, a necrophile who tries to convince pretty girls to commit suicide, Mrs. Shibata, a mother who is sexually attracted to her own son, and Mike, a constant, well, self-pleasurer. Warning: this is X-rated. [Sexy Losers logo]Skinny Panda I'm in love with Robokitty. I want to take it home and keep it forever. This webcomic is cute, amusing, and witty. Unfortunately, it doesn't get updated too often. [Example strip]Slackers Mildly amusing. I just wish the two main characters would get together. [Yux looking hot]