Phillippe is a very special boy. Everyone else is an alcoholic. But Phillippe... Phillippe, you bring us very special joy, dressed like a bumble-bee with your special kind of glee. [What a gruesome car accident!]
Boxjam's Doodle
"Boxjam's Doodle" is a very minimalist webcomic--pretty much only two-tone. And, well, every adult character wears a muumuu. There was one hilarious one about a doorgun that I wanted to print out, but I couldn't find that particular strip again. Darn. [Boxjam's Doodle: Drawings about stuff]
Boy On a Stick and Slither
This webcomic offers the set-up and punch-line that every good "funny" needs to have, but I feel it lacks the epic scope that so many of my favorite webcomics have. It's still pretty pretty though. [Slither: It's about what I expected.]
Count Your Sheep
Adis puts cuteness, humor, and cleanliness together in a combination that has not been surpassed by any other webcomic. (Granted, most webcomics steer away from cleanliness.) [Count Your Sheep banner]
Diesel Sweeties
Maura, a human, and Clango, a robot, are the star characters of this strip, and they're in a relationship. Other fun characters include Johnny Toaster, Red Robot (from Exploding Dog!)_, Lil' Sis, Indie Rock Pete, Metal Rock Steve, Electron Mike, and John Stamos the kitten. [Deisel Sweeties: Mullet Power]
Exploding Dog
People send him title. The artist produces artwork for them. [AMAZING RAIN]
This is the pinnacle of absurdist webcomics. The artist's humor varies between non-sequiturs and puns; both, however, fall within my range of choice humor. [Gluemeat Banner]
General Protection Fault
This a pretty interesting webcomic. It got my involved, I waded through all the old strips, and I check every day for the newest one out. It also introduced me to "Sluggy Freelance." [GPF character Nick]
Natalie Dee
In the tradition of Exploding Dog, Natalie Dee posts random thoughts in the form of one-panel comics. My favorite? Grand Theft Uno, of course. [natalie dee: drawings to huff by]
RPG World
There's a character in this comic called TAT Guy--basically, he's an NPC who exists at every bar and tavern and who can say nothing other than, "*Sigh* Times are tough." This comic went through a never-updated slump, but the artist has recently been living up to his promised update days. [Spamusement!]
Sluggy Freelance
This is one of the most creative webcomics out there. It took me three months of procrastinating on homework to catch up to the current storyline, but I did it. Is it not nifty? [Sluggy Freelance logo]
Spammers send him spamThe artist produces artwork for them. [Spamusement!]
Wapsi Square
Not the funniest webcomic out there, but it has its amusing moments. Mainly, it succeeds as a soap-operatic comment about five main characters whose original connection is still unknown. [Wapsi Square logo]
You Damn Kid!
I've really cracked up at some of these. I just wish this guy would update more often. [You Damn Kid! logo]