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Account Upgrades

Account Upgrades keep marapets running. We are a free site that relies on the donations of our players and paid advertising. Our running costs are over $10,000 a month and as we grow, so does the cost improvements and maintenance. Staff work for free and marapets does not make profit - 100% of all income gets reinvested. We are currently saving for a $32,000 a year licence to use Oracle database software to put an end to our server errors.

Account Upgrades is where you can pay a one off donation to us and gain a few extra benefits and rewards. It is not needed and we try to keep it so that donators do not have too much of a benefit over those who are not able to. There are three accounts to choose from, each with different prices.


New prizes are released every month and you are able to donate more than once if you wish.

- Payment Methods -

You currently have $0 USD Account Upgrade credit

Average Waiting Time : 1 minute
Maximum Waiting Time : 48 hours

Paypal is free to use and allows you to send money safely and instanly to anyone with an email address in 45 countries.

You can sign up easily to Paypal and by clicking the 'Add to Basket' buttons below will add them to your Paypal shopping basket.

When you have selected what you would like, complete the payment and Paypal will send us your donation.

You can safely use Paypal to pay by credit or debit card, bank transfer, your paypal balance!

Average Waiting Time : 7 days
Maximum Waiting Time : 21 days

Cash : Send cash in any currency the value of the USD prices below. Please ensure you send cash recorded delivery so that it is not lost in the post.

Cheques : Send cheques/checks payable to Laimay Yan and in US/Canadian dollars only.

Money Orders : You can send a money order too, but please check that it is cashable in Canada.

Laimay Yan
C.P. Provencher 86012
Brossard, PQ

For currency conversion please go to www.xe.com

How Account Upgrades Work

First, you'll need some Account Upgrade credit to buy upgrades. You can get this by buying it using paypal, or by mailing us a cheque/money order. Account Upgrade credit is also sometimes available on the site (as special prizes for competitions etc)

Enter the amount of credit you would like to buy in US$ into the box below and press 'Buy Now'.
IMPORTANT : Enter exact dollars only. Any cents will not be rewarded.
username usernumber
Amount in US$ :

- May -
A rarity 22 Caveman Trading Card that will never restock in the main shops.
An extra 100KB Marasite Upload Space
An extra 100KB Email Inbox Space
An extra 10 Marasite Pages
An extra 10 Journal Entries
A cool Bronze Account Trophy for your Profile

- April -
A rarity 23 Angels DVD that will never restock in the main shops.
An extra 100KB Marasite Upload Space
An extra 100KB Email Inbox Space
An extra 10 Marasite Pages
An extra 10 Journal Entries
A cool Bronze Account Trophy for your Profile

- May -
A rarity 22 Caveman Trading Card that will never restock in the main shops.
An extra 225KB Marasite Upload Space
An extra 225KB Email Inbox Space
An extra 20 Marasite Pages
An extra 20 Journal Entries
A cool Silver Account Trophy for your Profile
A rarity 25 Reon minipet that will never restock in the main shops.

- April -
A rarity 23 Angels DVD that will never restock in the main shops.
An extra 225KB Marasite Upload Space
An extra 225KB Email Inbox Space
An extra 20 Marasite Pages
An extra 20 Journal Entries
A cool Silver Account Trophy for your Profile
A rarity 26 Tweblud minipet that will never restock in the main shops.

- June 1 -
A rarity 20 Lxi Trading Card that will never restock in the main shops.
An extra 500KB Marasite Upload Space
An extra 500KB Email Inbox Space
An extra 30 Marasite Pages
An extra 30 Journal Entries
A cool Gold Account Trophy for your Profile
A rarity 25 Fairy Stamp minipet that will never restock in the main shops.
A rarity 30 Fairy Costume that will never restock in the main shops.
A rare, limited edition Fairy Chibs Potion or Fairy Gonk Potion. These items will never restock and will retire. There is a one in three chance that you will get a limited edition Chibs instead of a Gonk potion.

- June 2 -
A rarity 20 Lxi Trading Card that will never restock in the main shops.
An extra 500KB Marasite Upload Space
An extra 500KB Email Inbox Space
An extra 30 Marasite Pages
An extra 30 Journal Entries
A cool Gold Account Trophy for your Profile
A rarity 25 Hobo Stamp minipet that will never restock in the main shops.
A rarity 30 Hobo Costume that will never restock in the main shops.
A rare, limited edition Hobo Chibs Potion or Hobo Osafo Potion. These items will never restock and will retire. There is a one in three chance that you will get a limited edition Chibs instead of an Osafo potion.

- March 1 -
A rarity 21 Wizard Stamp book that will never restock in the main shops.
An extra 500KB Marasite Upload Space
An extra 500KB Email Inbox Space
An extra 30 Marasite Pages
An extra 30 Journal Entries
A cool Gold Account Trophy for your Profile
A rarity 24 Yoop minipet that will never restock in the main shops.
One, two or three rarity 25 Harmonica musical instruments that will never restock in the main shops.
A rarity 27 Zard Trading Card that will never restock in the main shops.

A rare, limited edition Enchanted Wizard Newth Plushie or Enchanted Wizard Ercuw Plushie. These items will never restock and will retire. There is a one in three chance that you will get a limited edition Ercuw instead of a Newth Enchanted Plushie.

- March 3 -
A rarity 21 Baby MaraDolls CD that will never restock in the main shops.
An extra 500KB Marasite Upload Space
An extra 500KB Email Inbox Space
An extra 30 Marasite Pages
An extra 30 Journal Entries
A cool Gold Account Trophy for your Profile
A rarity 24 Ush minipet that will never restock in the main shops.
One, two or three rarity 25 Ocarina musical instruments that will never restock in the main shops.
A rarity 27 Raa Trading Card that will never restock in the main shops.

A rare, limited edition Baby Knutt Potion or Baby Ercuw Potion. These items will never restock and will retire. There is a one in three chance that you will get a limited edition Ercuw instead of a Knutt potion.

- March 2 -
A rarity 21 The Mermaid Tale dvd that will never restock in the main shops.
An extra 500KB Marasite Upload Space
An extra 500KB Email Inbox Space
An extra 30 Marasite Pages
An extra 30 Journal Entries
A cool Gold Account Trophy for your Profile
A rarity 24 Rweek minipet that will never restock in the main shops.
One, two or three rarity 25 Banjo musical instruments that will never restock in the main shops.
A rarity 27 Oke Trading Card that will never restock in the main shops.

A rare, limited edition Enchanted Mermaid Zetlian Plushie or Enchanted Mermaid Ercuw Plushie. These items will never restock and will retire. There is a one in three chance that you will get a limited edition Ercuw instead of a Zetlian Enchanted Plushie.

- March 4 -
A rarity 21 On Fire Book book that will never restock in the main shops.
An extra 500KB Marasite Upload Space
An extra 500KB Email Inbox Space
An extra 30 Marasite Pages
An extra 30 Journal Entries
A cool Gold Account Trophy for your Profile
A rarity 24 Zound minipet that will never restock in the main shops.
One, two or three rarity 25 Trombone musical instruments that will never restock in the main shops.
A rarity 27 Reisand Trading Card that will never restock in the main shops.

A rare, limited edition Fire Ideus Potion or Fire Ercuw Potion. These items will never restock and will retire. There is a one in three chance that you will get a limited edition Ercuw instead of a Ideus potion.

- May -
A rarity 22 Cavemand Trading Card that will never restock in the main shops.
An extra 500KB Marasite Upload Space
An extra 500KB Email Inbox Space
An extra 30 Marasite Pages
An extra 30 Journal Entries
A cool Gold Account Trophy for your Profile
A rarity 25 Reon minipet that will never restock in the main shops.
A rarity 30 Stoneage Costume that will never restock in the main shops.
And finally a limited edition Seven Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin. This coin will not be part of upgrades again. It can be exchanged for smaller coins and spent in Dukka Caves and Dukka Town, at the Pirate Ship or saved for Smuggling....

New to Marapets? Missed a previous months set of prizes? This archive shows the Gold Accounts for the previous month, which is full of retired and increasingly rare items. They were originally gained from a very generous donation of $15.00USD. However, the prizes have since changed. If you still wanted to purchase an old Gold Account, please select one from below. They are $20.00USD now, to keep ensure that the items keep getting rarer. Please note that the Account Upgrades below will change at the start of next month and will never be avaliable again.

- April -
A rarity 23 Angels DVD that will never restock in the main shops.
An extra 500KB Marasite Upload Space
An extra 500KB Email Inbox Space
An extra 30 Marasite Pages
An extra 30 Journal Entries
A cool Gold Account Trophy for your Profile
A rarity 26 Tweblud minipet that will never restock in the main shops.
A rarity 28 Angel Costume that will never restock in the main shops.
And finally you get a rarity 29 Angel Wings Stamp that will never restock in the main shops.

- February -
A rarity 19 How to Fish book that will never restock in the main shops.
An extra 500KB Marasite Upload Space
An extra 500KB Email Inbox Space
An extra 30 Marasite Pages
An extra 30 Journal Entries
A cool Gold Account Trophy for your Profile
A rarity 25 Grouchy minipet that will never restock in the main shops.
A rarity 26 Cheese Costume that will never restock in the main shops.
And finally, you get eight (or maybe nine if you are luckier) random pieces of the Fishing Treasure Map. Collect all of the pieces and you recieve a lifetime licence to fish in Jenoa.

Terms and Conditions

At any time and for whatever reason, we do NOT give refunds on donations. The prizes will be given to the account that signs up for an account upgrade and only that. You reserve the right to trade, sell, donate, etc any items rewarded to other members but for marapoints only. Account upgrades do NOT give you any extra power on the site to those without and if your account is frozen for rule breaking, the same rules apply.

Terms and ConditionsAccount PenaltiesLink to UsContact UsParental ConsentAccount ProtectionPrivacy Policy

The iPod, iPod Nano are © and ª Apple Computer, Inc 2006
The Playstation Portable, PSP are © and ª Sony, Inc 2006
© 2004-2006 Marapets images and characters belong to this site only. All rights reserved.
Use of this site signifies your acceptance of our Terms and Conditions

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