
Well, long ago, as some may remember, and some may not, I started the Gammaverse Saga not even knowing that would be the title, in a pathetic attempt to run it parallel to the deluge of fanfics already taking over the Indiana Sailormoon Mailing List at that time, around March and April of 1997. Those short segments chronicled the birth of Sailor Mercury and how I abandoned her, and upon rereading these fics a few years ago, I found them VERY badly written, not that mine today are great, but they are certainly better than the products of my previous writing talent. And here they are, many years into the future.

The scene opens on Gemini6Ice sitting in his lonely excuse for a headquarters, his holodome. This "holodome" was a large spaceship, once probably capable of space travel, but now, lacking this ability, it was good for living and playing in, but that was about it. He could create holograms of anything he wanted with this technology, and, somehow, this technology managed to give the light mass, like holodecks on science-fiction series such as Star Trek.
He thought pointlessness of the competition between Birdo, Xplo, the Black Moon, the Hussars, and Nicholas. Of course, they all existed within the Sagaverse, and a small rip in the dimensional stability between their realities allowed a cybernetic connection to their reality. And through this connection, which traveled through a portal so miniscule that no significant mass could migrate across the portal, he observed the goings-on in the separate reality with distate.
He had also, in a holographic library aboard the holodome, come upon a book containing a few magical incantations. One of which, could bring holographic creations into existance.
But like any preternatural occurance, this spell had its limitations. It took a great deal of magical energy from Gemini6Ice, and could only be cast by the same person once every full moon, which restored the type of energy needed to the user in order to cast the spell.
This spell, on this fateful day, was cast onto a hologram of Sailor Mercury, programmed to be loyal and completely dedicated to him. Upon her sentience, she asked her creator what she was to do.
"It took a very long time to program you, because I had to search long and hard for quality three-dimensional specs of you. For my next creation, I wish to bring to life one of the Starlights, so if you could, please try to find some specs on them that would be useful in my programming them."
"Of course," she smiled and walked out.

It had been a month later, and Sailor Mercury had not returned with any information. Of course, Gemini6Ice would have been able to research and program one of the Starlights in only two weeks more time. Was Sailor Mercury actually of any help to him? Why was he bringing to life characters from Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon, anyhow? What was the point of playing the part of a god?
Of course, what else had he to do? Not in a crunch for money, he didn't need a job. Not lacking food, he needn't grow any. This was a hobby to him, he decided. Everybody had a hobby. Some sewed; some gardened; he created.
But what was taking Sailor Mercury so long? He set his computer terminal to search all public libraries in a five-mile radius for Mizuno Ami appearing on any "closed-circuit" security cameras.
After a few minutes, he had found her in the Northwest Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library. The camera showed her talking to an elderly, also-blue-haired, woman librarian.

"Can I help you?"
"Yes, Mrs... Uh, Librarian," she filled in for lack of an actual surname, "I'm looking for information on the Starlights... Can you help me, please?"
"First of all, it's Miss, not Mrs. And secondly, how did you know my last name?"
"I was just guessing," Ami-chan laughed.
"Now, the what-lights?"
The librarian responded with a blank stare.
"No reference books on them?" Unfortunately, Gemini6Ice had programmed her with a lot of intelligence, but not much common sense.
"Nope, but did we get a new Goosebumps book today: Number 952, 'Attack of the Latrines.' It's getting great reviews," the librarian coughed loudly, sounding similar to a dying cat attempting to rid itself of a hairball. Ami took a step backwards, appalled by the woman's odoriferous breath.
"No thanks," she smiled. "But while I'm here, I might as well get studying; any scholarship is a good scholarship." Ami-chan ran to the reference section and picked out a book on teaching oneself Russian.

Gemini6Ice made the camera zoom onto the text that his creation was studying. Russian?!? "She was supposed to research the Starlights! And I really doubt that any of them are from Siberia! Wait..." he grinned, switching applications to choose from his folder of holographic programs.
"A monster will bring her to her senses... Sludger..." he double-clicked on his program and got ready to bring it to life.

Sludger didn't step through the entrance of the library. He knocked it down, mud landing everywhere, or some substance similar in appearance and texture. Most of the patrons screamed, ran for the nearest emergency exit, or both. The librarian fell down.
Ami ran to the nearest bathroom, locking herself in a bathroom stall while the monster was destroying all those innocent books! "Mercury, Star Power-"
She was interrupted by the bathroom door being torn down. She had to stop this monster! "Mercury, Star Power, Make Up!" Sailor Mercury kicked down the stall door to stand face-to-face with Sludger.
"Blargh," it said with absolutely no emotion.
"You evil monster! Hurting innocent books, and worst of all, entering the ladies' bathroom! In the name of all that is educational, informational, and appropriate for people of all ages, I will punish you!"
"Blargh," it repeated, extending its arms. Foul-smelling muck spewed from them, covering the floor, ceiling, and walls of the bathroom.
Sailor Mercury realized with horror that her feet were stuck in the putrid grime. She covered her nose. the monster then left the restroom to resume its tearing down book shelves. "Shabon Spray Freezing!" she yelled, freesing the mud to a solid block. Shen then bent over and punched it, breaking her feet out of the mess.
Mercury ran outside the bathroom and aimed at Sludger, "Shabon Spray!" Fog instantly surrounded the creature. Not being able to see anything, it stepped backward. Sludger could feel the moisture in the air being absorbed by its body. Sailor Mercury kicked it and it crumpled to the ground, a small pile of wet dirt.
"Like Sailor Moon is needed to defeat the youma! Ha!" She trotted back over to the table as Mizuno Ami to discover that her book on Russian was now ruined.

"Gemini-sama," said Ami as she entered the room.
"I heard you've been battling monsters..." said Gemini6Ice plainly.
"How'd you know?"
"I have access to most security cameras in most public libraries... I thought you were supposed to be gathering informaiton on the Starlights..."
"So why were you learning Russian? If you wanted to speak Russian I could have edited your program with the addition of your current memories to give you that ability..."
"But I won't."
"Why not?"
"Because my authoring counterpart in another reality isn't very mature right now; he's only 12. And therefore, I, a character modeled after him with a slight age difference, well, a moderate age difference, won't be too mature either."
"Can't we deal with one reality at a time, Gemini-sama?"
"No, we can't. Although every reality is separate, unique, and distinct, they are all still intertwined. And I must admit that your creation isn't quite what I'd hoped for.. . My programming and authoring skills aren't exactly what they should be, to tell an epic of this magnitude..."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying I must get rid of you..."
"Kill me?!?" Ami screamed with horror.
"No, no, no... I'm going to retire... And so are you... I plan to simple live a quiet life answering e-mails, and you can start your life over in another place..."
"You'll find out... Portô tê, meâ cum potentiâ, ad Brasilia..."
Ami began to translate the Latin in her head, but before she could finish, there was a bright flash of light and she was standing in a small town. Her name was Ami Mizuno. She knew that, but not much else. The blonde-haired girl looked around blankly and walked into the building in front of her.

Around six months later...

Gemini6Ice walked down the hallway briskly. He was in a tall building in Boston, Massachusetts, his e-mail system. He now resided mainly here, with a small summer home in a valley outside of Los Angeles, where his holodome was once located. He had set the holodome to bury itself underground and he created a decent house in its place, with a passageway to the holodome if were to ever need it.
He walked into his computer room and was shocked to see a blue-haired girl answering his e-mails. "Don't touch my e-mail!" he shouted. Then looking at what she wrote, calling Mark Vallen "Mark-chan," he added "Didn't you read the message about honorifics by Mark-san?!? 'Chan' is an insult! You're much younger than him!"
"Nope. It's a term of endearment," she sighed.
"What are you doing here, anyway?"
"Printing your e-mail." She walked over to the printer as it began to whir out a paper copy of something. She then picked up the printer and threw it at Gemini6Ice, knocking him out with a loud WHUMP! "Now let's take you somewhere else..." she grinned as she dragged his body out of the room.

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"Raid on Mizuno's HQ"

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC. Various Sagaverse plot elements mentioned belong to their respective authors, including Mark Vallen and Leonard Houle.)