"Raid on Mizuno's HQ"

Part 1: "Maced"

As no Author's Note accompanied the first publishing of this segment, I felt it appropriate to add one at this time. Several months after my attempted finalè (before the time pass in the Prologue), I jumped back into the story with the ending of the Prologue as the ending to some unrelated e-mail. And once the ball was rolling, the story picked right back up.

Gemini6Ice stirred and slowly put his hand on his head. It ached as if he'd been smashed over the head with a printer. He wondered what had happened to himself. Slowly, he remembered that his creation was back and that she had knocked him out. He looked around. He was in an alley. Trash was scattered everywhere and cats were walking on the fences. It was void of people except for himself.
Groggily, but nonetheless, he sat up. He walked to the street corner and stopped someone walking their dog. "Excuse me, ma'am, but where am I?"
"Do you have amnesia or something? We've got to get you to a doctor!" the elderly woman cried.
"No! I know who I am and all that, I just don't know where I am."
"You're in New York City! Do you need twenty-five cents to call home?"
"Um, no. It would be long distance then. Well, thanks for the information."
"Do you have any money on you? I mean, in case you need to buy food or anything?"
Gemini6Ice checked his pockets and pulled out his wallet. "I have empty credit cards... But thanks for asking! Bye!" Unnoticed, his Visa Mastercard was caught by a gust of wind, and it fell beaneath a dumpster.
"Bye! Oh, one last thing..."
She pulled out a bottle of mace from her purse and sprayed him in the eyes. "Your cards!" She grabbed his wallet and ran off with her dog, laughing.
Crying out and doubling over in pain, he passed out again.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)