"Raid on Mizuno's HQ"

Part 5: "Iced, Sliced, and Diced"

Now that the raid has finally begun... Well, it has. On to the story!

"Okay, ready?" Gemini6Ice asked. Kunzite nodded in agreement and they both hopped into the building. The darkness seemed to surround them as they crept into it. "There's not much room for trip lines, but we'd better spray just in case..."
"Okay," Kunzite took out the bottle and sprayed the mist on the floor. Gradually, hundreds of red light beams appeared, criss-crossing in every direction, from ceiling to floor, from wall to wall. "Whoa!" he exclaimed as he fell down and landed in between two lines.
"Are you okay?"
"I can't move or get up without setting them off!" Kunzite whispered.

"Let's see... Where's my little Gemini-shish-kabob?" Ami whispered as she tip-toed down the stairs in the level SUB-6. She could make out, on the floor, five crumpled bodies. "Computer, LEVEL SUB-6, BRIGHTNESS to level 10!"
The lights on the ceiling brightened, revealing the entire room. The five crumpled bodies were only five piles of trash.
"What? Garbage?!? My trap killed garbage!?! How could garbage set off the alarms?!? Wait..." she picked up the dead Junk Yard Demon. "They're bodies... made of... trash?!? How many of these things has Gemini-chan created? Computer, READY 55597, DIAL GEMINI-L.A.!" She would travel back to the central control room, and call Gemini6Ice on her computer.

"She's coming back!!!" Jadeite whispered to his partner. "We need to stall Ami so we can take the stairs to the next level!"
Ami swiftly walked by the minions standing behind the wooden door.
"It would help Gemini-san if we were to stall her! Junk Yard Demon, attack her, while we run!" Zoicite whispered.

"Who's there?" Ami turned around. Suddenly, she felt a blow to the head. She stumbled back. "What the.." an unknown force knocked the wind out of her and caused her to fall backwards onto the ground. Computer, LEVEL SUB-5, BRIGHTNESS to level negative 5!" A dark light shone from the ceiling, showing the Junk Yard Demon as a blur of light.
"What?" the Demon tried to punch her but she successfully blocked its attack.
"Mercury, Star Power, Make Up! Sorry, I'm Sailor Mercury now, buddy!" She kicked toward its stomach. "Hai-ya!"
"Oomph!" it fell to the floor.





"I don't think so!" the Demon became visible again. "Now can you see me as well?" He shot a bullet from his a pistol embedded in his leg to the light above. It exploded, sparks flying everywhere.
Sailor Mercury screamed as she jumped to avoid the sparks. "Shabon Spray!!" A misty fog arose from her bubbles.
The Junk Yard Demon blew up another light and became invisible again.
"No! You can't win this one! Computer, LEVEL SUB-5, BRIGHTNESS to level negative 10!!" Sailor Mercury announced. The remaining few lights in the corridor increased their intensity of dark light.
"I can seeeee you!!! Shabon Spray Freezing!" she shot bubbles at the Demon, cuasing it to quickly become a statue of ice. "Hai-ya!" she cried as she kicked it once more, shattering it. "Teach you to mess with ice! You just might get freezer-burned! Or is that freezer-burnt...?"





20 minutes earlier:


"We set off the alarm!" Beryl cried.
"I told you we should have misted first, but nooo!!!!" Nephrite yelled cynically, trying to combat his voice over the alarm.
The queen, the general, and the Demons were in a hallway on the top floor. On either side of them were paintings on the mist-blue walls, with the speckled carpet beneath them.
"Shut up!" she answered. Suddenly, the lights went off, placing them in an eerie darkness. "What's that sliding sound?" she whispered.
"I'll find out." Nephrite held his hands apart and created a sphere of light between them. "The paintings are sliding!" Without warning, barrels of guns popped out of the holes behind the painting, rapidly firing.
"Oomph!" one Demon fell to the floor.
Another bullet hit Nephrite in the chest, and he fell to the floor. "It shot a hole in my uniform! She'll pay for that! Duck everyone!"
The Demons, and Beryl all sprang to the floor, and Nephrite's orb expanded, until it exceeded the space of the hallway, then disappeared, leaving all the turrets as ashes.
"Everyone up! Beryl, next time we're using the mist!"

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Part 4












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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)