"Raid on Mizuno's HQ"
Part 3: "Los Angeles!"
Just before writing the following segment, I decided that this should take place in a different universe than Xplo-san, Len-san, Mark-san, and company's infamous Sagaverse. Indeed, when I first brought Ami-chan to life, I mentioned that I was watching the Sagaverse. I have come up with a solution to this dilemma: the computers aboard the holodome can glimpse into other realities. This has now become a long-established fact. In the first publication of this segment, I asked readers for a possible name for this new reality, and "The Gammaverse" was chosen. |
"Please return your seats to an uptight position! I mean, an upright position," the pilot announced. "We are approaching Los Angeles. The temperature is 73 degrees Fahrenheit and the skies are mildly cloudy." About ten minutes later, everyone was boarding off the plane. Gemini6Ice called a cab to a car dealership where he bought a new, shimmering, electric-blue Intrigue. He drove it to the house he lived in among the hills outside of town. Running quickly to the computer in the main room, he instructed his computer to bring his holodome back.
Before he did so, there was a last, "Are you sure?" dialogue box. He pressed "OK." Soon came a slow rumbling, then shaking. The lamp hanging from the ceiling started to sway back and forth. Everything that sat on his shelves began to slide off. It was as bad as an earthquake!
He stood up slowly, and got cover under a doorway. When the shaking ceased, he opened a nearby door and descended the stairs leading to the basement, entering the tunnel to his holodome.
He reached his holodome and decided that the next course of action was to bring an army of legions to life. The only problem was that the spell would only allow one casting per every full moon. But he had a solution for that. He logged onto his computer and quickly constructed a holo-factory to produce a sort of holo-emitters, which would then be latched onto his creatures and would, themselves, cast the spell on upon their hosts. He then used his single opportunity of the spell on the factory.
The factory was only as big as a refrigerator but was still efficient. After an hour, it had produced twenty. It was time to start constructing his army. The first one would be difficult to decide. Who? After several minutes of musing, our protagonist deicded on Queen Beryl. But of course, he had to make her follow his orders, so he slowly changed her personality programming to view him as her superior, then brought her to life. Before she awoke, he hooked the emitter to her shoulder. The next would be the infamous Jadeite.
After Jadeite, came Nephrite, then Zoicite, and then Kunzite. All the generals of the Dark Kingdom were at his disposal! Who else? To save programming time, he needed a youma-of-the-day. That was no problem; he would create his own.
Two hours later, he had his army: 49 copies of the youma were standing straight and tall. He called them Junk Yard Demons and they were all random in their physicalcreation. They looked as if they were constructed of trash. They couldn't do much; they had no powers besides becoming invisible. But he had the generals on his side. And the queen. He led them back to his house and to the transportation pad in the basement, where they were whisked away to his base in Boston, Massachussetts, where Mizuno Ami and his e-mail system were.
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)