"Raid on Mizuno's HQ"

Part 11: "The Final Chapter"

I've finally decided to write the next part of this mini-saga, hopefully finishing it. *Rolls eyes* Yeah right... (Note: But, as it turns out, I actually did finish it this segment!) A lot happened last segment so I'll do my best to condense it within the "Previously in the Gammaverse" section... Just a quick chronological note, also: "Sailor Moon Says" was written prior to this segment, but, despite the fact that it is more of a what-if story than an actual part of The Gammaverse Saga, it will appear on this website in the order that it should chronologically appear if it were to actually happen. The plotholes which originally were mentioned and corrected at the end of this segment have now been corrected for the entire saga, leaving the actual explanations of them irrelevant.

Last time on I Love Ami:

Nephrite's team, after splitting up with Queen Beryl's a while back, chanced upon the hotel portion of this giant building that serves no purpose but the ultimate setting... Oh wait, it was my e-mail system... Anyway, Gemini had lost contact with Jadeite, and Nephrite tried to contact him as well, with no luck. Nephrite left behind three demons in the hotel rooms to fight Ami when she found them, and ran off with the remaining four. Zoicite woke up from his dream, then passed out again. Ami defeated two of three demons, and the third set fire to the rooms, burning Ami-chan... Yet, there was a female voice behind it, maybe Sailor Mercury?
Queen Beryl's team went into the elevator, which had been reinforced with steel-ziltanium, and discovered that the computer needed a passcode for the elevator, which they couldn't figure out in time, causing them to fall... Radio transmissions were impossible through steel-ziltanium, yet Beryl was talking to Gemini, but not for long, as a figure outside the elevator covered the missing spot with extra steel-ziltanium plating and dropped a nerve gas bomb down the elevator shaft.

The Score:

And now for your mathematical enjoyment, I present the teams' scores thus far in the raid:
Team Motto Final Score
Queen Beryl
The one with talent.
Lone Junk Yard Demon
Demon no Baka
Gemini6Ice and Kunzite
Dun' Nuthin'
Jadeite and Zoicite
Yes, cyber-sects, get your mind out of the gutter.

In the lead...

Gemini6Ice and Kunzite!


Anday ownay ouray orystay ontinuescay!


Programming glitch...


And now our story continues...

With the room on fire and flames leaping, the demon turned around. In shock, it started to ask, "Wha-" but was interrupted.
"Shabon Spray Freezing!" Sailor Mercury screamed, freezing the demon in mid-word, then shattering it with a kick. "That's that," she muttered.
The sprinklers overhead came on just then, putting out the fire. Sailor Mercury walked over to where the Sailor Mercury that had been pelted with gasoline ahd been standing, and picked up the charred peice of metal in the distorted shape of a cube.

"What do we do Beryl-sama?!?" screamed a JYD.
"As soon as I hear Gemini-sama then I know we can get out because of the radio thing," Queen Beryl answered, with her earphones on, as the elevator continued to plummet.
Suddenly, the earphones started to spark; The straw-like flashes of light flew to the floor. Queen Beryl ripped off the headset, flinging it across the death cage they were in. It hit a Junk Yard Demon, exploding and taking the Demon with it.

"Hello?!? Beryl!" Gemini cursed aloud in vain at this misfortune. He heard a pop. "Great: the headset's breaking!" He yelled sarcastically, and threw it out a window onto the street, where it exploded.

Beryl looked up at the panel showing the floor they were on, as it quickly continued to descend.
"We have to do something! Ummm..." Beryl tried to think under the pressure.

Jadeite and the three Demons slowly dragged Zoicite, still asleep, towards the crack in the floor, where the panel they had been elevated on was.
Jadeite aimed a beam from his hand at the edge, causing the small area to fall back down to the lower level.

"I know!" she announced.
"Want a Cheeto?" asked a Junk Yard Demon as it opened a bag of Cheetos.
"What kind are they?" she asked, as she couldn't see in the dark.
"Cheesy Checkers," the JYD responded.
"Oh, thanks... Iww cowwet woo doo Weminih!" Beryl said, stuffing the Cheeto into her mouth.
"The elevator, remember?" said another JYD.
"Oh, yeah!" responded Beryl, as the second demon punched\ the one with the Cheetos.
The queen of the Dark Kingdom slowly moved her hands around, muttered something in Latin, a bubble encasing her. She screamed with all her might as the bubble shot upward, ramming into the ceiling and the boards and lights, but slamming into the top of the elevator, stopping it.
As she struggled against what appeared to be the inevitable, her bubble dissipated, Beryl fell to the floor, passed-out, and the elevator started to pick up speed once more.

Meanwhile on LEVEL 82:

"We'll have to go down the stairs!" yelled Nephrite to his lesser militia. "We're out of spray, aren't we?"
One of the JYDs nodded.
"Fine," Nephrite sighed, and aimed the disappearing-beam at the floor beneath him, then the floor beneath that. "Get ready for a big jump!"
Nephrite and his four demons then jumped two stories down.

Jadeite began to grow impatient with the elevator. "Why do elevators always take so long to arrive?"
"I don't know, why do elevators take so long to arrive?" asked a demon.
"Isn't everybody slow when they're full?" responded a second JYD.
"Baka," mumbled Jadeite. "That wasn't a riddle! That was a stupid rhetorical question!
"Forget it! I'm not waiting THIS LONG!" Jadeite continued and pulled open the doors and, as something gaseous started to seep out, he gagged. "Nerve gas," he quickly exhaled before he got a big enough whiff. (Holographic creatures have a greater capacity for these toxic chemicals.) He ran halfway down the corridor, blasting open a door. Luckliy enough, there were gas masks inside. "Take them!" He screamed, and tossed one for each JYD, putting one on Zoicite himself.
He ran back to the elevator and jumped in, reaching the bottom soon enough. "A gas bomb," he muttered, and quickly blasted it into oblivion. Above him, the steel carriage was edging its way to crushing him. He jetted up to the door where he had come in and waited for the elevator to come. He then shot a beam of energy directly on the door crack as soon as it came into range, and he flew inside it, pulling the same trick Beryl had earlier.
The elevator came to a halt and jerked upward a little, back to the level Jadeite had come in from.
"Get her out of here!" he yelled at the demons as they rolled Beryl's body out of the elevator. The elevator started to fall again; as it hit the end of the shaft, it crunched as flat as a pancake, killing the remaining demons inside.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait!" yelled the reader.
"What?" asked Gemini6Ice, abviously annoyed at this pause in the story.
"How did Jadite know that Beryl, or for that matter, anybody was in the elevator? I mean, he can't just see a falling elevator and immediately assume that poor souls are trapped inside!"
"Why not?"
"Because that's a plot-hole!" exclaimed the reader.
"Well, if he doesn't save her, then that changes three years of writing following this part of the story!" yelled Gemini6Ice is response.
"But there has to be some reason he knew about Beryl!"
"I told him about her, okay?"
"But your headphones broke!"
"Then, ehrm, Nephrite established communications with him! Yeah!"
"But his headset wasa destroyed when he was trapped with the big cyber-sect, remember?"
"No, that was Zoicite's." "Jadeite's wasn't destroyed?"
"Did you read that it was?"
"Well, no."
"Then it wasn't."
"But why not?" the reader continued to inquire.
"Because Jadeite never attempted to establish radio communications while blocked by steel-ziltanium. Therefore, Gemini6Ice told Jadeite about Beryl after he and the JYDs dragged Zoicite to the elevators."
"Can I get back to the story now?"
"Yeah, sure."

Ami walked into the next hotel room and picked up the telephone, dialing a number. After three rings, the phone picked up. "Hi," she whispered.
"Ami..." came a male voice from the other end. "I taped a little conversation for you..."
"Really? Can I hear it? Now."
"Of course... Hold on though... The tape's right... here."


"Gemini, we have a problem! We're falling!" came Queen Beryl's voice.
"There's a chance you can get out! I just remembered something: steel-ziltanium doesn't allow the passage of any light, including radio transmissions!" came Gemini6Ice's voice.
"Then how am I talking to you?"
"Ami-chan must have not reinforced the entire elevator with it; if there's still a spot, then you can get out!"


"I quickly added a plate of steel-ziltanium, and dropped a gas bomb full of nerve gas down the shaft. They won't live..."
"That's too bad... I really wanted to hurt Gemmy before he died."
"He's still alive; he wasn't in the elevator. Just Queen Beryl was..."
"Stick around though, okay? The show's not over yet. Kisses!"
And she hung up.

"Finally.. Now that I have no more distractions... We can move on to our mission, ne, Kunzite?"
"Yes, Gemini-sama."
Gemini walked up to the door, and placed a bomb on the knob. They backed away, and in a few seconds it exploded, shards of metal going everywhere. Gemini noticed how the only part destroyed was the hole where the knob had been. "Reinforced with steel-ziltanium..." he muttered. He stuck his hand through the hole, then outstretched it, and pulled back his hand, taking the door with him. "The motor room," he whispered, looking at the room behind the door, "is gone."

On LEVEL 82:

"Shut up! I don't care! I've got my sights set on Nephrite!" Ami snapped.
"Computer, shut up!"

On LEVEL 80:

Nephrite stepped into the room as he swung open the door, throwing a draft of air across the room. "Aha! The computers!" he exclaimed, setting himself on a stool in front of a terminal and monitor. "Let's override this computer system..."
As the monitor flickered on he saw the text-only system program... "This is the same as the holodome's operating-system!"
"What?" asked a Junk Yard Demon, surprised.
"Yes... This is Ami's! How she got it I don't know..." he pressed enter, and a whirring sound was heard. "What's that?"
Into the rectangular basin set inside the wall on the other side of the room, a small cube fell out. Nephrite opened the tiny glass door preventing access. Before he pulled it out, a small button fell out as well. "Hmmm... Wait, it's a microphone?" He picked up the small microphone.
Suddenly, Ami was before him. "Yaahhhh!!" he screamed and fell back. Ami stared straight ahead. "What?" asked Nephrite, not noticing he was still holding the button near his mouth.
Ami opened her mouth and repeated, "What?"
"I'm a blue-haired witch!" Nephrite said.
"I'm a blue-haired witch!" Ami repeated.
"Mercury, Star Power, Make Up!"
"Mercury, Star Power, Make Up!" Ami transformed into Sailor Mercury.
"Interesting..." Nephrite put down the microphone. As soon as he did so, Sailor Mercury dissappeared.
Nephrite walked to the next terminal. "The lights," he whispered, and pulled the biggest knob. The lights started to dim. He moved them back up. "Look out Gemini-sama... You're getting a message in Morse Code..."

"The lights!" a Demon exclaimed as they dimmed and brightened. Zoicite, half-asleep, groggily sat up.
"I'll scan, I'll scan..." he mumbled. Suddenly the lights started to flicker. "Morse code... It says..." Looking at the scanner screen, Zoicite started to read, "Gemini-sama... We've found the control room on LEVEL 80... Looks like you'll be getting your e-mail system back.... Hey, didn't Gemini-sama say the control room was on LEVEL 60 something?"
"Yes," answered Jadeite.
"We have to contact them!"

"Implement Trap 987-G, Computer! Now!" Ami screamed, trooping down the hallway on a manhunt for a Dark Kingdom warrior, though not the evil in this battle.

"I hope Gemini got the message!" Nephrite exclaimed.
"VIRUS DETECTED! ERASING FILES!" came the computer's voice.
"No!" screamed Nephrite as the screens all went blank. "Do I hear a ticking?" One terminal exploded, wires and plastic spouting in every which way, sparks soaring through the air. The sprinklers above immediately came on, then fell off, revealing full pipes behind them.
"This isn't good..." one of the Junk Yard Demons whispered, bolting for the door, which, ironically, was bolted itself.
Nephrite gathered his energy and shot a ball of dark fire at the door, burning away the wood, but revealing the steel-ziltanium behind it. "This was a trap..."

"The lights are flickering..." Gemini whispered.
"Well according to the Morse Code program on your laptop Nephrite has found the control room... on LEVEL 80?" Kunzite answered.
"But the control room is on LEVEL 66..." Gemini whispered. "So what do you make of this room?"
"It seems to be empty..."
"The door I broke ought to alarm Ami... We'll wait for her. She's on her way right now, I'll bet..."

"The nucleo-plasmic gun!" Nephrite realized, grabbing it from in the pocket of his uniform. He shot it at the pipe above, not even bending it, but wiping away the ceiling tiles, showing more steel-ziltanium. "The pipes must be as well.... And the water's being electrified!"

The door across the room slid open as a solitary figure stepped through. "Hello, Gemini-chan..." the girl sneered.
Gemini turned around, staring straight at Ami. "I thought you'd show up..."
"Really? That's so kind of you to wait for me..."
"What do you want now? I knew you'd show up, but why?"
"Well, at first, I wanted just to make your life a living hell... But now I have a much larger goal... Try and figure it out... Every now and then I might just throw you a bone..."
"So what now? We fight?"
"I'd win, and we both know that, Gemmy... You won't be able to match my awesome power... Of course it will be difficult to accomplish what I have my sights set on, with you in the way... Sadly, I will have to get rid of you unless you surrender..."
"Then it is elimination, I suppose," Ami sighed, then disappeared.
"Where'd she go?" asked Kunzite.
"I think I know!" Gemini exclaimed, and, motioning to the door which was still open, he ran through it, picking up a small cube. "Some sort of holographic-picture-emitter."
There was a low rumbling noise. "What's that?" squeaked a Junk Yard Demon.
A steel bar fell from the ceiling, knocking it unconscious.
"Everybody to the elevator shaft! We'll go down to where Jadeite and Zoicite came in and get out!"

"There, the entire building will self-destruct."
"Good work, Ami..." the shadowy figure answered, shooting one of the forcefield probes, knocking it out for a few seconds. The helicopter which the two vilains were in flew up immediately, before the forcefield reinstated itself.

Nephrite was floating in the middle of the room. The demons had already been electrocuted, and he was hanging from the ceiling, almost touching the water, which was quickly rising.
He heard a loud booming sound... And another... The water was lowering... He looked below and saw several holes in the floor. Of course! Why hadn't he realized that that would be where there wouldn't be any steel-ziltanium reinforcing the floor.
He shot the floor in every possible place with his nucleo-plasmic gun, and glided himself down to the next floor. He quickly ran to the elevator shaft, where he could hopefully find the others.

Fifteen minutes later:

Gemini6Ice stood atop the building, looking back at his e-mail system going down. The structure was imploding upon itself. Luckily, it was contained inside the forcefield and was under control. Behind him, stood nineteen Junk Yard Demons, Queen Beryl, Zoicite, Jadeite, Nephrite, and Kunzite.
As the building in their view fell completely, the probes holding the forcefield exploded, the forcefield disappearing.
"I'll get you for this, Ami; I swear I will..." Gemini vowed silently.

Finally, it's finished! If you want to know who Ami's partner is, keep reading the saga... Even though this mini-saga is over, that doesn't mean there won't be more.

*Iskandar groans, accompanied by Jackie Chiang*

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Part 10












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"The Ten O'Clock News"

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)