"Raid on Mizuno's HQ"
Part 10: "Hotel BHG (You Check In, But You Don't Check Out)"
What is there really to say, but today I had my Science, English, and P.E. finals... *Sighs* Science was easy but I think I guessed on too many of the English questions.... I hope I get at least a C for my semester average (in English, at least)... But as to the actual fanfic I'm going to writeÑ-that's what this is forÑ-so no more rambling about me! |
Previously in the Gammaverse:
Jadeite managed to get the weapons, and they defeated the all of cyber-sects but one, which took them up one floor, where it became a giant cyber-sect. Jadeite's earphones broke, and he was badly injured by the cyber-sect. Zoicite managed to get inside the cyber-sect, destroyed everything inside its shell, and managed to get out, collapsing next to Jadeite... (Oh, the tension when they awaken! *Makes note for plot device*)
In the segment before that, to refresh your memory, Nephrite and Berylsplit up, taking a team of seven Demons each. Ami is still busy chasing Nephrite's team, while Beryl's team is making a getaway to central
The Score:
And now for your mathematical enjoyment, I present the teams' scores thus far in the raid:
Team |
JYDs |
Final Score |
Queen Beryl |
Continued with 7 |
7 |
Nephrite |
Continued with 7 |
7 |
Gemini6Ice and Kunzite |
Began with 17
17 |
Jadeite and Zoicite |
Began with 16 5 suffered gas attack 1 used as decoy 7 suffered cyber-sects |
3 |
In the lead... |
Gemini6Ice and Kunzite! |
Can I do it? Can I do it? |
Fine! You can do it! |
Yay!!! |
Get on with it already. |
AMI: |
Yeah, get on with it! *Snickers* |
And now... our story continues!!! |
No, no, no, no, no! You have to draw it out, not make it sound like the end. |
Well I've already met my end! |
AMI: |
Glue-boy! |
Shut up, you blue-haired freak! |
Just do it right! |
And now our story continues? |
Much better. |
AMI: |
I could've done it better... |
"Now which way?" asked a Junk Yard Demon.
"This way," whispered Nephrite, as the Demons sprayed and they all tip-toed down the halls, cautiously stepping over trip lines. He grabbed ahold of a door handle and slowly turned it. "It's open..."
On the way in, one of the Demons looked up at the door. On it was plated in gold letters, "82-G7". It ignored it and closed the door behind all of them.
"What now?" a Demon asked Nephrite.
"Be quiet... Turn on a flashlight," he turned to another Demon. The Junk Yard Demon turned a switch on his arm, and beam of light came out its mouth. He slowly shone the light around the room...
"A... hotel room?" Nephrite looked at the bed, the lamp, and the telephone. Across the room on a dresser was a mini-fridge... In front of the bed, on the wall, sat a wooden entertainment center, complete with a TV, and Sony Playstation. Nephrite aimed his eyes at the wall; he rose his hand and outstretched his palm toward it, and a glowing symbol reached the wall, causing a a portion of it to completely vanish.
"What did you do with the wall?" asked a Demon.
"I sent it to the holodomeÕs Dark Kingdom I suppose," Nephrite answered and stepped through to another practically identical hotel room. "Hmmm," he pressed the button on his earphones and started talking to Gemini6Ice. "Hey, Gemini-sama, I was just wondering, what's with these hotel rooms? Did Ami-chan add them?"
"Nephrite, no, I added them," Gemini6Ice responded over his headset. "Just hope that Ami-chan hasn't tampered with them. A couple months back, I thought aboutopening a hotel here... I never got around to the publicity part. Why are you on that floor instead of taking the stairs?" Gemini6Ice asked.
"Ami-chan is chasing us... We split up from Beryl, so she should be safe for now..." came Nephrite's response.
"For some reason I lost contact with Jadeite. See if you can contact him. Well, there about five floors chock-full of hotel rooms, so you should be safe from her wrath for now. But by the way, how do you know she's chasing you instead of Beryl's team?" asked Gemini.
"We heard her jump down to this floor."
"Well, okay. If she is about to get you, distract her with
a Junk Yard Demon."
"Hello? Jadeite? Are you there? Hello??!" Nephrite flipped off his headphones. "I wonder what happened?"
"I happened!" the door burst open, and Mizuno Ami stepped into the hotel room. "What have we here? Only some of the conspirators? I don't see Gemini-chan here... I might as well give you this warning: there's no way you can win!"
"I wouldn't be too sure about that!" Nephrite answered, picking up the mini-fridge and hurling it at Mizuno Ami.
Ami held up her henshin stick, and shouted, "Mercury Star Power, Make Up!" Bubbles surrounded her, then all popped, as Sailor Mercury kicked the fridge in mid air, knocking it open and sending tiny bottles of Vodka across the room.
"You three, fight her!!" screamed Nephrite. "You four, come with me!!" he commanded as he made a mad dash to the door in the other hotel room, the other four Junk Yard Demons following him.
"Shabon Spray!" Sailor Mercury screamed, and filled the entire room with an omnipresent fog. In that brief moment, Nephrite, and the other four Demons made it out of the room.
"Hey, wake up, Zoicite-san!" Jadeite slapped his partner in the face with his working arm.
"No, Kunzite. One more time, Kunzite! Hah! Scrabble! That's how many points? Yes, it is too a word! You spell the best words, Kunzite... Yahtzee!!!"
"You're dreaming, Zoicite! Wake up!" Jadeite yelled.
"Huh?" Zoicite opened an eye. "Where's Kunzite?"
"You defeated the robot! Go you!" Jadeite exclaimed.
"I did?!? I did!!! Yay!" Zoicite sprang up, now standing. "I did!!! Go meeee..." And he fell back to the floor, asleep again.
"Um, Zoicite-san?" Jadeite asked, wincing at the pain from his shoulder.
"We're here!" Beryl exclaimed as her team reached the elevator. She pressed the "Down" button, and waited for the elevator to come up. As soon, as it did, everyone scrambled aboard the eleavtor, and the doors slid closed behind them.
"Passcode?!?" Beryl screamed. "Gemini-sama, what's the passcode for the elevators?"
"Passcode? What passcode? There is no passcode! Ami must have added it! Quick! Get out of there!!" came Gemini6Ice's shouting voice over the headset.
"Just try to get out of there!" came Gemini6Ice's frantic voice.
Queen Beryl launched a Dark Bomb at the wall, tearing away the carpet covering, but not denting the metal flesh behind it.
"It didn't work!" screamed Beryl.
"She must have accessed my files on steel-ziltanium!" came Gemini6Ice's screaming voice from the headphone.
"What do we do?!?" asked Beryl.
"Just try something!" answered Gemini6Ice.
Queen Beryl started to look for a keypad.
"There's no keypad, Gemini-sama!"
"Say something aloud! Something I hate, probably."
"All I Need is Your Kiss by Prince!" screamed Queen Beryl.
"The artist formerly known as Prince?" asked Queen Beryl, quietly.
The lights suddenly went out, leaving them in complete darkness.
"This can't be good," muttered a Junk Yard Demon.
"Nope," agreed Queen Beryl. "Gemini-sama, we have a problem."
"Take that!" screamed a Demon, as it tried to kick Sailor Mercury, but she caught its leg, and tossed it across the room and into the television set. It crashed into it, shattering the glass. Aparks flew from it, and the T.V. exploded, taking the junk Yard Demon with it.
"One down, two to go," muttered Sailor Mercury.
"Shabon Spray Freezing!" Sailor Mercury hit the second Demon before it could move, then she performed a high-flying kick, smashing it into about 4,678,291 pieces.
"Sailor Mercury, before you kill me, I have a poem," the Demon started. "Beans, beans, the magical fruit! The more you eat the more you toot! The more you toot, the better you feel. So this gasoline will kill!" It opened a valve on its arm, spraying gasoline all over Sailor Mercury and the room she was in.
"I'll get you for that!" she screamed.
"Not so!" It lit a match and threw it at her.
"Noo!!" She screamed as she and the entire room fell ablaze.
"That takes care of that!" The Junk Yard Demon said proudly.
"I wouldn't be too sure of that!" a female voice said behind him.
"Gemini, we have a problem!" Beryl finished as she started to feel a falling sensation. "We're falling!"
"There's a chance you can get out! I just remembered something: steel-ziltanium doesn't allow the passage of any light, including radio transmissions!"
"Then how am I talking to you?"
"Ami-chan must have not reinforced the entire elevator with it; if there's still a spot, then you can get out!"
"Wait, I can't hear you! You're fading!"
"She must have been monitoring our conversati- bzzzttttt..."
"Gemini-sama? Gemini-sama?!?"
The figure stopped lowering himself on the rope as soon as he finished adhering the plate of steel-ziltanium to the rapidly-quickening, falling elevator. Luckily he had heard every word they said, and realized that they could have gotten out when they mentioned the fact about radio transmissions.
He pulled on a gas mask, and dropped a nerve gas bomb down the elevator shaft, just in case they managed to get out. He slowly pulled himself back up to the top of the elevator shaft, got out and closed the grate behind him.
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)