"Raid on Mizuno's HQ"

Part 7: "Working Out the Demons"

Saturday has been REALLY slow on the ML today... Less than twenty messages all day.. Maybe this will help things, or maybe not... (Note: twenty was not much for back when this was written. Nowadays, fifteen is magnificent amount!)

Previously in the Gammaverse:

Queen Beryl and Nephrite attacked from the roof with sixteen JYDs, springing the trap which triggered the alarm and killed one JYD leaving them with 15. This happened right after Jadeite and Zoicite set off an alarm in sub-level 6. Ami went to sub-level 6 and found that the captees were gone, but 5 dead bodies were left on the floor, which she presumed as trash before a closer look.
Jadeite, Zoicite, and their team of now 11 JYDs wanted time to escape from their floor, so they sent a JYD to attack Ami, and she transformed into Sailor Mercury and defeated. Kunzite fell down on floor ten, while Gemini6Ice's and Kunzite's team of Junk Yard Demons were still in the helicopter. He was surrounded by red trip-lines, that Ami had added. Gemini realized that some of them must be fake, and he knocked out the fake ones, saving Kunzite. Ami went back to her central control after defeating the Junk Yard Demon. Before deciding to check out the ruckus on the top floor, she turned on the forcefield, a golden cube around the building, to prevent any more of Gemini's minions to be able to attack.

The Score:

And now for your mathematical enjoyment, I present the teams' scores thus far in the raid:
Team JYDs Final Score
Queen Beryl and Nephrite
Began with 16
1 shot
Gemini6Ice and Kunzite
Began with 17
Jadeite and Zoicite
Began with 16
5 suffered gas attack
1 used as decoy

In the lead...

Gemini6Ice and Kunzite!

And now our story continues...

"Gemini6Ice," called Jadeite on the headphone communicator. "We're at SUB LEVEL-5 right now. Is there anything we need to pick up while we're here?"
Gemini6Ice sighed and answered: "Just a second, I'm almost finish blowing up fakes..." Gemini6Ice shot the last fake infrared beam. "Okay, yeah, there are some emergency rations in corridor 35. There are also a few weapons in computer-coded vaults in corridor 14. Where are you now?"
"We're in, um... Corridor 29. We just sent a Demon as decoy in corridor 40-something, and I'm pretty sure Ami killed it. We heard her shout her transformation command as we were running away from there."

"We're in, um..." Jadeite shone his flashlight on the wall to see the label. "Corridor 29. We just sent a Demon as a decoy in corridor 40 something, and I'm pretty sure Ami killed it. We heard her shout her transformation command as we were running away from there."
"Okay, tell Zoicite to activate her com-link earphones."
"Zoicite, activate your com-link earphones," Jadeite repeated.
Zoicite pressed a button on the side of her com-like earphones. In the process, she activated her com-link earphones. "Okay, Gemini-san, what do you want us to do?" he asked.
"I'm going to send you a map of Sub-level 5 on your scanner, to help you. First, in this corridor look for a door with the number 05 next to it."
"Okay..." Jadeite shone the flashlight across the hallway until he saw it. How do you want us to open it?"
"There's no possible way to open any door without apass- card, which are in that room. And, ironically, you can't open that door without a pass-card as well. Try cutting a hole through the middle of the door, and stepping through it."
"Okay," Jadeite answered again and shot a beam of light, piercing the door and cutting a hole the size of a fattened My-size Barbie. "Now what?"
"In there, get the pass-cards. These computers aren't hooked to the main computer, so they shouldn't set off any alarms, but Ami has showed us some of her tricks so far, so be cautious. And of course, spray for infrared alarms. There should also be some jacks in there..."
"Why would we wanna play jacks for?" one of the Junk Yard Demons next to Zoicite spoke up.
"Did someone say something?" Gemini6Ice's voice asked.
"The Demon just asked why we wanted to play jacks," Zoicite answered, annoyed.
There was a groan on the other end of the line. "I meant computer jacks, not those little metal spikes!"
"Oh," responded the Demon.
"We'll need the jacks for me to send you the map," continued Gemini6Ice. "Do you have it yet?"
"Got it!" said Zoicite. He started handing out the pass-cards to each Demon, keeping one each for himself and Jadeite. "I'm passing out pass-cards to everyone... Kinda sounds redundant, eh? Well, what do you want me to do with all of these jacks?"
"Put all of them in your pocket but one. Connect that to the socket in your earphones to your scanner."
Zoicite did so. "Done."
"Okay, I'm sending it now..." A blue-print appeared on the scanner of the floor. "If you're right in front of the door, the red dot is your current location. Face the hallway, so that the door is on your right." The dot slowly became a triangle pointing toward the hallway in the topward direction. "That's which direction you're facing. There are two yellow dots for the two doors you need to get to, and a few orange highlighted areas, which are stairs leading to Sub-level 4. When you get to the next floor, contact me again. Remember to use the mist." The connection ended.
"Okay, troops, let's move out!" Zoicite commanded.
"Hey, I'm in charge!" Jadeite objected.
"I'm the one with the map. Since Gemini6Ice gave it to me, that means I'm in charge for now. You can mist," he answered condescendingly.
Jadeite sighed and sprayed the mist in front of them.

Ami got back onto the elevator and headed for the top floor. "If there are more pieces of walking trash up there, they'll wish they'd never been programmed," she thought evilly.

"Remember to use the mist." Gemini6Ice finished his conversation with the two generals attacking from the bottom. "Okay, everybody ready to attack?"
"Uh, Gemini-san?" one of the Junk Yard Demons murmured.
"What?" he answered, annoyed.
"Some kind of forcefield just materialized and cut off part of the gas tank; it's leaking."
"How much does the gauge say we have left?" Gemini responded.
"Ten more minutes worth of flying..."
"Okay, everybody off! Take the supplies with you, in case we need them! Hurry up! We have ten minutes before the chopper crashes and burns!" As soon as he finished his statement, the Junk Yard Demons jumped up and started hauling the trunks of supplies and weapons onto the building...




"Hello, you have reached Gemini6Ice's phone! I'm can't come to the phone right now, so that must mean I'm dead. Or maybe not. But, hey, you know the drill!"


Nephrite opened a door on the side of the hallway... "A gym!" he shouted, and motioned all the team into it.
"Oh, yeah, let's exercise before we get blown up by rabid dumbbells," Queen Beryl said sarcastically.
"Shut up, Beryl! The stairs might be this way!" Nephrite answered but cut off when he heard a ding in the distance. "It's an elevator," he whispered... "Ami must have heard the alarm! Quick, everyone into the sauna! Except for you!" he pointed at a Junk Yard Demon. "Get invisible, and if she comes in here, attack her... noisily, and we'll blast our way to the floor below us!"
The Demon slowly became transparent, and perched itself on the treadmill.
Ami walked along the hallway. "Computer, LEVEL 84, BRIGHTNESS to level 10!" the lights brightened. "Hmm, one of the trash-minions dead, no more..." she inspected the holes in the walls. "The guns are destroyed... Someone got away!"
"-noisily..." She thought she heard a whisper coming from the gym. She ran over to it, and opened the door. No one in there Maybe there was another Junk Yard Demon invisible. "Computer, LEVEL 84, BRIGHTNESS to level negative 10!" She saw the outline of a figure now. "I seeeeeee youuuuu," she mocked. "Mercury, Star Power, Make Up!!" a beam of ice surrounded her, accompanied by bubbles, then melted, revealing Sailor Mercury. "I wonder how many of these things he made; this could get monotonous after a while...
"Shabon Spray Freezing!!" Sailor Mercury sent a stream of bubbles at the Demon.
"I don't think so, Sailor-twit!" It took off a flame torch from its back and popped the bubbles with the fire in mid-air.
"Hey! I didn't say you could stop my bubbles!" Sailor Mercury cried. "Hai-ya!" She kicked the flame-torch off to the side, causing the Demon the fall on the treadmill.
The Junk Yard Demon sprang back up, punching Sailor Mercury onto a bench-press unit, and knocked the weights on her neck.
She cried out in pain, then knocked the weights on the floor. "I don't think so! I'm the best fighter and you should know it by now!" she cried and dumped a bucket of ice onto the Junk Yard Demon.
"Hah! Queen Beryl has more talent than you!"
"More talent?!? How dare yo!?!" she stepped back.
It picked up the flame-torch and burnt the edge of Sailor Mercury's fuku.
"My fuku! You singed my tutu, er, fuku! Shabon Spray!!" Bubbles blasted out of her hands, filling the entire room with mist.

"-more talent than you!"
Queen Beryl smiled.
"That was an insult." Jadeite informed, before adding, "To both of you."

"Shabon Spray Freezing!!" Sailor Mercury sent another wave of bubbles, freezing the Demon. "This is the end of your aerobics lesson for today!" She then kicked it, shattering it to pieces.

"Sorry, your time is up! If you didn't say all you had to say, call again!"


"Oh, you're just jealous!" Queen Beryl shot back.
"I'm just wondering, talent in what, though?" Jadeite became serious.
"You didn't see the dub, did you?"

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Part 6












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Part 8

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)