"Raid on Mizuno's HQ"
Part 6: "Fire Hydrant!!! *_*"
Time for the next part of trying to get my e-mail system back from that blue-haired villain! I doubt this will finish the mini-saga, but in case you've forgotten we'll remind you what's happened recently... |
Previously in the Gammaverse:
Gemini6Ice and Kunzite are attacking from the tenth floor with 17 Junk Yard Demons. Jadeite and Zoicite came in from the basement with 16 Junk Yard Demons, but set off the alarm, getting trapped and 5 Junk Yard Demons dying in the process. As Ami was about to check on them, another alarm went off: Queen Beryl and Nephrite were attacking from the roof with 16 Junk Yard Demons but tripped a trap and one of the JYDs got shot, but the rest evaded the guns
and went on, with now only 15 Demons left. Ami decided to check out SUB level 6 first, but found the captees to be gone, except for trash, which she realized were really 5 JYD carcasses. To buy themselves time, Jadeite and Zoicite sent a Demon to attack Ami, while they ran off with the remaining 10 Junk Yard Demons. Ami skillfully defeated the Demon after transforming into Sailor
The Score:
And now for your mathematical enjoyment, I present the teams' scores thus far in the raid:
Team |
JYDs |
Final Score |
Queen Beryl and Nephrite |
Began with 16 1 shot |
15 |
Gemini6Ice and Kunzite |
Began with 17 |
17 |
Jadeite and Zoicite |
Began with 16 5 suffered gas attack 1 used as decoy |
10 |
In the lead... |
Gemini6Ice and Kunzite! |
And now our story continues...
Gemini6Ice turned on the com-link and explained to the Demons inside the helicopter what was going on. "Okay, we can't save Kunzite without alerting Ami! Wait!" he turned off the com-link. "Kunzite, I designed this place! I know there can't be enough space in the walls for enough wiring for all of these to be real alarms; some of them are just decoy beams!"
"Which ones, though?"
"I don't know! I need to go back to the chopper and get a scanner to check for programming in the light generators!" Gemini6Ice carefully sprayed the mist once more, and cautiously stepped back onto the helicopter. "Hand me a scanner!" he cried. One of the Junk Yard Demons tossed him one from the equipment trunk.
"Here you go!" the Demon enthusiastically said as it
tossed a laser-gun as well.
"Thanks," Gemini6Ice muttered, sprayed again, seeing that the mist was already once again drifting to the ground.. Then he stepped back over to Kunzite and aimed to the generator of one of the beams overhanging his neck... "It's fake," he said and blasted it. He aimed the scanner at another, and then seven more, blasting them all, except the last.
"What now?"
"All except that last one were fake... Okay, here's a fake one..." Gemini6Ice got out a pocket mirror. "When I say 'Now!' I want you to get up, not touching any laser but the one above your chest... Although it's real, I'm angling one of the fake ones into the receiving end of this one, so the computer won't notice that you went through it!"
"Okay, whatever, just hurry up and say it..."
Gemini6Ice carefully angled the mirror until the red light ricocheted off it onto the one with the other light. "Now!"
Kunzite jumped up, and went through the beam, just as
Gemini6Ice lost his precision and the beam missed it.
"That was close!" Kunzite wiped his forehead.
"Yeah, to prevent this, wait right here while I blow out the rest of the fakes," Gemini6Ice muttered and started shooting more light generators...
Ami had de-transformed and now was traveling back up in
the elevator.
"Here come the men in black!" the music overhead was playing. Ami grinned: Gemini6Ice despised that song. She was glad it was the elevator music.
At LEVEL 28, Ami got off and walked back to the main computer console. She herriedly typed in a code to find out what floor the other intruders were on. It turned out to be the top floor. "Fine," she decided, "I'll see what's going on up there..."
She realized that if Gemini6Ice had these many minions already she needed to construct the forcefield.
Outside the building, a window shattered on the top floor of its northwest corner. It was a small probe that shattered it, made of tritanium and painted extravagantly in blue and green. Three more came out of the other three top corners of the building. A beam of yellow shot out of one, aiming toward the one to its left. That one, shot out another, until all four were connected by a quad of a goldish haze.
A fire hydrant below on the street, on one corner of the building, tipped over, revealing a probe which rose a few feet, then shot a beam to the probe above it. The three fire hydrants on the three other corners of the building tipped over as well, as three more probes rose up, shooting beams toward the probes above them. Then, as the ones at the higher altitude had done, a beam
circled the four and then four more rectangles of gold appeared.
This was the forcefield.
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)