"Raid on Mizuno's HQ"

Part 9: "Scourge of the Cyber-Sect"

Okay, part 9 is here, and I'm crossing me fingers, while I'm writing this, that Jadeite and Zoicite don't get destroyed by the cyber-sects, as well as my being able to shut down the motor room at my e-mail system, and I wonder who Ami-chan will follow, Nephrite or Beryl? (Sorry about the teaser, folks!)

Previously in the Gammaverse:

The gas ran out on Gemini's helicopter, as it fell to the ground and blew up, with still one Junk Yard Demon in it, destroying it.
Right before Ami defeated the second Junk Yard Demon she was fighting, Beryl blasted a whole through the floor, allowing Nephrite, herself, and their JYDs to go through to the next floor. They fell into a conference room and ran off into an arcade parlor before going their separate ways, splitting up, seven Demons with each team leader. Beryl took seven with her up the stairs, back to the floor they had just come from, and Nephrite took seven into the bathroom, made a hole in the floor, and jumped down to the next floor below. Ami followed the "trail" they left behind, and, once in the video game parlor, noticed smoke coming from the bathroom, only to discover that her enemies, whoever they were, had gone down that way.
Jadeite and Zoicite opened a door to get the weapons, only to find that it had a trap set up, and hundreds of cyber-sects attacked them. (Cyber-sects are robotic, heat-sensing, attacking droids the size of basketballs, with six legs, motors for flying, and laser cannons on their foreheads.

And last but not least, Ami pondered the question of how Gemini got the money for his e-mail system in the first place...

And now for your mathematical enjoyment, I present the teams' scores thus far in the raid:
Team JYDs Final Score
Queen Beryl
Continued with 7
Continued with 7
Gemini6Ice and Kunzite
Began with 17
Jadeite and Zoicite
Began with 16
5 suffered gas attack
1 used as decoy
2 suffered cyber-sects

In the lead...

Gemini6Ice and Kunzite!

"Let's see what was it? Oh, yeah! Delphi-beta, um, Gemini-zodiac-9, um, 85-and-24!" Jadeite announced while he pressed the buttons on the vault. The door swung open. "Yes! Let's see... we've got Flame guns... Frost guns... These'll both be great!" Jadeite grabbed the Frost guns, and started tossing them to the Demons. Then, he grabbed a Flame gun and tossed it to Zoicite. "They're heat-sensing, remember: give them something to sense!" Jadeite screamed over the sound of blasting, destruction, and the steady whir of the blades of the flying bugs.
"Right!" Zoicite screamed, as he caught the gun. "Take this!" he shot a beam of fire at the wall, leaving the plaster burning in one small spot. Suddenly, two cyber-sects turned and started shooting at the wall.
"Here's some more target practice!" Jadeite yelled and shot the two aiming at the wall... They started burning and fell to the ground, which encouraged a few more to start attacking those. A Demon shot its Frost gun at a cyber-sect which was furiously aiming at it. It turned into a block of ice and fell to the ground right before a second cyber-sect came behind the JYD and shot its laser at its neck, decapitating it into a trash heap.
As Zoicite aimed at another cyber-sect, he fell and shot the gun upwards, missing the bug and hitting the ceiling light. The corridor quickly darkened, hinering the sight of all within.
Zoicite shot a blast from the palm of his head, blowing up all the cyber-sects that were shooting at the burning ones. He looked at the ramps at the ends of the hallway, and saw that even more cyber-sects were coming out. "There must be an infinite number of these things!" he shouted.
Next to the wall, two Demons were firing still at cyber-sects. Two came down between them, and they both shot as the robots flew back upwards, freezing each other. As the cyber-sects swooped in to smash them, Zoicite shot one with his flame gun, and managed to unfreeze one of the Demons, while the other one was smashed by the a cyber-sect. The remaining JYD shot its frost gun at the bug and tried to smash it, by kicking it, but only succeeeded in sending it hurling across the hall. "There are ten times more of them than us!!" it screamed.
"Don't worry!" Zoicite shouted as he crawled to the end of the wall and sent a wave of energy flowing down the ramp. "That should destroy any more from over there for a while..."
"Get the other side!" screamed Jadeite.
"Take that!" a Demon shot a cyber-sect, just as the cyber-sect shot its laser at the Demon. The laser cut through the middle of the frost beam, as the frost beam continued to come closer, hitting the cyber-sect and sending it spinning to the floor, flames encased in a block of ice. The laser, however, hit the Demon's gun, causing it to blow up the JYD's face. "No fair!" it whined as another cyber-sect began shooting at it. With one hand, it pulled the other hand off, and hurled it at the cyber-sect which hit two more on its way down, all falling to pieces.
"Can't take the heat?" Jadeite asked as he shot another beam of flame at a cyber-sect, exploding it. Two more swooped down, knocking him over.
Zoicite sent another wave of energy into the other ramp. "That's taken care of!" he shouted. "Once we defeat these, we'll be finished!"
"Then let's do it!" screamed Jadeite. Three more cyber-sects flew past him, and attacked three of the Demons, blasting holes through them, and shattering them. "We're running out of Demons!" He shot at the three cyber-sects blowing them up.
"There's only one left!" Zoicite screamed and sent a wave of energy, followed by a shot from his Flame gun at it, only to be stopped by some invisible forcefield around it.
"What? That can't be? Why isn't it dead?!?" shouted Jadeite, as the remaining four Junk Yard Demons stepped behind him.
"Scanning... All of the bugs seem to have some hidden program for when there's only one left!" Zoicite informed.
Suddenly, the walls slid back in the area the size of windows, on both sides of the hall, allowing large chunks of machinery to come out both sides. The chunks flew like magnets toward the cyber-sect floating in mid-air, attaching to it.
"What now?" Jadeite asked. The ceiling above them slid away, as the floor started to rise. "What's happening?!?" he asked. The floor stopped as it reached SUB-LEVEL 4. The cyber-sect before them just was motionless. But then, two more chunks reached it from the distance.
The team looked around. The room seemed to be almost as wide as the entire the building, and two stories tall. The room was dimly lit: millions of lights, only as bright as candles, were stretched across the ceiling. A layer of fog encompassed the ground. They could tell they were approximately in the middle of the room, as the walls in the distance, although blank and bare, seemed to be the same size.
"Get Gemini-sama!" screamed Zoicite.
"I am!" yelled Jadeite as more chunks flew and stuck to the massive cyber-sect in mid-air. "Gemini-sama? Gemini-sama?" a buzzing sound was all he heard... Then the headset started to crackle.
"Get it off!" a Junk Yard Demon warned.
Jadeite tossed the headset to the ground just before it exploded, sending a shower of sparks in every direction.
The mass of metal and machinery before them turned. One section on its side twisted, as did several others, until the entire thing was a massive cyber-sect the size of a house.
"I think we're in for a big fight! Scanning... It's more than heat-sensing! This one has artificial intelligence!" Zoicite yelled. "It's getting ready to shoot! Watch out!"
The titanic robot sat there, as a cannon grew from its forehead, just as the smaller ones had had. It shot a green laser out, hitting the wall, but not even scratching it. The beam stopped, then was re-aimed at Jadeite. Then it fired a massive blast. "Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" he screamed in agony. The beam had sliced through his uniform and skin, and had cut to the bone in his arm. "The pain!!!!!!!"
"Stop being so melodramatic! We have a limited allocation of exclamation marks for this segment, y'know!" Zoicite chided the bleeeding Jadeite on the ground.
"How come it didn't cut the wall?" asked a Demon.
Zoicite scanned the wall, then he answered, "It's made of steel-ziltanium! We're in trouble! There's no way out of here!"
"Then I'll guess we... have... oh... to... fight it!" Jadeite moaned, collapsing once again on the ground.
The barrel of the cannon aimed at the Demons, the laser blasting out and blowing up a Junk Yard Demon. "Three left," mumbled Zoicite.
"There's no way we can win!" screamed a Junk Yard Demon.
"Not yet! Keep it busy!" screamed Zoicite. He flew up to the top of the cyber-sect, and landed on top of the barrel. The three Demons shot their Frost guns at the eyes of the cyber-sect, freezing them over so it couldn't see them.
Zoicite aimed the Flame gun at the end of the cannon, and shot it. He held the beam there, hoping to melt it.
The cannon swerved and shot once more, barely missing the Demons. "It switched to heat-sensing!" screamed one of the Demons.
"I got it!" Zoicite screamed as he managed to destroy the cannon. But, the giant bug undaunted, another cannon came up. "No!"
Before the exit could close, Zoicite jumped in, ready to dismantle it from the inside. "I just need to find the motherboard."
The laser shot once more, destroying another Demon. "There's only two of us!" one screamed.
"I don't see it anywhere! I'd better scan!" Zoicite took out his scanner, and searched for the motherboard... "It's right.... here!" he announced to himself, and shot the beam from his gun at it.
After a few minutes, the beam penetrated the cover, and hit the motherboard inside. The circuits exploded. One spark flew out, followed by two more, until an entire barrage of sparks were being flung out... The entire motherboard then caught fire... and it started to spread.
"I've got to get out of here!" Zoicite ran back to the exit where the cannon had come out earlier. "It's closed! I guess I'll have to make my own exit!" He blasted it with an energy wave, only to be returned with an empty clang. He took out his scanner: "It's... it's made out of steel ziltanium as well!!"

"Look! It stopped!" shouted a Demon.
"Yay..." muttered Jadeite unenthusiastically.

"Waitaminute..." Zoicite cried in gleeful realization. He pressed his finger right on the crack of the door. "Now!" he screamed, and shot all the energy he had through his finger, which opened the door. He crawled out and collapsed on the floor next to Jadeite.

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Part 8












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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)