"Raid on Mizuno's HQ"

Part 8: "Going Our Separate Ways"

Will I actually ever get my e-mail system back? Let's find out!


I really like your fanfic Gem-san.


Thanks! You actually read it?


You actually read?


Shut up!


Don't tell him to shut up!


I'm leaving!


Wait, I need you in the fanfic!


Oh, fine!


What about me?


You were killed in the last segment!




Now let's re-cap what happened last time...

Previously in the Gammaverse:

On the tenth floor, Kunzite lost his balance and got trapped between infrared lines. Gemini6Ice realized some were fake, knocked out the fake ones, and saved Kunzite.
Ami went back to her central computer before going to the top floor to check out the alarm that was set off there... She also turned on the forcefield, a golden cube around the building.
Jadeite and Zoicite, on SUB LEVEL 5, called Gemini6Ice to inform him that they sent a Junk Yard Demon as a decoy, and asked if there were anything on the level which they were on that they could pick up to help themselves. Gemini6Ice directed them to a room to get headphone jacks and pass-cards. The jack was used to let Gemini6Ice transfer the map of SUB-LEVEL 5 to Zoicite's scanner through his headphones. The pass-cards were taken for the use of opening doors to other rooms with supplies in them...
As it turns out, the forcefield Ami constructed not-so-long-ago, since it takes a couple of weeks to write all the events that occur in a few minutesm few minutes, chopped off part of Gemini6Ice's helicopter's gas tank... So he ordered his Junk Yard Demons to start hauling all their supplies onto the building.
Not to mention, as Ami-Chan had told her computer to dial Gemini6Ice's Los Angeles Phone, it finally picked up (after many rings), only to provide an answering machine.
Nephrite and Queen Beryl's team found a gym on the top floor, but heard Ami-Chan opening the elevator. They hid in the sauna except for a lone invisible Junk Yard Demon. Ami saw the barrage of bullet holes down the hall and only one body, another dead Junk Yard Demon, and, realizing the turrets had been destroyed, she concluded there must have been more. She heard a noise in the gym and went to check it out. There, the Junk Yard Demon attacked her and used a flame torch to dispel her ice attacks. After she created fog, however, she was able to destroy the Demon. Of course, Nephrite and Queen Beryl got into the "Who has more talent" debate.

The Score:

And now for your mathematical enjoyment, I present the teams' scores thus far in the raid:
Team JYDs Final Score
Queen Beryl and Nephrite
Began with 16
1 shot
1 took to the gym
Gemini6Ice and Kunzite
Began with 17
Jadeite and Zoicite
Began with 16
5 suffered gas attack
1 used as decoy

In the lead...

Gemini6Ice and Kunzite!

And now our story continues...

"I've got to go!" Gemini6Ice disconnected from the headset.
"One minute of gas left! Decreasing rapidly!" the Junk Yard Demon monitoring the tank gauge on the helicopter announced.
"Okay we've got all the supplies! Everyone out!" Gemini6Ice yelled. The Junk Yard Demons aboard quickly disembarked from the chopper, except for one. "What is it?" Gemini6Ice asked, clearly annoyed.
"My super-glue is sticking to the seat belt!!!" the Demon shouted defensively. He looked over at the meter. "Two seconds left! Forget about me, Gemini-sama! The mission! Concentrate on the mission!"
The blades above the helicopter quickly sputtered to a halt, and the plane descended, until it hit the sidewalk below, bursting into a million flames, with a three-percent margin of error.
"I bet we're still the team with the most Demons left," said Kunzite.
"Well, let's make a plan how we're going to attack the motor room," Gemini6Ice announced.

Just before Ami defeted the JYD in the gym:

"Well tell me later! We gotta get out of here! It sounds like Ami is winning!" Nephrite whispered. "Blast the floor, will you?"
"Why not? It IS getting stuffy in here..." Queen Beryl stood up and aimed her hands in a cup shape toward the floor, sending a blast of light through it. "Everyone through!" as she, Nephrite, and the Demons jumped through the hole, heading for the 83rd floor.

"Okay, we turn right here..." Zoicite said as he navigated with the map... "Here we are... corridor fourteen!" he announced to the crowd.
"Why are there so many corridors?" asked one of the Junk Yard Demons asked.
"I'm not sure; ask Jadeite," answered Zoicite.
"I don't know; I'll ask Gemini6Ice," responded Jadeite. He clicked on his headphones. "Gemini-sama, one of the Demons is asking why there are so many corridors."
"Doesn't it listen? It's another plot device! As you might not know, Ami-Chan just constructed the forcefield around the base, and our gas tank is leaking, so we're trying to evacuate all the supplies right now! So... I've got to go!" came Gemini6Ice's voice.
"Another plot device," Jadeite repeated to the JYD.
"Oh," responded the Demon.
"Let's get these weapons!" Jadeite exclaimed and swiped his pass-card through the detector on the door. The door slid open "Wait a minute, we don't know the vault's code!"
"How are we supposed to open it?" asked a Demon.
"We can't ask Gemini6Ice since he's evacuating the helicopter right now... Hmmm..."
"What's that?" Zoicite suddenly became alert.
On the both ends of the corridor, the tiled floor rose, revealing a small ramp underneath, as small robotic bugs crawled out.
"A trap! Gemini-sama warned us!" Jadeite shouted. "Get ready to fight!"
A row of four appeared on each side of the hallway. They were approximately the size of basketballs, with six metal legs, three on each side of them. The had small antennae coming out of their heads, if one could actually call them "heads."
"Scanning... They're heat-sensing robots!" Zoicite realized. As each row came into full view, another started to appear behind them.
"How many are there?" Jadeite asked. He aimed his hand like a pistol at one of the bugs. A burst of light broke from his finger and blew the robot up. "Well at least we know how to stop them!"
"But how can we stop them fast enough?!?" Zoicite debated. A third row appeared on each side. "Look, that's the last row!" He blew up two more.
"Not quite!" On each end, the ramp continued to rise, until it blocked off any exit. Then again, another ramp rose, and more crawled out. "At least they don't bite..."
Suddenly, on one of the bugs, a small barrel pointed out of the bug's forehead, and a green laser shot out of it, scratching Jadeite's uniform. One by one, the bugs each grew a barrel, and began rapid fire.
"Look like you spoke too soon!" Zoicite screamed. She heard a small buzzing sound. It grew louder. And louder. And louder! And louder! (That's adequate emphasis, ne?) Suddenly, the first row of bugs (Note: eight cyber-sects) started rising off the ground.
As one neared a Junk Yard Demon, it shot fire, cutting a hole through the middle of it, then slammed into the hole, knocking the Demon into pieces.
"Strong lasers," Jadeite muttered.
"We can't beat these by ourselves!" Zoicite screamed as he shot a blast at one, but it counterfired, negating his attack. "We need those weapons! Just contact Gemini6Ice!"

"Where are we now?" asked Nephrite.
"It looks like some sort of conference room," Queen Beryl answered. The oak table stood under them, surrounded by red velvet swivel chairs. Average paintings hung on the walls, with various potted plants positioned beneath them.
"After this is all over, I'd hate to be the one to get Gemini-sama's repair bill," quipped a Junk Yard Demon.
"If she figures out we went through the sauna, she'll be after us," Jadeite announced. "Let's go, but spray the mist first! We wouldn't be in this mess if we had done that in the first place."
A Demon sprayed as they all ran out the conference room into the video game parlor.

"Where are the rest of my enemies?" sang Sailor Mercury sweetly. "I know you're somewhere!!" she shouted as she swung open the equipment closet. Next, she swung open the sauna. "Aha! A hole in the floor!" She jumped into it, intent on following the others.

"What now, Jadeite?" Gemini6Ice asked, annoyed.
"We're being attacked by some robot bugs... Lasers and flying and there's too many!"
"I don't know anything about bugs! Ami must have added them! Try the weapons on them! Have you gotten to them yet? Because I doubt food rations will dispel cyber-roaches!"
"Yes! But you never gave us the vault combination!"
"Oh, yeah, sorry about that! Delphi-Beta-Gemini-Zodiac-985-24! All the vaults should be that! I never kept the password on file, so Ami shouldn't have been able to tamper with the vaults!"

"Okay, I'm taking seven Demons with me through the restrooms down to the next floor! Beryl, you take seven wherever you want; she can't get us both!"
Jumping over pinball machines, Nephrite's team ran into the bathroom, and he blasted a hole in the floor. "Everyone going down!" he called.

Queen Beryl's team quickly ran through the parlor into the stairwell. "Spray!" she shouted. "If Ami follows us down to this floor, she wouldn't expect us to go back up. "We'll go back to the next floor and take the elevator to the central control room! Nephrite will be so jealous when we win this for Gemini-sama!" she grinned feindishly.
"-tamper with the vaults!"
"Ahh!!!" another Junk Yard Demons fell to the floor, after being shot in the head by one of the cyber-sects.
"We'll never win this," Zoicite muttered.
"Okay!" Jadeite shouted, running into the room, but got cut off by a cyber-sect. He blasted it, as it blasted him; luckily, they shot at different angles, so they both hit their targets, the robot destroyed, and Jadeite merely scratched.
"Nobody here?" Ami ran out the door into the video game parlor, where a pinball machine was knocked over. There was smoke coming from the bathroom, slowly seeping out the crack below the door. "Smoke?" she swung open the door to find a hold right in front of the sink. "Maybe I should've put alarms BETWEEN the floors... Hey, I wonder where Gemini-chan got the money for this place, anyway..."

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Part 7












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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)