"Raid on Mizuno's HQ"

Part 4: "The Arrival"

Just before writing the following segment, I decided that this should take place in a different universe than Xplo-san, Len-san, Mark-san, and company's infamous Sagaverse. Indeed, when I first brought Ami-chan to life, I mentioned that I was watching the Sagaverse. I have come up with a solution to this dilemma: the computers aboard the holodome can glimpse into other realities. This has now become a long-established fact. In the first publication of this segment, I asked readers for a possible name for this new reality, and "The Gammaverse" was chosen.

Gemini6Ice and his minions stood in front of an eighty-story building in Boston, MA. The tower was surrounded by windows covering every side. The only visible entrance was a single, glass revolving door on the first floor.
"Why's your e-mail system in such a big building?" one of the Junk Yard Demons asked.
"Plot device," Gemini6Ice answered flatly.
"Oh," responded the creature.
"Okay, everybody. She'll be expecting us to come in the lobby. I placed security cameras there, so she'll know we're there and she'll find some way to stop us. When I built this place, I implemented many security precautions, so be on your guard. I'm sure she's tinkered with them and added a few surprises for us. But if she could make it through, so can we. Does everyone have their equipment?"
"I think so," Nephrite answered.
"Just to make sure: You should have your nucleo-plasmic guns, your communication headphones, your mist cans, and if you run into trouble, use your powers. Kunzite and I will take the building by helicopter smashing into the motor room on floor ten with seventeen Junk Yard Demons. Beryl and Nephrite, you'll take her by surprise from the roof with sixteen Junk Yard Demons. Jadeite and Zoicite, you'll come up from the basement, with sixteen Junk Yard Demons. Remember, Ami has control of everything from wherever she is. Look out for bombs, spikes, lasers, and trip lines. Always use your mist cans before entering a room or corridor so you can see the trip lines. Ready?"
"Yes!" they all agreed.

The basement was silent. Not a sound. Not any light. A sliver of light cut through the brick wall. It started to curve, growing larger, then it hit the ground on the other side, causing the bricks under the curve to fall down. Jadeite stepped through, resting the gun back in his utility belt. Zoicite pulled out his mist can and sprayed the floor. Two beams of red light cut across the room. One from one corner to the opposite corner of the rectangular basement, and another beam connected the other two corners.
"Very clever," Jadeite muttered.
Zoicite shushed him.
"Sorry," he whispered. The generals stepped over the beams to reach the stairwell. The Junk Yard Demons followed, observing the same precautions.
Once to the stairs, Jadeite started ascending them, but, although he was stopped by Zoicite, his foot fell to the first step. "You didn't spray it!!" he whispered.
"Oops," Jadeite replied. Suddenly, the stairs retracted into the wall, and a steel door slid over their escape, leaving them unreachable to the doorway above, which was covered by a metal wall too. A larger sheet of metal covered the four walls surrounding them as well as the ceiling above them.
"I don't think I like this!" one of the Junk Yard Demons shouted. Ten jets appeared on each wall and started spraying some gas.
"What is it?" Zoicite asked.
"You're the one with the scanner! Use it!!" Jadeite responded harshly.
"Okay!" he answered. "It's nerve gas!! Blast the jets everybody!"
A Junk Yard Demon ran to the wall, and started smashing jets, but, before long, it went into seizure and collapsed. Jadeite sent a blast of energy from his hand destroying the jets along the east wall.
Two more Demons fell.
"Gemini-sama! Help us! We're surrounded by nerve gas!" Zoicite shouted into his earphones, as Jadeite continued to blast the jets.

Beryl eased the helicopter onto the roof swiftly, making the blades halt. She and Nephrite quickly removed their seat belts and hopped out. Nephrite opened the back door, and sixteen Junk Yard Demons came spewing out.
"Everyone ready?" Beryl asked. A murmur of "yes"s came from her allies. "Then let's go!" She and the herd quickly opened the door leading to the stairwell and ran down.

"You ready?" asked Kunzite.
"Almost," replied Gemini6Ice. "I just gotta- uhfm- hook this remote to the helicopter to my utility belt. Okay, cut the window, now!" Gemini6Ice turned the chopper so the door opened next to the window. Kunzite precautiously stepped out, and sending an energy beam from his finger, caused a large gap in the window to disappear.
"That shouldn't bother the alarms." he mentioned.
"Good; ready? Wait, I've got an emergency! You what? Blast the jets! See if any of the Demons have any grenades on 'em... Oh, okay, good!"

"Yes, one does! Come over here, you stupid Junk Yard Demon!" he pulled a grenade off the mass of trash which made up the Demon. Zoicite threw it at where the door used to be before the stairwell disappeared.
"I got the last jet!" Jadeite announced. "Luckily, we've only lost five Demons."
"Five out of sixteen! That's a *real* good ratio," Zoicite replied sarcastically.
"Okay, everybody toward the hole!! Hold your breath!" Jadeite yelled as the two generals along with the eleven Junk Yard Demons left through the hole.

"INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" came the computer's voice, waking Ami from her sleep.
"What is it? I was having a real good dream that I was strangling Gemini6Ice!"
Ami sighed. She had rewired the computer due to a main glitch in it's polarity, and now it could only answer straight-forward questions. "Where are the intruders?"
"What level are the intruders at?"
"Trap 894-B? Hmm..." Ami walked to the computer opposite from her bed and typed in: ~DESCRIPTION: TRAP 894-B, LEVEL SUB-6~
A description came up:
Several infrared beams are placed on the level to catch intruders on midstep. The tripping of the beams, causes the surrounding walls, floor and ceiling to be covered with damage-proof steel sheets to capture the intruders, and spray jets eject nerve gas, killing the intruders.
Several infrared beams are placed on the level to catch intruders on midstep. The tripping of the beams, causes the surrounding walls, floor and ceiling to be covered with damage proof steel sheets to capture the intruders, and holding them captive to take to the authorities for trespassing.

Ami-chan smiled at how she had changed the trap for death. She then typed in: ~COMMAND: TRAP 894-B, LEVEL SUB-6, FUNCTION DELTA-Y-745~ to cause the suction jets below the ground, to come above it, and suck the nerve gas out, so she could see the intruders.
"Are they on SUB-LEVELS 5 THROUGH 1?"
"No fair! I can't believe this, more intruders?!?!"
Ami sighed.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)