"The Ten O'Clock News"

Well it's that time again. No, not time to go cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, but for the next segment. Last I left off, Gemini6Ice and his minions had escaped his e-mail system in Boston just before its self-destruction. This next segment is of the news reports following the incident in Boston.
(This following segment was originally written after "Rumors and Glass" and "Pets," introducing special agents Scoldy and Moldy as well as Gizmo the gremlin and PenPen the hot springs penguin. However, for chronological purposes, this segment is now first.)

Characters in The Gammaverse:

the star of our show
Queen Beryl, Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoicite, and Kunzite:
his minions/generals
Junk Yard Demons (JYDs):
all of their disposable forces, the "youma-of-the-day"
Gemini's once-ally, now-nemesis, also Sailor Mercury
her mystery-lover
Jane, Mike, and Ron:
reporters for Channel 2, ABC News
Joan, Mickey, and Rhonda:
reporters for Channel 5, CBS News
John, Mark, and Reggie:
reporters for Channel 9, FOX News
Janice, Minnie, and Ronnie:
reporters for Channel 15, NBC News

September 11th, 1997, 10:00p EST, FOX:

(The scene opens with John and Mark sitting at the newsdesk.)


Tonight, we have a very interesting story...


In downtown Boston today a building exploded, but we'll have more on that story later. But first let's have our weather, Reggie!

(Camera jumps to Reggie.)


Some cold winds should be moving in by next Friday, but-

10:05p, NBC:

(Scene opens with Minnie at the desk.)


Around dawn this morning, many apartment owners in downtown Boston were awakened by a loud crashing noise, which happened to be a building falling! Care to tell us more, Janice?

10:06p, NBC (On Location):


Sure thing, Minnie. There are no reported injuries or fatalities so far. However, authorites are excavating the building to see if anyone was caught in the rubble. The amazing part is, the rubble seems to have fallen in an exact square pattern, only one or two rocks falling into the street.

(Camera jumps to a civilian dressed in a pink robe and wearing curlers. She has dark circles under her eyes.)


I was trying to get some sleep last night. I didn't gethome until four, when this smashing noise woke me up. I looked out my window, and that real perty building next to my apartment complex was falling down. I was worried it might fall down on my apartment, until I noticed an eerie glow around the building. And them rocks ain't goin' through it! It was like some invisible wall, 'cept it wasn't dat invisible!

(A man dressed in overalls carrying a pitchfork runs up to the camera.)


It was them aliens I tell you!! They accidentally ran inta that building with them flyin' saucers, and used their super-science farcefield to hold the mess they made. They prolly felt guilty!

10:10p, CBS (On Location):

(Scene opens to another civilian, a teenage girl with red, spiked hair, wearing all black.)


And I was just in my room, holding a séance with my friends, when we heard this loud crashing. I, like, thought it was my old boyfriend coming back to tell me who killed him, but when I realized it wasn't, my friend looked out the window and she saw that building falling down. You know, that one that doesn't seem to have anyone in it ever. Just once a week, those window washers come by and clean up all the windows. That one in the blue jumpsuit is so-

10:12p, FOX:


And if you look here, you can see there will probably be a large tornado in the Sahara sometime in the year 2500.

(Mark runs on stage and punches Reggie out.)


Now for the story about the building collapsing in downtown Boston.

(Mark plasters a fake smile.)


All the other stations are so ahead of us now! When Reggie comes to I'll kick his %$*#% stupid little &%4 @&&! What?!? We're still rolling?!? Quick, go to location! There aren't any reporters there?!? Um, er...

(Scene flashes to a blue background.)

Singing Voices:

The Itchy and Scratchy show!!

10:12p, ABC:


That's very interesting!


Yes! Very interesting!


Quite interesting...


What do we do now?

(Man holding cue card throws it at Jane and runs away.)


Ouch! Hey come back here you little... Hey? This says, "And now for the report on the building." What does that mean?


You mean you haven't heard about it yet? This morning, a building collapsed downtown!


They probably have some reports on it on NBC. Let's go watch!

(The three of them leave.)

10:12p, CBS (On Location):


So Shelia was like, "What's that glowing thing all over it?" And I went, "Johnnie came back to save me!" and she's like, "No way! You think that glowing thing is Johnnie's spirit?" And I was like "Yeah! The séance brought him back to Earth and he knew the building falling was going to kill me, so he held the building in place to save me!" and she's like, "Yeah, right," and I'm like, "Uh-huh!" and she's like, "Uh-uh." Then we started fighting. Then my parents came into my room. They are such a drag. They broke up our fighting, then saw the glowing from the open blinds, and called the cops and told 'em that the building next to us was falling!

10:18p, NBC (On Location):


So let me get this straight: You think it was aliens that held up the building?

(A girl dressed in black, with red, spiked hair, runs up.)


No! It was my boyfriend Johnnie!


None of my boyfriends could ever hold up a building that big...

(She sighs.)


You're a lucky girl...


No! It was them aliens!


My boyfriend Johnnie is dead! He left the afterlife to save my life!


Oh, I'm so sorry...


Hey! Stop stealing my witness!


I'm not stealing your witness...

(Janice rolls her eyes.)


She came out her own free will!


I just want the world to know how much Johnnie loves me!

(The girl sighs longingly. A man dressed in a suit come out, running and screaming maniacally.)

Crazy Guy:

"They're everywhere! Monsters! Trash monsters!


What are you talking about?

10:24p, ABC:


What does she think she's doing? She's putting her interview on NBC!

10:24p, NBC (On Location):

Crazy Guy:

I saw them on the roof! They came out of a helicopter and destroyed the building!


You story sounds quite ridiculous. What did you say your name was?

(A man and woman dressed in black suits and sunglasses enter the scene.)


Please turn off the cameras.


No! You can't make me!


Either do it yourself or we will use force!


Under what authority?!?


Under the authority of the United States Government.

(He takes out his wallet, flashing his identification card.)


I am Vox Moldy, FBI speical agent.


And I am...

(She takes out her wallet as well, also flashing her identification card.)


Diane Scoldy, FBI agent as well.

(The camera crews turn off the cameras.)

10:30p, Building Ruins:


Thank you, please come with us sir; we need to take you in for questioning..."

(Scoldy grabs ahold of the crazy guy's arm.)

Crazy Guy:

No! I'm not going anywhere!

(Moldy grabs ahold of the other arm.)


Let's go.

(The two agents drag the screaming man into a black limousine. They also get inside, and the car speeds off.)

Back to
"Raid on Mizuno's HQ"

Forward to
"A Dark, Dark-Pink Day

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC. Agents Moldy and Scoldy are intentional spoofs of Fox's The X-Files, and the original characters belong to Fox.)