"A Dark, Dark-Pink Day"

Ya' gotta love the holidays...

Valentine's Day, February 14th, 1998:

(A knocking is heard at the door. Ami is playing chess by herself in a dimly lit room.)


Come in...

(Moves a piece on the chess board.)

(The door opens and a figure steps in.)


Happy Valentine's Day, Ami...


(Takes the heart-shaped box of candy and the bouquet of roses.)

I love them...


Are you winning?

(Motions toward the chess board.)



(Looks at the chess board.)

I didn't even notice that I had it out... I was thinking... And planning...


Planning what my dear?


Don't be impatient... You'll find out soon enough... And so will an old friend...

(Ami picks up a doll shaped like Gemini6Ice from the floor, and clenches her hand into a fist, breaking the doll.)


Soon enough...

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC. Agents Moldy and Scoldy are intentional spoofs of Fox's The X-Files, and the original characters belong to Fox.)