This was originally written during the course of "Raid of Mizuno's HQ," and it has absolutely no effect on the actual storyline of The Gammaverse. Essentially, this is a stand-alone piece, althought knowledge of the Gammaverse will help in understanding. |
Junk Yard Demon: |
Our story continues!!! |
Gemini6Ice: |
Baka! It's not continuing; this is a stand-alone! Well, sort of...   |
Nephrite: |
And now our story starts...   |
Gemini: |
What to do? What to do?!? Xplo still has his graser aimed at my e-mail system in Boston, Massachusetts!   |
Zoicite: |
I think they know what state Boston is in, Gemini-sama.   |
Gemini: |
The demons?   |
Zoicite: |
Oh. I meant the Indiana SMML. But good point...   |
Gemini: |
Are they spying on us again?   |
Zoicite: |
But I do believe the Amazon trio is logging this scenerio and forwarding it to the ML.   |
Gemini: |
And on what grounds do you base that assumption?   |
Ranma: |
The Cursed Training Grounds!   |
Gemini: |
Go away!   |
(Gemini6Ice throws Ranma [male version] down the garbage chute.)   |
Zoicite: |
They made me say it! See! They're writing this whole thing!!   |
Gemini: |
Baka Zoicite-kun.... And how would they manage to send it to the Indiana SMML without anyone knowing and getting suspicious?   |
Zoicite: |
They will fraud your e-mail address!!   |
Gemini: |
(Under his breath)   Whose program will malfunction next? (Aloud)   Well, as I was saying, how can I keep the graser from hitting my e-mail system... When Ami-chan left she disabled the reflector shields...   |
JYD: |
But, Gemini-sama, when you got your e-mail system back--   |
(Gemini6Ice quickly blasts the JYD with a photon torpedo.)   |
Gemini: |
Oops. Sorry, I'm very clumsy... (Aside)   Whew! He almost gave away the ending to my mini-saga!   |
(Communicator beeps on.)   |
Nephrite: |
(Speaking from the communicator)   Gemini-sama! Help!! They're
all over me!!!   |
Gemini: |
(Speaking into the communicator)   What are?   |
Nephrite: |
Thousands of Chibi-Usa!! Heellppp!!!   |
Thousands of Chibi-Usa: |
We're Rini! We're not Chibi-Usa!   |
Gemini: |
Dub characters! Oh no! That explains Ranma!   |
(Ranma [male version] and Ranma [female version] run past the
doorway, making out.)   |
Gemini: |
Somebody's been using the holodome!   |
(Serena pops into the room.)   |
Serena: |
Gemini!   |
(Serena starts throwing tissue paper at Gemini6Ice.)   |
Gemini: |
Who did this?!?   |
Zoicite: |
Let's investigate!   |
Gemini: |
Right! Moon Crisis Power, Make-up!!   |
Zoicite: |
What are you doing?!?   |
Gemini: |
Don't look! (Turns into Sailormoon.)   |
Gemini: |
Oops! Wrong command! I've just pulled a Taiki!   |
Serena: |
Taiki! Taiki! Taiki!! Sailor Moon says: TAIKI! TAIKI! TAIKI!! Teeheehee!!   |
Sailor Moon: |
(He looks down at his fuku.) Bug out! (Turns into a bug.)   |
(Rini run sinto the room and Serena screams.)   |
Rini: |
Serena: |
TAIKI! TAIKI! TAIKI!! Brat Munchkin! (Flings Rini across the room into Gemini's computer's hard drive.)  |
(Hundred of wires come out, and Rini explodes into little fried
demon-child peices.)   |
Serena: |
TAIKI!   |
Chibi chibi: |
Taiki?   |
Serena: |
Chibi?   |
Chibi chibi: |
Taiki! Taiki! Taiki!!   |
Serena: |
Chibi? Chibi. Chibi!   |
Bug: |
Bug back! (Turns back into Gemini6Ice.)  |
Gemini: |
My hard drive! Someone is going to pay for this!!   |
(Gemini6Ice storms out of the room, followed by Zoicite.) |
Zoicite: |
Calm down, Gemini-sama!   |
Gemini: |
Why should I? Heads will roll!!   |
(Several "Luna P"s roll down the hallway.)   |
Gemini: |
And I'm sick of all these puns!!   |
(Several "Ann"s with puncils go down the hallway, attempting to poke each other's eyes out with puncils.)  | |
Zoicite: |
It must be the work of one of the stupid Junk Yard Demons!   |
(700 Junk Yard Demons start coming down the hallway toward the pair.)  | |
JYD General: |
Get them!! Commander Anderson says to!!!   |
Gemini: |
Run!!   |
(Zoicite fires several balls of fire, killing off 200 JYDs.)   |
Zoicite: |
I'm not too familiar with dub names... Anderson... (Running)   Fill me in?   |
Zoicite: |
(Running)   I think... yes... it was... discussed on the ML once... Amy Anderson, dub.. (Takes a moment to pant.) version of... Mizuno Ami...   |
Zoicite: |
How did she get control of an army of JYDs...   |
Gemini: |
Someone must have created her using the schematics from the faulty Ami, then she created an army for herself... The
diabolical mind of a genius in a blue fuku...   |
(Guy dressed in a tuxedo is standing on the side of the hall.)   |
Guy in tuxedo: |
(Singing)   Genius in a blue fuku... blue fuku...   |
(Gemini6Ice and Zoicite dart past him, and the JYDs trample him.)  | |
Zoicite: |
How can we win when we don't know how many people are being created in the holodome right now?   |
Gemini: |
Well.... (Pants again.) If they created an extra holodome with the
holodome who knows how many there could be? And why aren't you panting?   |
Zoicite: |
How many of what? Creatures or holodomes? Also, I don't have to breathe. I mean, duh!   |
Gemini: |
Don't get insolent with me! Both!   |
(The ceiling above them buckles and falls, leaving our heroes trapped between death and a hard place.)   |
JYD General: |
Now we've got you cornered!   |
(As the dust clears, Buffy the Vampire Slayer stands, weilding an axe.)   |
Buffy: |
Sorry... But you demons just ruined my day!   |
Zoicite: |
She's only wearing a bikini! Did you program this, Gemini-sama?!?   |
Gemini: |
Ummm... Ehrm... (Clears throat loudly.) Of course not... (Sweatdrops form.)   |
Buffy: |
Time to die!   |
JYD General: |
Get her!   |
(Buffy quickly slays the remaining 500 JYDs.)  | |
Buffy: |
Heya... Gemini...   |
Gemini: |
Ummm... Ehrm, ahhh...   |
Zoicite: |
Gemini-sama! I knew it! You did program her!   |
Gemini: |
Yes, but she wasn't meant to be brought to life! She was a holodome-ONLY program... For... (More sweatdrops form.) Well, for tactical... fighting practice...   |
Zoicite: |
Then why is she wearing this skimpy bikini?!?   |
(Zoycite appears from the mop closet.)   |
Zoycite: |
Impersonator!!   |
Zoicite: |
Ahhh! A dub version of me!! I'm a she!! Disgusting!! (He kills Zoycite.)  |
Gemini: |
Why don't you ask her?   |
Zoicite: |
Why are wearing that?   |
Buffy: |
Well... I was swimming... Yeah.   |
Zoicite: |
Yeah, sure. Swimming with whom?   |
Buffy: |
That cute guy Darien! Ooohh... He has the most beautiful eyes!   |
Gemini: |
A dub Mamorou! This is worse than I thought!! Where is the pool?   |
Buffy: |
In Sunnydale!   |
(Commander Amy Anderson appears in the middle of the hallway.)   |
Commander Amy Anderson: |
You dare to destroy my army!?!   |
Serena: |
(Voice coming from nowhere)   What will happen? You stay right there!   |
Buffy: |
Care to dance with me, Gemini?!?   |
Gemini: |
Of course.   |
(Gemini6Ice and Buffy the Vampire Slayer begin a fancy waltz.)   |
Zoicite: |
We have an emergency on hand, Gemini-sama; can't it wait?   |
(Lita appears from down the hall, followed by Raye, Mina, Serena, and another Amy, as well as Luna, Artemis, Ann, Alan, Molly, and Melvin.)   |
Lita: |
I'm a cook!   |
Raye: |
Evil demon!! (Slaps a peice of paper with "weird GANG writing" onto Gemini6Ice's forehead.) I shall punish you! Mars, Crystal, Power!! (Turns into Sailor Mars as another Raye comes down the hall.)  |
Sailor Mars: |
Mars, Fireballs, charge!! (Shoots fireballs at the other Raye.)  |
Gemini: |
Ahhhhh!!!!!!!! (Passes out from the spirit ward.)  |
Buffy: |
You killed my boy--   |
(Everyone stares at Buffy and she pauses for a moment.)  | |
Buffy: |
--ish, immature creator!!   |
Zoicite: |
(Looking uncertain)   Sure....   |
(Gemini6Ice's spirit continues to float overhead.)  | |
Gemini: |
Can't you hear me?!? This is really an out-of body experience!   |
Mechanic: |
Did somebody say auto body?   |
Gemini: |
You can hear me?   |
Mechanic: |
Yep, I'm dead too!   |
Gemini: |
I'm dead?!?   |
Serena: |
Taiki! Moon, Star, Power!!! (Turns into Sailor Moon.)  |
Sailor Moon: |
Remember, hire a mechanic to fix your mom's car, kiddies! NEVER try to fix one yourself... You might even get a time-out for
it!   |
Raye: |
(Screams.)   |
Sailor Mars: |
Hey, nice (Scream), Raye!   |
Raye: |
(Thanks, Sailor Mars! You're my hero!)   |
Sailor Mars: |
Really?   |
Raye: |
(Yep!)   |
Sailor Moon: |
Sailor Moon says: Teeheehee!!   |
(Gemini6Ice wakes up in bed, breathing heavily.) | |
Gemini: |
What a nightmare! (His forehead is covered with sweat.)  |
Serena: |
Taiki!! (Jumps on Gemini's bed and starts hugging him.)  |
Gemini: |
No! I'm not Taiki!! Stop that!! Get off me!!   |
Buffy: |
Stay away from my boyfriend!!   |
Gemini: |
I never programmed you!! You were in my dream!!   |
Zoicite: |
While you were sleeping, the Amazon trio stole your soul mirror, and pulled your dream characters out of it. I'm sorry,
Gemini-sama...   |
Bo-chan: |
(Snickers.) Hahahaha! (Adopts a big, evil grin.) As soon as I finish this fanfic, I can forever ruin Gemini's name by adding a little lemon at the end!   |
Xplo: |
Oh, really? (Points graser at Bo-chan's house and fires it, destroying Bo-chan and the computer.)   |
Bo-chan: |
Ah-yee!!!   |
(Gemini6Ice sits up in bed, apparently waking up again.) | |
Gemini: |
Whoa, that was a weird dream! Bo-chan was writing a fanfic about me!   |
Serena: |
Taiki!! (Hugs Gemini6Ice again.)   |
Gemini: |
When will it end!?! (Begins a never-ending scream.)   |
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