
(A Prelude)

Well, kiddies, it's that time again! ... Kiddies? Stop messing up the cue cards! You're fired!! *Ahem* Well, it's that time again! (I hate doing this intro on improvisation.) *Sigh* Well, this serves as merely a prelude to my next mini-saga. In case you've forgotten what's happened, we'll give you a brief overview:

Gemini-chan has a holodome, kinda like the holodeck from Star Trek and such, right? 'Cept that the entire thing is one big one with computers and alien technology and such. Keep in mind that this takes place in another dimension, you know? The Gammaverse.
We're one of the many universes. And we're one of the many that know that infinite realities co-exist. Well, not everybody. Gemmy-chan does, and so do I. He created me in the holodome. He programmed me himself. He also had this magic book and he cast a spell that brought me to life. This spell can only be cast every so often.
Well, after my working for him for a short time, Gemmy-chan sent me off to Brazil with my memory erased. After that, I remembered everything and became my true self, coming back to his e-mail system (in Boston) to take it over. I dropped him off, unconscious, in New York City, right? Just to get him out of my hair. Well... Then he makes something like a holo-creator factory or something, uses the spell to bring that to life, and then he creates this massive army of all the generals from the Dark Kingdom as well as varying youma called Junk Yard Demons.
He then attacked the building that was now my e-mail system. I almost killed him and his minions on several occasions, and I even self-destructed the building hoping to kill them. Unfortunately, they all got away. But, fortunately, I've got someone on my side now! Now prepare to die! Mercury, Power, Make-u---


Thaaat's nice Ami-chan... (Don't kill the readers!!)


But why not?


If nobody is left to read the fic, we'll be out of business!


We don't make any money fromn this fanfic...


*Sweatdrop* Good point... Let's start the show!

Junk Yard Demon:

I'm singing in the rain... just singing in the rain... What a glorious--


Security! *Presses a big red button* Security! Now, as I was saying--


On with MY show!


Oh be quiet!

In a peaceful (or so it seems!) valley just outside of Los Angeles, 4:37 pm:

"Yes, Beryl-kun?" he asked. Gemini was seated before a computer terminal inside of the holodome.
"I was wondering, what happens if one of us dies on another mission?"
"Some religions say that you go to heaven, some say you are reincarnated, while some people believe that your consciousness would just cease to exist."
"That's not what I meant. With all respect, will you create another holo-duplicate of us, or what?"
"There'd be a funeral. That is, of course, considering that at least one of us makes it out alive."
"Why not create another?"
"Because I can't. Every program can only be brought to life once."
"What about all those moronic Junk Yard Demons?"
"The program re-writes itself every time I start it up. Consider it like a Tamagotchi. You get a different creature each time you start it. Eventually, you'll get one you've had before, but, considering the program I wrote, it has so many variables that a repeat won't occur until at least the fifty-billionth Junk Yard Demon. They're like snowflakes."
"Oh. So what are you doing?"
"I'm going over Ami's program. I still can't figure out what made her become evil. I might as well create my pet now."
"Your..." Queen Beryl raised an eyebrow, then sat down in a swivel chair next to Gemini6Ice, "pet?"
"Yes, it's in the holodome now. Let's go to the holo-emitter factory."
With that, the two stood up and walked out of the room.

Next to the holo-emitter factory, 4:58 pm:

Queen Beryl walked into the room, and saw a flash speed in front of her. "What was that?"
"Pen Pen."
"The hot springs penguin."
"Isn't he from... Neo-Queen-Serenity or something?"
"No, he's from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Could catch him for me?"
Queen Beryl quickly raced after the beaked bird wearing a small tag reading "PEN^2."
"Make it stop squealing!" she complained.
"Just a second..." Gemini6Ice grabbed a holo-emitter and attached it to the side of the penguin. He waited a moment, then removed it. "There, he's real now."
Queen Beryl let go of the creature, and it quickly ran out of the room.

The indoor tennis courts, 5:32 pm:

"You'll never win!" screamed the Junk Yard Demon.
"Don't count on that" responded the other one, hitting the tennis ball back over the net. Their session was interrupted by a loud squeal.
"What was that?" screamed the Demon, ducking-and-covering on the floor. Pen Pen ran across the court and into the hallway outside.
"It's a monster!!" screamed the other one, hiding under the bleachers.

The indoor tennis courts, the next day:

Jadeite walked into the tennis courts, and saw the demon on the floor, and another JYD under the bleachers. "What are you doing?" he asked, amused.
"Monster!!" they both screamed.
"It had a silver tag and big beady eyes!"
"It had a giagantic beak and two great wings!"
"Oh, him? That's just Pen Pen. Boy, don't you feel stupid?" Jadeite laughed and left the room.

"Good Gizmo! Eat your carrots," Ami cooed.
"What is that?" asked a voice in the room.
"Oh this is Gizmo, my new pet gremlin, and new plan. But I want him to grow up good and healthy before I demolish Gemini with him."

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"Sailor Moon Says!"

Forward to
"Rumours and Glass"

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC. Pen Pen and Neon Genesis Evangelion are owned by Gainax Studios and ADV Films.)