Title>"Animal Instincts" Logic Puzzle
"Animal Instincts"
Logic Puzzle
This past week, a meteor struck the north pole, bringing the four dark kingdom generals, as well as their queen, back to life. In addition, they all gained the ability to transform animals into hideous monsters with the snap of their fingers. And each day of this past week, they each attacked a different location in Tokyo this way, only to be stopped by three senshi that happened to come across the attack.
- The villains were Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoicite, Kunzite, and Queen Beryl.
- The animals were a crow, a fish, a snake, a spider, and a squirrel.
- The locations were at the arcade, downtown, at the lake, at a park, and at the temple.
- The five senshi, if you don't know are Usagi (Sailormoon), Ami (Sailormercury), Rei (Sailormars), Makoto (Sailorjupiter), and Minako (Sailorvenus).
From the information provided, determine which dark kingdom villain attacked each day, what animal was turned into a monster, where they attack took place, and which three senshi defeated the monster (each defeated three different monsters).
- The same team of three senshi never fought together more than once. Sailormars defeated monsters on three consecutive days, but Makoto did not battle on two days in a row at all. Jadeite transformed a squirrel the day before Sailormercury fought Queen Beryl's creature (which wasn't a monsterized fish).
- The five attacks, in no particular order, were the one on Tuesday, the only one where Makoto and Usagi worked together, the one by Nephrite, the one at the park, and the second monster defeated by Rei (which was not the second creature defeated by Sailorjupiter, but was defeated either downtown or at the lake).
- Neither Rei nor Ami battled the creature by Zoicite, and Minako and Rei were the only two to team up with Makoto twice each. Makoto never fought a creation of Queen Beryl nor battled at the temple.
- On one day, Ami, Minako, and Usagi fought together, but the giant spider was not fought the following day. Ami's three battles occurred on three consecutive days and she never battled the spider.
- The fish was defeated prior to the crow, but sometime after the snake. The battle at the lake took place before the battle downtown. The battle at the temple happened before both the battle at the park and the battle at the arcade, in no particular order. The battle downtown and the battle at the temple did not take place on two consecutive days.
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