"Animal Instincts"
Logic Solution

In Summary











Zoicite Kunzite Jadeite Queen Beryl Nephrite
Snake Fish Squirrel Crow Spider
Lake Temple Park Downtown Arcade

An Explanation

  1. Makoto battled on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (c1). Rei battled on one set of: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday; Tuseday, Wednesday, and Thursday; or Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (c1). Rei battled on Wednesday (e1).

  2. Rei's second monster was not Makoto's second monster (c2), which was on Wednesday (e1), so Wednesday was either Rei's first or third battle. Rei's second battle was not Tuesday (c2), but it was either Tuesday or Thursday (e2), so Rei battled on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Makoto battled Nephrite and battled at the park, which were each on different days (c2).

  3. Minako battled alongside Makoto twice (c3), but the team of Rei, Minako, and Makoto could not have occured twice (c1+e2), so Minako battled once on Monday, once on either Tuesday or Thursday, and once on either Wednesday or Friday. Queen Beryl attacked on either Tuesday or Thursday (c3+e1).

  4. The set of Ami, Minako, and Usagi occurred (c4), not Monday (e1), not Wednesday (e1), not Thursday (e2), and not Friday (e1), so Ami, Minako, and Usagi, battled on Tuesday. The spider was not battled on Wednesday (c4+e4). Ami battled on either: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday or Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (c4+e4). Ami did not battle alongside Makoto twice (c3), and Makoto battled both Monday and Wednesday (e1), so Ami battled on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The spider was fought Monday or Friday (c4+e4).

  5. Minako battled on Monday (e3), once on Tuesday (e4), and since she fought once either Wednesday or Friday (e3) and Makoto (e1), Rei (e1), and Ami (e4) each battled on Wednesday, Minako's third battle occurred on Friday. Usagi battled Tuesday (e4), did not battle Wednesday (e5), and did not battle Friday [Makoto (e1), Rei (e2), and Minako (e5) did], so Usagi's remaining two battles were on Monday and Thursday.

  6. Makoto and Usagi (c2) battled together on Monday (e1+e5), Tuesday (c2) was on Tuseday, the second monster defeated by Rei (c2) was on Thursday (e2), so the battle against Nephrite and the battle at the park occurred on Wednesday and Friday, in no particular order. Zoicite was not battled on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday (c3+e4), nor was he battled on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday (c3+e2), so Zoicite was battled on Monday.

  7. The attack at the temple was either on Tuesday or Thursday (c3+e1), and Thursday's attack took place either downtown or at the lake (c2+e2), so the temple's attack occurred on Tuesday. The battles at the park and the arcade took place among Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (c5+e7). The battle downtown took place on either Thursday or Friday (c5+e7). Monday's battle, not at the temple, at the park, at the arcade, and not downtown (e7), took place at the lake, so Thursday's battle took place downtown (e7). Wednesday's and Friday's battles were at the arcade and at the park, in no particular order (e7), and Nephrite's battle, either Wednesday or Friday (e6), was not at the park (c2), so Nephrite's battle took place at the arcade.

  8. Jadeite's battle occurred the day before Queen Beryl's (c1), and Queen Beryl's monster attacked on either Tuesday or Thursday (e3), so Jadeite battled on either Monday or Wednesday. Zoicite's battle happened on Monday (e6), so Jadeite's occurred on Wednesday and Queen Beryl's occurred on Thursday. The squirrel was fought on Wednesday (c1+e8). Nephrite attacked at the arcade either Wednesday or Friday (e7), but Jadeite attacked on Wednesday (e8), so Nephrite attacked the arcade on Friday. The park's attack occurred on Wednesday or Friday (e7), and the attack on the arcade occurred Friday (e8), so the park's battle happened on Wednesday.

  9. The fish was fought neither on Monday nor on Friday (c5), the squirrel was fought on Wednesday (e8), and since the fish was not Queen Beryl's creature (c1), and since Queen Beryl attacked on Thursday (e8), the fish was not fought on Thursday, so the fish was fought on Tuesday. The snake was battled on Monday (c5+e9). The spider was fought either Monday or Friday (e4), but not on Monday [the snake was (e9)], so the snake was fought on Friday.

  10. Since the snake was fought on Monday (e9), the fish on Tuesday (e9), the squirrel on Wednesday (e8), and the spider on Friday (e9), the crow was fought on Thursday. Since Zoicite attacked on Monday (e8), Jadeite on Wednesday (e8), Queen Beryl on Thursday (e8), and Nephrite on Friday (e8), Kunzite attacked on Tuesday.

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