There won't be one! DiC canceled Sailor Moon! And the only reason those hokey-pokey's in kareokey's got ratings is because they came on right before my show!
Um. Hokey-pokey's?? Do you mean Banana is Pajamas?
Now, because of DiC, Darien hates me! They're a bad influence!
I heard it's the Darien in the future that gives Darien those dreams.
What dreams?????
Don't you ever watch the show!
I don't have to! I watch the "Today on Sailor Moon..."s
Okay, Darien's been having dreams telling him to break up with you or you would get hurt. I think divorces aren't allowed in the future and he wants out of being married to you! I know I would!
Eeeeewww!!! Raye! Why would I be married to you?????
That's not what I meant!
Then what did you mean?
You'll have to wait until the next posting to find out! Sailor Mars says: Bye!
Wait up! Why were we the only ones this time?
Because Gemini6Ice is having a hard enough time with two heads, let alone the rest of us!
Good point! How do you know everything he's thinking??
I ask the fire!
Watch out, Sailor Mars, you set off the fire alarm! Sailor Moon says: Beeeeeeeep! Beeeeeeeep! Beeeeeeeeep! Beeeeeeeeep!