"Dreaming of You"

Chapter 1

Serena slowly walked up the stairs. She was exhausted and couldn't wait to get to bed and get a good night's sleep. The good news was that she wouldn't have to go to school the next day. The bad news was that some of her friends were probably still there. And they would remain in the red, crystalline fortress until she and the other Sailor Scouts managed to destroy it. Or at least return it to its normal state of being Crossroads Middle School. Images flashed through her mind of Molly and Melvin, "What if they didn't make it out? I've got to call them and see if they're okay!"
"Wake up, Serena!"
"What?!? What?!?" screamed Serena bolting up from the hallway floor to a standing position in milliseconds. "Stop yelling at me!!" she yelled, grabbing her brother by the throat.
"Let. Go."
Serena abandoned her deadly grip on Sammy, "Why are you yelling at me, you little twerp?"
"You were sleeping in the hallway, spaghetti-for-brains. If you're gonna snooze, at least go to your room!" Sammy stormed off, rubbing his neck.
Serena walked into her room and got ready for bed. "I'm too tired... I'll call Molly and Melvin first thing tomorrow morning..." she thought to herself as she changed into her pajamas. "Luckily, Nicholas didn't figure out our identities or anything... He sure is cute, though... She turned off the lights, and mumbled as if comatose, "G'night, Luna."
"Sleep well, Serena," Luna smiled as she curled up at the foot of Serena's bed. "She did the best she could... The girls may not have won today's battle, but they saved countless lives... Sometimes... They really do make me proud..."
Serena fluffed her pillow a few times before grabbing a candy bar from within its case. She opened the wrapper and shoved the whole confection into her mouth. "This tastes like rice..." she puzzled, getting another chocolate bar from her pillowcase and eating it. "Rice...?"
Serena grabbed a pair of chopsticks and began eating the rice from her chocolate bar. She looked up to her family staring at her. "What?" she mumbled, rice falling from her mouth.
"Moo," Sammy said.
"I said 'moo.'"
"I felt like mooing."
"Okay," Serena shrugged, tapping her chopsticks on the table.
"Did you like the lice?" asked Lita, stepping from the kitchen.
"It tasted like chocolate..." answered Serena.
"Good. That's what I was going for."
"I'm going to my room... I'm tired..." Serena got up from the table and went to her room, only to see herself sleeping in her bed. "Wake up!"
"What?!?" Serena screamed, bolting upright in bed. She looked around; it was morning already. Then, a pink-haired girl burst into her room, wearing roller-blades. "Who are you?"
"I'm Rini."
"Cousin Rini?"
"Don't you remember me?"
"Talk to Luna... She'll help you remember... Even if she doesn't..."
"What do you want? You can't have any chocolate-flavored lice!"
"I don't want any, Serena... I need your help..."
"I've failed... They got to me..."
"The Negamoon..."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Save me! Rescue me!"
"Where are you?"
"The imaginary reality... The farthest corner... Everywhere... Nowhere... I... I... I don't know how to explain it. Not even what to name it. I'm trapped... The Negamoon doesn't know I'm here yet... But it won't be long before they find me... You have to find me first..."
"How do I find you?"
"Talk to Luna Ball!"
"Luna Ball! It's in your house somewhere... You've got to talk to the future! My mother... My father... My friends... They can help you find me..."
"I will..."
"Thank you, Sailor Moon..."
"How do you...?"
"You really don't remember... Wait don't leave!"
Serena saw that her bed was quickly sinking into the carpet. She tried to get up, but she couldn't. "I have to!"
"Come visit me again, Serena! I miss you all! I miss Sammy! I miss Amy! I miss Lita! I miss Mina! I don't really miss Raye... And I miss Darien! Get them to come here next time you come back!"
"Where?" Serena asked... But she was gone from her room, and the strange, pink-haired child. She was on a cloud. And there was cheesecake for everyone. Even Raye. She'd have to get doggie bags for it all.
Serena woke up, looking around her room. She smelled breakfast. It was time to eat!

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)