"Dreaming of You"
Chapter 7
Raye stood looking at the crimson door in front of her, her mind drifting far away. "If I can't get out that door... Which door is the way out?" Raye continued contemplating her situation. She had just gone through the blue door after going through that room's green door. "I haven't gone backwards yet!" She rushed through the azure doorway, following the act with a passage through the next green door. But, she wasn't out.
"That was a bust..." she muttered sarcastically. Raye was now in another identical room, with all of the doors closed. She swung open the nearby blue door. Another identical-
Wait. It wasn't. Raye stared in amazement, realizing that she had opened a door into a square room, with the same color doors. "Which one is missing...?" Raye pondered, surveying the doors in the new room.
"The red one!" Sensing some sort of progress, Raye immediately moved to open the three other doors, each opening into a small, triangular room. This time, the blue door was missing from these rooms.
"Each room has one less door... So either I'll wind up stuck in a doorless room, or I'll get out of here!" Raye ultimately decided to go with the next green door, leaving her with the choice of either a pink or yellow door to go through.
After a few minutes of trying to decide between the two doors, Raye finally muttered, "It doesn't matter which one I pick, anyway." She swung open the pink door, which led to a small room with only a closed yellow door. "Finally..." Raye swung open the yellow door to find herself back in the triangular room with the pink door ajar. Raye shut the yellow door, readying herself to backtrack.
"This is stupid!" she shouted, kicking the pink door wide open. "There has to be some kind of freaking pattern!" She peered back into the room that the pink door opened into. The yellow door was still ajar. She looked back at the yellow door behind her. It was still closed. She swung open the yellow door, keeping her eye on the other small room, whose yellow door didn't budge. Raye smiled. "This isn't the same room. It just looks like it." Raye quickly went back through the yellow door, and its following pink door, returning to her first triangular room, whose yellow door was shut.
Raye stepped toward the door, hoping that this might be the right way. She slowly turned the silver knob and swung open the door. The next room was round, and without any more doors. She had finally found the end! She stepped inside, examining the round wall for any sort of secret switch. Nothing. The floor was exactly the same. Raye sighed, falling on the ground and sitting against the wall. "There's no way out of here... Maybe less doors means that I'm going the wrong way? Why can't there be some sort of stupid instruction guide? So I at least know what the rules of this funhouse are!!"
She stared up at the ceiling, sighing. It looked pretty soft, like pillows. In fact, she could see cracks. Maybe the way out was up?
"Amy, you're not much help," muttered Rini.
"I told you, Rini: I have a paper to write." Amy sat at the computer, furiously typing away.
Suddenly, the lights began flickering. "They're on their way!" Rini whined.
"I can't run away with you anymore, Rini! This thesis is due in just a few minutes, and I'm only on the first page!"
Rini looked at the blue-haired genius, who was completely involved in her paper. She sighed and grabbed a pair of scissors, cutting a hole in the floor. "Don't let them know which way I went!" she told Amy, jumping through the hole.
"That's grammatically correct!" Amy shouted at the computer, staring frustratedly at the squiggly green line beneath her text.
"Rini!" Darien realized, sitting up on the pillows. "Serena! Where'd you go?" "How could we completely forget about Rini?" He stood up quickly, wearing white pajamas. In every direction was the same blanket of white fog. "Which way do I even go?" he wondered allowed, starting off in the direction that he thought Serena had gone in.
Raye pulled out her transformation pen, holding it above her head. "Mars, Star, Power!!" she shouted. She stood up as the flames shot forward from her pen and surrounded her. She felt their comforting warmth cling to her skin, slowly fading away. As the flames vanished, Sailor Mars examined her surroundings once more. The door she had come through was gone; there was only one round wall. She aimed her fingers in a play-gun fashion at the ceiling of pillows. "Mars, Fire, Ignite!!" she cried, fire rupting from her fingertips.
After several seconds, the pillows caught fire, crackling into a fine ash, as if they were paper. Sailor Mars ended her attack on the items of comfort and peered through the newly created hole. She crouched, getting ready to jump out of the room. But before she could, a screaming Serena fell into the pit with her. "Fire!!" she yelled, jumping on top of Sailor Mars. "There's fire! The pillows are on fire!!"
"Get off of me, Serena. Now."
"Oh, sorry, Raye," Serena laughed, climbing off of the Sailor Scout. "Did you set the pillows on fire?"
"Yes, and now I've finally found someone else."
"What's going on, anyway?" asked Serena.
"Don't you remember?" Sailor Mars looked at her quizically. There were marks all over Serena's face. Lines, drawn from her eyes. Dried tears. "Have you been crying?"
"No, I'm fine," Serena said, effecting a mature disposition. "So where are we?"
Sailor Mars's outfit shimmered and she was dressed as Raye again. "We were walking through that castle-place, looking for Rini, remember?"
"We..." Serena trailed off, obviously attempting to think. "Wasn't that a few weeks ago? Or we were planning on doing it... Wait, wasn't that just a dream?"
"No," sighed Raye, "we all fell. You and Darien first. Then the rest of us. Mina's looking for Lita right now. And I was too. But I found you instead. So what's up there?"
"Well, there were pillows," Serena snapped. "But somebody thought it would be a great idea to burn all of them!"
"I was stuck in here! How else was I supposed to get out?"
"Well, you don't have to go and burn my pillows. You could've just moved 'em outta the way!"
"They're just pillows!" shouted Raye. "And they're probably not even real! This is all like some weird dream- Of course!"
"That's why everything is like a weird dream! This is somehow where you were when you were sleeping! This must be the astral plane or something like that!"
"Yeah, um, but how do we find Rini?"
"Do what you did before: become Sailor Moon and locate her with your Crescent Moon Wand!"
"'Cause that did so good-"
"-the first time? Don't correct me!"
"Then don't speak incorrectly, meatball-head!"
Serena turned around, arms crossed.
"C'mon," urged Raye. "I want to get out of this place as soon as possible; don't you?"
"Yeah," acquised Serena. "Moon, Crystal, Power!" she cried, light bathing her entire body. Wings grew on her as she changed into Sailor Moon. She concentrated on the feathers, keeping them attached as the light faded and she stood as Sailor Moon. "Rini," she whispered, "I'm coming for you!"
Sailor Moon held out her hand and Raye clasped it. "Moon, Feather, Transportation!!"
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)