"Dreaming of You"
Chapter 3
"So how come nobody else remembers her?" asked Luna.
"I don't know... I guess, somehow, she was erased... There aren't any pictures of her in the house anymore... She had that key, right?"
"So maybe she tried to use it again and changed reality... The way we Sailor Scouts ceased exist after we killed Queen Beryl!"
"And how do you plan to go about saving her?"
"Well all the schools are closed today because of yesterday... So Sammy and Mom are home..."
"Why does that matter?"
"Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you. She wanted me to talk to Luna Ball!"
"Luna Ball?"
"It was a toy she had. It looked kinda like you, but she could turn it into different things, like an umbrella. She used an umbrella into hypnotizing everyone that she was my cousin. She said Luna Ball was somewhere in the house. Hidden."
"And how do you plan to find it without destroying the house?"
"Well I'm gonna call everybody else and get them over here... Then you can restore their memories too!"
"But what about my memories?"
"Can Artemis do that trick, too?"
"When Mina gets here, we'll find out..."
After a short while, the entire team of sorts had assembled in Serena's bedroom. Even Darien, since Serena's father wasn't home to attack him violently. She closed the door to her room and turned on the stereo to drown out their voices.
"So what's going on?" asked Raye.
"Who is Rini?"
"She's my little cousin. Well, was. Well, not really."
"Are you okay, Serena?" Amy asked with concern.
"Yeah. Our memories are hidden. Like when we forgot that we were Sailor Scouts."
Luna piped up. "I connected to Serena's mind and helped her release the memories. Of a girl from the future who has essentially been erased from the world. And we need to save her."
"How?" inquired Lita, chomping down on a stick of pocky.
"I'll rescue your memories too... Artemis, can you do the same?"
"I've never connected to somebody's mind before... But I can create magical objects just as you can, so I suppose I'm able to..."
"I'll connect with you first, Artemis," started Luna. "And train you a little in the skill, so that you can assist me in retrieving everyone's memories."
After a short while, everyone had remembered the small girl who disappeared without a trace. Even Luna. And they all sat in shock at how they could just forget everything, except for Serena who had already completed her stage of shock.
"Now this is what happened:" she began, "I had a dream last night that she was in. And she told me that the Negamoon was still after her. She doesn't know where she is, and neither do we. But somehow, she was able to contact me through the dream."
"Are you sure it wasn't only a dream?" asked Amy.
"I'm positive."
"And, surprisingly enough, I believe her," added Raye.
"Thanks," Serena smiled at Raye, who smiled back. "Rini also told me to find Luna Ball."
Everyone nodded in response.
She continued, "It's somewhere in this house, and we need to find it, before the Negamoon finds her."
"I can try to use my mini-computer," suggested Amy. She proceeded to pull it out and push several buttons while the others waited in anticipation. She sighed. "Nothing."
"Why didn't it work?" asked Serena.
"I'd be willing to bet that Luna Ball is hiding itself so that the Negaverse can't find it, either."
"Raye?" suggested Darien.
"What about me?"
"You practice divination, right?"
"Yeah, with fire..."
"Got any candles, Serena?"
Serena shook her head.
"Candles aren't enough for me, anyway..." Raye responded. "I need a large fire."
"Mercury, Star, Power!!" Amy pulled out her transformation pen, bubbles circling around her until they burst, leaving her as Sailor Mercury sitting on Serena's bedroom floor.
"Um, Ames?"
"What is it, Serena?"
"What are you doing?!?"
"My V.R. Visor might work," Amy answered as the blue shield fell in front of her eyes. As she stood up and began turning around, she continued to speak, "I have to find Luna Ball... I want to be a pediatrician. I love kids, especially Rini. In her, I, I saw a little version of me, too. We just can't let the Negamoon take her! We were supposed to protect her! And we lost her! Just like we lost our school! But unlike the school, I refuse to let them take control of her, and pervert her to their evil uses! I'm the soldier of knowledge, right? I should know how to find Rini! I should be able to save her! It's my duty! I can't fail!!" On that note, she fell to the ground, crying.
"Amy..." Serena said quietly. "It's okay..."
Amy looked up at her with tears. "No it's not! It's my responsibility to know! It's my responsibility to discover! It was our duty to protect both the school and Rini! We failed to save the school because of me! Because I didn't know enough! Because I couldn't see the warning early enough! Because of me, the rest of you almost got killed! We barely made it out of there alive! We will not lose Rini because of my inadequacy! I have to help her!" Her expression suddenly lit up. "I'm... I'm Sailor Mercury, and I can! And I will! I refuse to give up! In the name of Mercury... In the name of Mercury... Mercury, Chill Wave, Trace!" she finished, interlocking her fingers and extending her palms outward.
A small pool of silvery substance appeared, a drop spilling onto the ground. It instantly grew into a large, white shard of ice. The shard seemed to hesitate a moment before it shot forward as a growing harvest of ice crystals. The path was heading straight for the door, and Lita shot forward to open it before the ice could rip through it. She chased it into the hallway.
Sailor Mercury fell backward, landing on the bed. She shimmered slightly as her costume vanished and she was dressed as Amy again.
"It's going downstairs!" yelled Lita as she pounded down the stairs, following the ice. It stopped at the basement door.
"What's going on?" asked Serena's mother from the kitchen.
"A chemistry experiment we screwed up on," smiled Raye as she joined Lita downstairs, followed by Mina, Darien and Serena. "We'll take care of it."
"Where's Amy?" asked Lita.
"She's asleep," answered Serena. "She'll be okay... She's just drained from what she just did..."
"Should we open the door?" asked Darien.
Without waiting for a response, Lita opened it. The crystal track hesitated again before shooting down the basement stairs. Lita flipped on the light and they all watched the crystal slam into the basement wall. As it did, a burst of light enveloped the room, and an elegant archway appeared.
The team scrambled down the stairs and stood at the archway.
"Should we go through it?" pondered Mina.
"Well if Sailor Mercury opened it, I don't think it's bad..." answered Serena.
"I guess that means we will," summarized Raye, stepping through the dark archway into a large, well-lit room. The archway from this side showed the basement to be pitch-black instead. Raye returned her gaze to the decor as the others stepped through. The walls were a smooth, polished surface comprised of wood, silver, gold, platinum, and jewels. The room seemed to form a circle, with a domed ceiling with glass panels, displaying the night sky, even though it was currently daytime. Craning her neck, Raye saw at the edge of the ceiling panels a large, blue-and-white expanse, the earth.
Along the walls, there were several bookshelves, filled with a multitude of what appeared to be ancient literature and texts. The floor was of a polished tiling, a white-and-black checkerboard pattern, with jewels placed in the center of each tile. The stream of ice Sailor Mercury had produced led to the polished maple table in the center of the room. It stopped right below the center. Above the center of the table, floated Luna Ball.
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)