"Dreaming of You"

Chapter 2

Serena cradled the telephone on her shoulder while it rang several times. Finally, somebody picked up. "Hello, Baker residence."
"Hi, is Molly there? It's Serena."
"No... We've called the police and reported her missing. They told me about what happened at your school... I'm really afraid she's trapped in that thing! I was actually going to call you today, Serena. Please tell me she spent the night at your house!"
"No, I'm sorry, Ms. Baker... We were in class yesterday when it happened... I managed to get away... But I didn't know about her or Melvin... I was hoping she got out... I guess not... I... I... should've waited for her and Melvin! It's my fault they're still in that thing!"
"Don't blame," Molly's mother paused and sniffled, "yourself... I mean, it's not as if you could save them... Reports are coming in about monsters attacking the school. So how could you have helped my Molly? I mean, it's not as if you're a Sailor Scout or anything, right?"
"Yeah, I guess you're right..." Serena replied slowly. "Well, I'm going to call Melvin and see if he got out safely..."
"Don't bother. I already called his home last night and again this morning... No sign of either of them..."
"I'm really sorry..."
"Don't be. It's not your fault... I just hope they're safe when the Sailor Scouts fix the school and get it back to normal..."
"So do I... Bye..."
Serena pressed the "TALK" button off and stared at the ceiling. "I wonder where Luna is..." she wondered aloud.
"I'm right here, Serena."
Serena craned her head back a little more to see Luna upside-down in her bedroom window. She rolled over and made Luna appear rightside-up again. "Where've you been, Luna?"
"I was with Artemis... Whom were you just talking to?"
"Molly's mom... She didn't make it home yesterday... Neither did Melvin..."
"It's not your fault, Serena! You tried your hardest! All of you did! You guys were lucky to have made it out alive yourselves, under the circumstances."
"I know you're right, Luna... I just can't help feeling so guilty..."
"Well, Serena, that's because you've got a good-"
"Rini!" Serena screamed suddenly, standing upright with her finger pointed to the sky.
"What?!?" yelled Luna as she fell down from surprise.
"I almost forgot about her!"
"About whom?"
"Who's Rini?!?" Luna asked, growing annoyed at Serena's ambiguity.
"This girl in my dream last night! She has pink hair and wants Sailor Moon to save her!"
"From what?"
"The Negamoon!"
"Where is she?"
"Let's see... She said 'everywhere' and 'nowhere.' Anyway, she told me to tell you and get your help to make me remember her!"
"You mean..."
"Yeah! Like the time you made me remember that I was Sailor Moon!"
"I can try..." Luna closed her eyes and trotted in front of Serena.
"It's not working!!!" yelled Serena, thwapping Luna across the room.
"You have to relax, Serena!"
"Now close your eyes and breathe slowly," Luna became quiet as their breaths sounded in time with one another. "You've got memories locked away... Locked away tightly... They... They..."
Suddenly, Serena's vision was illuminated by a flash of bright light and the memories came flooding back... She was with Darien when Rini fell out of the sky... Then she pretended to be her cousin... She tried to hypnotize her entire family with her umbrella! The Negamoon had been after Rini! They wanted to capture her! Rubius! Katsy! Prisma! Avery! Birtie! Then, the day she healed Prisma and Avery, Rini had seen all of the Sailor Scouts transform... After that, she saved Rini from a monster that controlled machines. Then, nothing. Rini was gone. But she didn't remember her anymore. Nobody did. What happened to her?
"I remember..."

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)