"Trail of Fears"

Chapter 1

"Hi, Raye!" Amy called as she bounded up the stairs at the Cherry Hill Temple, her short, blue hair swaying ever so slightly.
"Oh, hi Amy!" Raye answered as she continued to rake the leaves on the ground.
"Am I late for the meeting?" Amy asked.
"Look around. No one else is here yet. You're not late! Relax, already!"
"I'm on time!! Hah hah!" Serena stuck her tongue out at Raye.
"Ew! Get out of my face! Why's your tongue all yellow, anyway?" Raye complained, gagging.
"I was at the mall, and they had this contest for a free pair of tickets to that new movie at the cinema!! You had to eat the most snow-cones! And you know how I love lemon snow-cones? I ate twenty-nine snow-cones! Too bad I only got second place... That cat that had the rainbow crystal in him ate thirty-and-a-half snow-cones!!!"
"I'm here! Hi, Amy, Raye, and Serena!" Mina called as she ascended the front steps of the temple. "Wait... Serena? Sorry, I must be at the wrong scout meeting!"
"Har-dee-har-har!" Serena laughed sarcastically. "So I'm on time for once! It's not the like world will come to an end!"
"Announce it to the world why don't you, Mina? If you tell everyone who we are, it will be the end of the world," Raye chastised Mina.
"I meant girl-scout meeting! I need to sell a lot of cookies!!" Mina yelled, and Serena doubled over in laughter.
"Yee-ouch!" Serena screamed.
"What happened?" Amy suddenly became alert.
"You sat on my rake, Einstein!" Raye snapped at Serena.
"Well Mina made me laugh!" Serena defended herself.
"It's not like I was trying to be funny!" Mina shot back.
"Hey everyone!" Lita shouted as she arrived, snapping on her blue hair-beads. "I brought brownies!!" she announced, revealing the tin pan from behind her back.
"Ooh!!!" Serena jumped up and stuffed two brownies in her mouth. "Wida, you awe de koowest giwl awive!"
"Thanks I guess..." Lita answered slowly.
"How can you have room for brownies after all those snow-cones?" Raye screamed. "You're going to ruin your teeth... Of course, if they all fell out, I could have you-know-who all for myself!"
"Heth Mine, Waye! Mine! Mine! Mine!" Serena finished the brownie. "In case all my teeth fall out, I'd better go on a diet..."
"That's right, Serena, you've got all that extra flab going on!" Raye laughed.
"Who's going to eat my snacks??" Lita exclaimed.
"I'll just cut down on vegetables then..." Serena said quietly.
"Where's Luna?" Artemis asked as he jumped from the tree onto the ground.
"Mom took her to the vet to get her rabies shot," Serena answered, and Artemis winced.
"It wasn't that bad, Artemis!" Mina said aloud.
"Yes, it was!" he answered. "Anyways, let's get started with the meeting!"
"Okay, we barely survived that last droid they threw at us last week," Raye recalled. "We need some kind of new powers!"
"You could teach us karate, Raye!" Serena suggested. "Hai-ya!" Serena pretended to kick the air, and fell on the pile of leaves Raye had just raked, scattering them everywhere.
"Sorry, Raye..." Serena scrambled to her feet, and scampered off, Raye chasing her with the rake. After about ten minutes, they both sat down, Serena panting, and Raye trying to jab her rake into Serena.
"This is gonna be a boring weekend..." Mina muttered.
"How come?" Raye asked.
"Didn't you hear? Dreamland is shutting down at five o'clock for the winter!!" Mina answered.
"No!!!" Serena sobbed. "Raye, you take hikes in the forest, right? Take us all for one, okay?"
"Sorry, but I've got too much extra credit!" Amy confessed.
"And I'm taking archery lessons, remember?" Lita added.
"I wanna come!!" Mina exclaimed.
"Okay, fine, I'll take you two for a hike tomorrow," Raye agreed reluctantly. "Bring along any friends you want..."
"I know! I'll invite Molly and Aurora, so they can be friends too!" Serena shouted.
"What about Melvin?" Mina asked.
"I'll invite him, 'cause if I don't, Molly will, and they'll both me mad at me for not inviting Melvin, and Molly and Aurora will never make up!" Serena replied.
"Well, it's your fault, Serena," Raye accused. "If you hadn't tried to dump Molly as your best friend for Aurora, they wouldn't hate each other, you know..."
"Well, I'm trying to fix things," Serena offered. She stood up and walked into the temple.
"Where are you going?" asked Raye.
"I'm going to call Molly and Aurora!"

"I just can't find the second Crystal Subroutine!" shouted Rubius.
"Rubius, don't worry about it! My main mission is to find the identity of the scouts... Once I transform them into my slaves, we'll have already won in the future!" Aurora tried to calm him.
"You already got Sailor Mercury and now she's back! What makes you so sure you can keep the next scout you discover as your slave?"
"Have you no faith in me? Knowing Sailor Moon, she'll never heal my next nega-slave!"

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)