"Trail of Fears"

Chapter 4

"What's this?" asked Sammy, touching a small green leaf to the side of the path.
"Don't touch tha-" Raye started, but she was too late. "That's poison ivy!!!"
"Great," Sammy muttered.
"Don't touch anything... Does anybody have any antibacterial liquid?" Raye asked, pulling her canteen from the pack behind her, taking a gulp of water.
"I do," Aurora piped up.
"So give me some!" screamed Sammy.
"Cluck like a chicken," Aurora laughed. "Then I'll let you have some..." She snickered.
"Okay fine, get itchy then..." Aurora turned away, sneering.
"Okay!" Sammy started spinning in a circle while making sounds like a chicken.
"Here you go," Aurora pulled out a bottle of antinbacterial liquid and squirted some into Sammy's cupped hands.
"Well, anyway... Over here, is a blue jay..." Raye continued pointing to a nearby tree. "Now as for the beauty of the nature, what does he say to you?"
"Who?" asked Serena.
"The blue jay," answered Raye, sounding a little annoyed.
"How do you know it's a he?" asked Molly, facing Raye.
Melvin turned around to face Raye, and reversing Molly's direction. "The brightful color-" he started, but got cut off in mid-sentence, when Molly started chasing after him, the two spinning in a circle.
"I'm hungry?" asked Mina.
"Why are these people staring at me?" tried Aurora, stiffling a giggle. Mina looked at the expression on Aurora's face and burst out laughing.
"I'm out of Skittles!" shouted Serena.
"Very good tries, except the Skittle one," Raye responded.
"No, I'm really out of Skittles!" Serena demanding. Starting to cry, she added, "Why won't you believe me??" She dropped the wrapper, and the wind started to pick it up, the wrapper scurrying down the path.
"No littering!!!" Raye screamed. "Get it Serena!!!"
"Okay!!!" Serena shouted, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Just stop yewwing ad me!!!" Serena started chasing the wrapper, but tripped over a branch, scraping her knee.
"I've got it!!" Mina screamed, running off after the wrapper.
"No! Come back here Mina!! You'll get lost!" Raye yelled after her, but to no avail, as she was gone. "I'll go catch her!" Raye said, and ran off.
"I'll help too!" said Aurora, following after Raye.
"Waaa-aaahhhhhhh!!! It hurts!!!!" cried Serena.
"I've got some hydrogen peroxide in my backpack!" Melvin mentioned, trying to reach back into it, but just spinning Molly and himself around more.
"I'll get it!" said Sammy, reeaching into Melvin's backpack, and pulling out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
"No!!!!" shrieked Serena, trying to crawl backwards.
"This won't hurt a bit," Sammy laughed, and Serena screamed in sheer terror.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)