"Trail of Fears"
Chapter 9
"Serena!" Molly screamed, pounding on the bookshelf. "I'm stuck behind a bookshelf in the middle of the dark!" she sighed. "This nature hike was a stupid idea anyway..."
Molly held her hands in front of her to keep from running into anything, and started walking, hoping she might find a way out. Her fingers slowly traced the bookshelf until she hit a corner, then turned to the wall, and slowly tip-toed down the hallway. There was a flash of lightning, which, just for a millisecond, illuminated everything. There must be a window somewhere up-ahead! she realized in delight.
Please don't let her find me! Please don't let her find me! Sailor Moon repeated like a mantra through her head.
"Are you trying to hide from me? I can sense your fear!" bellowed the monster at the top of the stairs "I smell it! I smell your fear... It smells... delicious!!" continued Phobius, now outside the door of the room Sailor Moon was in.
Serena quietly walked backwards until she was against the wall. There was a knock at the door. Then a crash, the door split open, large splinters of wood spewing across the room. Sailor Moon screamed in horror.
"There you are, little girl!" the nega-slave laughed. "Wait... you're not the girl! You're Sailor Moon!"
"That's right, you nega-creep! I stand for love and justice!! And the right to get lost on a nature hike without having to worry about trash like you!" yelled Sailor Moon, pointing a finger at the creature before her. "In the name of the Moon..."
"I shall terrorize you!!" yelled Phobius, pelting a barrage of dark light at Sailor Moon. They hit her with as much force as the possibly could, slamming her into the wall. Then she fell to the floor and passed out.
"Huh?" Mina looked around herself. She was still in the forest. How long have I been asleep? she wondered, and shivered from the cold of the rain pouring down on her. She remembered chasing after a piece of trash, then she vaguely remembered being energy-drained by Sailor Nega. Groggily, she stood up, brushing herself off. I have to contact the others! she realized, pulling her communicator out of her pocket. "Lita!"
"Mina?" came Lita's voice. "What is it?"
"Are you finished with your archery lessons?"
"Yeah... Why?" asked Lita.
"We have an emergency! The negaverse interrupted our nature hike!" Mina exclaimed.
"I'm on my way! Where are you?"
"I wish I knew..."
"You mean you're lost?"
"Yes, I'm lost." Mina answered, slowly.
"I'll contact Amy! She can use her mini-computer to find you!" Lita explained.
Oh no! Molly exclaimed silently, after hearing a scream then a crashing thud. That monster got Serena! I have to get out of here! She slowly tip-toed down the hall until her hands reached a whole in the wall. Molly waited for the next flash of lightning, then noticed a small pull-down door above the hole. A dumbwaiter! I have to climb inside!
"Wake up Serena!" screamed a voice.
Serena sat upright, looking all around herself. "Huh? What's going on?"
"You're late for school, again!" Sammy reminded, at the door of Serena's room.
What am I doing here?? Serena wondered. One minute she had been in a mansion fighting a monster, but now she was at home waking up. Serena quickly started to get dressed for school, but stopped brushing her teeth halfway when she noticed something missing from her clothes. She ran back to her room to put her moon locket on. What in the world? "Sammy! What did you do with my locket??!!" Serena screamed as loud as she could.
"What locket?" Sammy asked, stepping back into her room.
"You know, the one I wear every day!" Serena yelled.
"You never wear a locket!" Sammy replied, then turned to leave the room. "I always knew you'd lose it one day, Serena. But I had thought it would have taken a few more years!" he said and laughed, leaving Serena's room.
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)