"Trail of Fears"

Chapter 10

"I smell your fear! You cannot hide from me!" bellowed Phobius.
But I can run! retorted Molly silently. As soon as she managed to squeeze herself into the dumbwaiter, she reached outside the hole to find the rope and pulled it. This has to work... She pulled the rope until her arm was practically caught between the dumbwaiter's roof and the bottom of the hole. After pulling her hand back inside, she frantically felt around for the rope inside the wall. "Yes!" she whispered, then started pulling on it, hoping she would be able to reach the first floor before that monster reached her.

"I hate you!" screamed the girl, then she ran away crying.
Sammy looked around wondering what in the world was going on. Then he noticed a small doll on the floor. Well, the remains of one. It must have fallen, and cracked into a thousand pieces. "Mia..." he whispered, "I'm sorry..."

"Chad!" yelled Amy, getting the musician's attention.
"Yeah?" he turned around.
"Do you know where Mina and Raye are?" asked Lita, holding back the urge to scream, "He looks just like my old boyfriend!"
"They're on a nature hike, I think... I wonder why they aren't back yet. I'd think Raye of all people would be wary of a storm..."
"Thanks!" replied Amy, dragging Lita by the arm to the edge of the forest. Pulling out her mini-computer, she noted, "I don't see any human life signs anywhere ahead. They must be really far away..."
"Then let's transform already!" insisted Lita, pulling out her transformation pen.
"Good idea. My V.R. Visor will have more power, anyway," replied Amy, pulling out her transformation pen as well.
"Jupiter, Star," Lita started, holding her pen above her head.
"Mercury, Star," Amy chanted.
"Power!!" they both screamed together. Streaks of electricity shot out of Lita's pen at exactly the same time as a barrage of bubbles flew out of Amy's pen. The two girls stood still as their elements surrounded them, then dissipated, leaving them as their alter-egos, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Mercury.
"Now let's see where Mina is..." Amy said, as she pushed a hidden button on the temple of her tiara, creating a V.R. Visor over half her face. "If I look for the energy of Venus... There! She's North-northwest from us!"
"Let's go," agreed Sailor Jupiter, starting to run in the specified direction.

"I'm so sorry I'm late Miss Haruna!" yelled Serena as she crashed through the door to the classroom. "I actually got up on time but my annoying brother got me started on this rediculous argument about a locket he stole from me, and-"
"You never wear a locket," interrupted Molly.
"Yes I do! Every day!" insisted Serena. Upon looking at Molly, Serena noticed a familiar piece of jewelry she was wearing. "You're wearing my locket!" screamed Serena. "That was a gift from an important friend! Now give it back!"
"It's mine! It was given to me by an important friend! I have never seen you wear a locket! I wear this locket every day, Serena! What's wrong with you?" returned Molly.
"Enough!" screamed the teacher. "Both of you, the principal's office! Right now!"
"Thanks a lot," muttered Molly.

"Finally," Molly whispered, as she saw the shilhouette of a door in front of her. Grabbing the handle, she tugged at it, to no avail, it was stuck. "Noooo!!!!" she screamed, pounding on the door.
"Mmmmm, your fear smells so good!" screamed Phobius.
Molly then heard some pounding from the direction of the stairs. It's coming downstairs! Molly exclaimed silently. She grabbedthe rope again and attempted to pull herself back up to the second floor, but her weight wouldn't let her. I guess I'll just have to face it, realized, grabbing a pocketknife from her pocket, ready to attack whatever opened that door.

"Mina!" yelled Sailor Jupiter, seeing a glimpse of her friend up ahead.
"Lita! I'm so glad to see you!" replied Mina, crying and shivering.
"What happened?" asked Sailor Mercury.
"I-i ran off for some reason, then I dont remember! B-but, I remember Sailor Nega found us. She attacked us! Whoever it was that found me! I think it was Raye... I'm not sure... Maybe it was Molly..." Mina stuttered.
"Can you transform?" asked Lita. "It'll keep you from getting a cold, atleast."
"Yeah, I'll try..." Mina answered. "Venus, Star, Power!!" she said, holding out her transformation pen. A single beam of light flew out of the pen and hit a nearby dead tree, which immediately sprung back to life, its leaves blooming.
"You've lost too much energy," realized Amy. "Sailor Nega seems to be able to drain more energy than any other minion of the Negaverse we've ever encountered," she added. "Jupiter, can you take her to the hospital while I track down Serena and the others?"
"Sure," Sailor Jupiter nodded, scooping up Mina.

Back to Chapter 9







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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)