"Trail of Fears"
Chapter 11
Sailor Mercury pressed a button on her communicator, "Raye, can you hear me? Raye?" Sighing, she started to conatct Sailor Moon, pressing another button on the side of her communicator, "Serena? Can you hear me! We need backup! Sailor Nega has attacked again! Serena?" Turning off her communicator, she mumbled, "I give up..."
I guess the only way to find anybody else is to search for heat signals... Sailor Mercury turned on her V.R. Visor once more, scanning in all directions, only to finally see a lot of heat from one direction, as well as Sailor Moon's energy pattern. Yes! she exclaimed silently, taking off in that direction.
"Give me your lunch money!" screamed the bully, punching Melvin in the stomach.
Melvin fell to the floor, coughing. "I don't bring lunch money, I bring my own lunch," he sputtered.
"Shut up!" the bully screamed once more, kicking Melvin in the face. Trembling, his nose started bleeding.
Running after Mia, Sammy pleaded with her. "I'm sorry!" he begged, kneeling on the floor.
"You know what, Sammy?" started Mia. "I'm really sick of your sickening self! I trusted you! Then what do you do? You break a doll I made! My very first doll! I hate you! I hate you! Go, um... die!"
Sammy fell to the floor on that word, as Mia walked on top of him, and left.
"Okay, so what seems to be the problem here?" asked the principal.
"She stole my locket!" screamed Serena.
"I did not! Luna gave it to m-" Molly herself stopped in mid-sentence.
"She did not! Luna gave it to me!!" retorted Serena, then stopped herself.
"Who's Luna?" asked the principal.
"My cat!" answered Serena.
"No, she's my cat!" yelled Molly.
"So you're both claiming that your cat, Luna, gave you that locket?"
"No, um, I didn't mean," Serena tried to cover, while nervously laughing.
"Exactly," responded Molly, knowing that there would be no way out of this. "She's a talking cat, and I'm Sailor Moon."
"You are not!" screamed Serena. "I am! And I can prove it," Serena grabbed the locket from Molly's blouse, and held it up, "Moon, Crystal, Power!!" It made a short fizzing noise, then sputtered some dust.
"You broke it!" screamed Molly, grabbing the locket back. "Moon, Crystal, Power!!" Several moonbeams flew out of the locket, surrounding Molly. After completely surrounding her, they fell off, and melted into the ground. Now standing in the principal's office with the principal and Serena, was Sailor Moon. Molly's normally short red hair, was now longer and in Serena's style. Staring wide-eyed at Sailor Moon, the principal passed out, his head landing on the desk.
"You stole my hairstyle too!" screamed Serena.
"What is your problem?" asked Sailor Moon, clearly reaching an annoyance point ready to explode.
"I'm not... Sailor Moon?" asked Serena, tears leaking from her eyes. "But I thought I was...." she started crying.
"Serena? Can you hear me! We need backup! Sailor Nega has attacked again! Serena?" came Amy's voice from nowhere.
"What was that?" asked Serena, startled.
"My communicator," responded Molly.
"But Amy said my name! I am Sailor Moon! Which means... Of course! This isn't real!"
"Yes it is!" yelled Molly. "I'm Sailor Moon and there's nothing you can do about it!"
"I'm sick of this!" responded Serena, pantomiming taking out her Crescent Wand, then yelling, "Moon, Healing, Activation!!" She spun around, then looked about her. The principal's office was gone. So were the principal and Molly. She was back in a room in the mansion. "I was right! It was a dream!" she turned on her communicator, "Sailor Mercury! This is Sailor Moon!"
"What's going on?" came Amy's panting voice.
"A nega-monster attacked us. Molly, Sammy, Melvin, and I took cover in this old mansion because it was raining. Then this ugly monster attacked us out of nowhere. I think it called itself Phobius. It got Sammy and Melvin, so Molly and I ran upstairs. We split up, then it attacked me, and I had this weird dream!"
"I'm on my way! By the way, we found Mina. Sailor Nega really drained her. Sailor Jupiter is taking her to the hospital right now."
"Okay, I'll try to hold off the monster until you can get here so we can find out if it's one of Nega's creations, or an actual monster," Sailor Moon turned off her communicator.
Phobius stopped in mid-step, sniffing the air. Where did that girl go? she wondered, losing the scent of her fear. "Ah, just a little from that direction..." she turned and headed for the dumbwaiter. "Smells like you're afraid of something," Phobius snickered. Reaching the dumbwaiter door, she ripped it open, sending the girl inside into a screaming frenzy, dropping her pocketknife. "Like I said, you can't hide!"
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)