"Sailor Slave"
Chapter 1
"Today, we have a new student. She has just come as an exchange student from Okinawa," Miss Haruna said to her class.
Amazingly enough, Serena had made it on time, and was sitting at her desk.
"Her name is Aurora Buckly. I hope you all will welcome this valuable addition to our student body!"
I recognize her from somewhere... Serena thought to herself.
"Rini, please go to school," Serena's mother begged.
"No!" Rini screamed from behind her bedroom's locked door. "Two horrible monsters attacked me yesterday. I'm not going back to school!"
"Check," Luna said. Luna and Artemis were playing chess in Amy's room.
"There, Check. What will we do about Serena and Mina's communicators?"
"Checkmate, I win. I have no idea. I don't think I could make new ones."
"I'm better at checkers, anyway. Can't you try?"
"Excuses, excuses! If it doesn't work, I still might lose a tremendous amount of energy."
"You didn't the first time."
"I had the new power tools in the dimensional pocket! Anyway, there's nothing left in it."
"Maybe Darien could fix it?" Artemis offered.
"I don't think so. It's more sophisticated technology than anything the human race has created so far. It has wiring at the molecular level!"
"Hay is for horses, not cats."
"What do you mean?"
"Greg could maybe use his abilities to contact the scouts in an emergency."
"He predicts the future; he doesn't have telepathy!" Luna shook her head.
"How about backgammon?"
"I'll beat you."
"Sure. Uh-huh. Whatever."
"Luna Ball, Kitty Magic!! Convince her to let me stay home!!" Rini screamed, opening the bedroom door. Luna Ball bopped Serena's mother on her head, who stood in a daze for several seconds before returning to cognizance.
"Rini, it's okay. I'll let you stay home with me and be my special cleaning helper!"
"I'm the special cleaning helper!" Rini yelled enthusiastically, following her "aunt" down the hallway.
I'll find out who she is! Serena told herself. "Hi! My name is Serena and I would like to welcome you to our school!" she greeted pleasantly.
"Have we met before? I think I recognize you," Aurora said softly.
"No, I don't think I've seen you before," Serena said, neglecting to mentionher suspicions.
"Do you know any good places in this town?"
"Yeah, I sure do! You want to come to the video arcade this afternoon with me?"
"Do they have the Sailor Moon video game?"
"And Sailor V!"
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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)