"Sailor Slave"

Chapter 4

"It's been over two hours!" Rini cried to Serena's mother, who was still cleaning the windows.
"If you want your jelly sandwhich, just wait one or two more minutes. Okay, sweetie?" she replied.
"Fine..." Rini mumbled, growing impatient.

"I am so mad! Melvin, will you help me with my homework? Please?" Molly pleaded to Melvin.
"I thought Serena was going to."
"She was. We've been best friends since kindergarten, and she just dumps her best friend for that new girl!"
"Of course not... Neglected. Anyway, she's making Serena even more confused than usual!"
"Are you sure it's not the other way around? You know, ants aren't that intelligent... they burnt themselves sitting on my magnifying glass."
"Do you think I care?"
"So I'm going to help you with your homework?"
Molly sighed. "Yes, Melvin."

"Bye, Aurora!" Serena called as she ran to class, the bell having just rung.
"Bye, Serena, meet you at your house after school today?"

"Hiya, Amy!" Lita waved to Amy who was down the hall from her.
"Oh! Hi, Lita!" Amy stopped her trek to class, and turned around.
Suddenly, thunder boomed in the distance. "It looks like a big storm today," Lita commented, as she leaned on the windows, overlooking the outside.
"Try right now!" Amy half-joked.
Lita laughed quietly, knowing Serena wouldn't like this day.

"Wiseman, I need Rini to be attacked by a droid while I initiate my plan!" Rubius requested to the hologram of the Wiseman before him.
"Fine, I'll send you one from my collection of droids, but which one? I know; I'll send Droid Mechinack! She has the power to control all machines and technology! It doesn't look so good that you need my help to succeed, but if you fail even with my help, your abilities look even worse! The more help you receive and the les you succeed, the sooner I am inclined to replace you, Rubius."
The transmission light once again flickered out. A large portal, looking like a miniature black hole, appeared, and Droid Mechinack stepped through it. "Find the rabbit kid and capture her!" Rubius commanded the droid.
"Consider it done," the droid dissapeared, soon to be returning.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)