"Sailor Slave"

Chapter 3

"Oooh, I love cats! Could I see Luna sometime?" Aurora said to Serena. They were both sitting on the slightly browned carpet of grass around the school.
"Sure, Aurora!" Serena answered. She took another slurp on the straw in her soda can.
"Serena!!" a voice called from behind her.
Serena turned around. "What is it, Molly?"
"You said you'd help me with my homework during lunch!" Molly answered exasperatedly.
"Why don't you ask Melvin? I'm sure he would! I mean, he actually likes homework!"
"That's the same thing he told me. But that's not the point!"
"He told you to ask him?" Aurora asked uncertainly.
"No, he told me that he would help me," Molly answered to Serena.
"Than you don't need to ask him," Serena pointed out.
"That's not the point!" Molly screamed. A couple of kids ran behind a bush, scared of her rage.
"Of course it's not the point," Aurora stated, "because you already knew that! I figured it out! I think I did."
"Then why is she asking me to tell her to help Melvin with his homework?" Serena asked.
"I thought Melvin was the class brain..." Aurora said aloud.
"Amy is. Melvin's the class dork. Well, since Greg got transferred away, Melvin's the second-class brain!" Serena explained.
"Then why does he need help with his homework?" Aurora asked.
"He doesn't!!" Molly shouted.
"Then why do you want me to ask you to help him with his homework?" Serena inquired.
"I don't!!"
"Then why are you bugging me about Melvin's homework?" Serena demanded.
"I'm not!!" Molly screamed.
"Then what are you bugging me about?" Serena asked, trying not to giggle at the confusion.
"My homework!!" Molly answered even louder.
"What about it?"
"I want you to help me with it!!"
"Ask Melvin, I'm sure he'd do a better job than me."
"I give up!!" Molly screamed and stomped off.
"What's with her?" Aurora asked.
Serena shrugged, and took another sip of her soda.

"I have a feeling we'll meet up with Sailor Nega again soon," Luna told Artemis as they strolled down the sidewalk.
"Nobody can predict the future, Luna. Wait, some people can. But, I mean, you can't."
"Oh, sure! Like a brand new enemy with possibly the power to take over the world is just going to disappear? She'll come back."
"We'd better find shelter. It's going to rain," Luna looked up at the sky and sniffed the air.
"Are you kidding? There's not a cloud in the sky!"
"Fine. I'll go stay dry! Bye!" Luna ran off.

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(All original Sailor Moon characters that I have not created are owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei Animation, and DiC.)